Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

As the description says!

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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by SellSword »

After you take off the armor and wash up in the pond (wonder if that is related to all the dead fish) it really is a hassle to go investigate those things! :lol:

But we return you to the story! 😈
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by Gullander »

Chapter Eight- From the Dark of Night into the Darkness of Evil Lairs

Our twin heroes following the example of their first dungeon rescue mission encountered equally gruesome sights wherever they went and were able to bring several groups to the maze refuge. But the blood moon night was getting shortened and their time was running out. They were pretty sure if they did not rescue someone before this night ended evil would slaughter all who still remained. From these survivors they learned of the fates of many notable places. The swarming of vampires upon Banktown like mosquitos rising from a swamp to prey on anything warm and full of blood. The bold assault of Martek by club stans possessed with berserker rage beating down the castle doors and taking prisoners into the coliseum only to use them as prey in blood sports, the winner drinking the blood and swarms of zombies released to consume the flesh of the fallen! It was learned a very large migration of villagers and travelers crowded Silverwood. They did their best to fill in the entrance to the dungeon below but halfway through the evil night the glowing skeletons and glowing spiders emerged and chaos ensued. The gates that had held outside forces now closed them in doomed to die. But some opening the gates risked venturing outside the walls. Many were met by swarms of yellow archers whose fire bows took on a new dimension of power, the arrows as blood seeking projectiles making a huge hole in their victim gushing forth blood. They battled rainbow spiders enhanced fangs and speed, and the dreaded freyas from the north chopping and chopping and licking and licking till once attractive faces became covered in a rouge of blood and guts! It was Silverwood that Dagan and Lysa decided would be their last mission. As the spiders and skeletons came from beneath a tremendous wave of survivors came pouring out the gate. Many were stuck down before they got very far but the sheer numbers allowed a large group to escape to the south. It was surmised they were heading towards the cave there. This cave in more modern times was dug out and mined eventually being known as Hobbs Mine. Then it was just a cave, a rather substantial one usually only inhabited by occasional orc patrols but usually empty due to the giant worms that lived there. Most of the very dangerous worms lived deep in the cave so it was deemed worth the risk to hide there and defend the entrance.

The Last Mission- Rescue from the Worm Cave

When Lysa and Dagan arrived at the cave entrance they immediately became worried, no guards! No one to be seen! Perhaps they never made it, poor souls! Still, they must explore and not assume.
L- I am weary Dagan, my body and mind and soul are darkening in this night!
D- I know what you mean sis, I have never wanted a day to come as I do this day!
L- Oh I feel so cold, so weak…
D- And there is a foulness in the air coming out of the cave..
L- (leaning her head upon Dagan’s shoulder her tears begin to flow, so much for a young heart to endure)
D- Rest Lysa, we will rest a bit…(he begins to think about all his friends at Ashdown, they were brave and knew how to fight orcs but could they, did they survive this evil night!)
D- Hey! What was that for?
L- I didn’t do anything…
D- Something hit me, I swear it..
L- Your mind is tired and playing tricks
D- There it is again! (this time he realizes it is his sheathed magic sword hopping upon his belt) It’s the sword…(unsheathing it)
A wondrous glow emanates from it and the sorrow and despair and weakness they were feeling was dispelled and they could sense strength coming into them.
L- What are we doing? Time is running out! If anyone is in there we are their only hope!
D- Yes sis, get up we will rest when the dawn returns.
L- What was that the high mage said…”Yes, the dawn will come, but we are sending the dawn ahead early against this night in the person of these two”. We have ever had the dawn every moment!
D- Come Lysa, let us bring the dawn to the darkest corner of this cave!

The two enter the cave and notice by the debris much more than an orc patrol has been here. The cave was divided into four sections, this small entranceway and three larger expanses accessible by slender passages. Walking nearby to each passage they listened carefully to hear what they might. To the right they heard the slightest sound of constant dripping and an occasional louder thump. The middle seemed silent enough but the left most certainly was filled with the muffled sounds of someone or something. The sounds of the right were not uncommon for a cave but the smell Dagan noticed came from here and also what of the thumps?
D- Lets check this out first Lysa
L- Phew! If we must….
As the two traversed the passage the dripping got louder and louder and mixed with it now a low moaning. The smell got worse and the thumps louder with some kind of snapping sound also. They suddenly felt the sensation of walking through water on the cave floor and looking down could see it moistened and getting slippery. They were not prepared as they entered the large cave chamber for what they would see. Row after row of villagers and travelers impaled upon long hooks hanging and dripping blood to the floor while awaiting blood worms licked and drank the blood! They would occasionally leap up in frenzied blood lust hoping to knock off of their hook a dripping mess and when they succeeded they pounced upon it tearing it to bits in their powerful jaws. Sickened and frightened and choosing the wise path they carefully retreated. Those poor souls were past helping.
L- Those poor souls….oh what a death!
D- Yes Lysa, but maybe others still live, to the left. Here take the sword Lysa we may have many to fight.

Taking the left passage they found a rather large grouping of orcs involved in some game of chance. It seems the killing of others en masse was not enough they were gambling for the opportunity to kill the next survivor in whatever way they wished. This was a perfect moment to advance and catch them off guard. They noticed at the far end a group of villagers in a pen of sorts with 5 or 6 blood worms on chained collars waiting as watch dogs. About them you could see the carnage where their owners had periodically thrown them the result of their gambling winning for a snack.
All we can attest here is that Lysa either from her own indignation or the prompting of the magic sword stepped forth and announced herself!
Lysa- Be it known your carnage ends, now! Now your gamble is a loss and you must pay up!
With this announcement and the orcs attention gotten, Lysa raised the sword and first bolts of light streamed forth and turned the blood thirsty worms to piles of red pudding upon the ground. Then raising it higher yet she swung it downward striking the floor of the cavern releasing a mighty shock wave that stunned all the orcs leaving them flattened where they had stood.
D- Wow! That was something….
L- (shaking her head a bit) Oh….they are fallen…Let us set our friends free…
D- (with sword in hand again) Come! Follow us friends! I assure you we will take you to a place of safety.

Once outside Dagan creates the magic bubble and they begin their long trip to the maze and safety.

This is 9 of 11 parts. Tomorrow The Dawn Finally Comes.
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by Gullander »

Chapter Nine- The Dawn Finally Comes

In the last hour of this evil night those who had fled to the maze for refuge made vigil for all their friends and family who no longer were among the living. The land had been decimated of inhabitants. If it had not been for our twins and the magic sword there would not have been enough left alive to rebuild a life amidst the villages and towns of FT.

DA (devil administrator) It is done…you now may safely leave…
The survivors were grateful for this place of refuge but hearing the night was over they made haste to be rid of these devils! And Dagan and Lysa were the first to lead the way.

Upon exiting it could be heard in the distance the crowing of a rooster, not an evil crow gorged with blood but the familiar sound of a new dawn. The night of blood lust was over but the mystery and enchantment of it continued. A mass migration could be seen all over FT of beasts, and men, dwarf and freya, orc and ogres, and even some of the undead. It was peaceful, gradual, the antithesis of the haste and waste of the previous night. Before any returned to their normal haunts they all seemed headed towards one place, the river of FT at 0.0. The sheep clotted with blood and flesh walked into it. The fleece once tarnished was fresh again, the hooves of razor turned to normal hooves, the pointed teeth of death reverted back to that to grind plants again. Pigs, and chickens, and bunnies, and all other beasts who drank blood or tasted flesh went to the river and were restored. The men and humankind in the land did the same and clear minds returned, and passions, even if before this were evil, found their bounds again. The dwarves and freyas washed themselves and their axes, the freya once again had radiant yellow hair. Even the skeletons covered with the blood they could not drink went in coming out whitened as they should be. It was as if these led along by the evil of the night and the blood lust inspired by the blood moon knew what they had done and made the only apology they could by removing the traces left behind. Now the river spoiled by so much blood and carnage deposited in it ran red, a visual representation to all of the river of blood that had flowed that night.
D- The land is at peace again
L- Yes, we can breathe again….but what of this river?
D- I don’t know Lysa, and what of the magic sword? I suppose the mage council will want it back. (at this Dagan removes it from its sheath to gaze at it perhaps for the last time) Lysa, Lysa,….its vibrating!
L- Oh no, not again!!
D- It seems to vibrate stronger when I point it towards the river…
L- Could it be?
D- Let’s see!
Dagan walks over to the river barely able to hold the sword for its intense vibration
D-Lysa come here, I can barely hold this!
As Lysa and Dagan hold onto the sword they find themselves at the river’s edge and plunging it in the vibration intensifies and as it does the bloody water begins to lighten, and lighten some more, and when the vibration ended the spoiled water was made clean and fresh.
D- Amazing!
L- I have never felt something before so powerful!

This is part 10 of 11. Tomorrow our final part "The Endings".
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by cotne7 »

this story is going to be in game?or you are just telling it to us
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by SellSword »

It is a story and not part of the actual game.
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by Gullander »

Chapter Ten- The Endings

The Evil Kings
(at King Fear’s lair)

KF- It is over…I am not sure what to say…
KS- Yes Fear….I did not expect…I did not know
KC- I did! And that is why my evil companions I have won our contest!
KF- Agreed…
KS- I concede…
KC- What, no arguments? No tales of conquest?
KF- No, it is beyond argument..
KS- And beyond any tally…
KC- Oh, this is no fun! What is my victory without your boasts which I can cast down? How disappointing…
KS- This night was not!
KF- Nor the evil unleashed!

It is hard to tell what was transpiring among these two evil kings whether they had been truly humbled by the magnitude of the evil just witnessed compared to their own, or if feeling the fear still resonating through them they dared not offend in any way.

KS- This was bigger than I thought possible
KF- It was as if my cruelty was kindness compared to this

They both vowed never to boast again but not too far in the future these three would be back to their old ways both boasting and degrading each other.

KC- We will discuss later what will be my reward for winning our little contest, now you know what real evil is!
As he said these words King Corpse hated to admit it but even he wondered if he really knew evil either. He acted brave but inwardly this whole night had shaken him as well, and the reports of even his undead going to the river at 0.0 troubled him and he was worried that he did not understand what real good was either!

The Devils

The Archfiend Council was not happy about this night. To take a back seat to evil was against all they stood for. Like seeing a spread of all your favorite foods and be forbidden to even taste any! Though some junior fiends did do a bit of mischief getting carried away by what they had seen. No these meddling so called Kings would pay for their insolence be assured of that.

No one really knows what all this giving of treats was about. But Lysa was right, don’t trust them. And as King Corpse said they do what benefits them. I would be wary of next Halloween it is bound to be filled with tricks! Perhaps their tale will come to light and be told then, we shall see.

The Return of the Sword

Dagan and Lysa appeared again before the mage high council. Though the air was filled with celebratory accolades for our brave heroes the stench and pain and dangers and suffering were so very fresh that rejoicing seemed out of place or even an insult to those who had perished. Nevertheless what the twins had accomplished with the aid of the sword was invaluable and many owed their life to them.
HC- Come here you two! You have done all and more than we could have hoped for! The whole realm thanks you and we honor you!
D- It is a blur your honor, as much as the evil darkness and blood moon carried along our attackers so we were carried along by the unfolding events, we simply reacted and did what we could.
L- The sword in a way your honor was like a third, a companion with us guiding, fighting, defending, and protecting, we simply followed as best we could.
HC- You two amaze me! You have literally saved this world and yet you remain as before. Now we must ask for the swords return, it may be its magic may be needed again.
D- May I view it one last time your honor?
HC- Yes, unsheathe it that all may see it! (As Dagan unsheathed it the sword to his surprise and everyone else present began to vibrate! This meant only one thing…evil beings were present!)
L- Look at it! There are enemies in this room!
At this pronouncement the two mage council spies attempted to leave and without permission or forethought Dagan thrust the sword to the ground releasing for a final time a force wave that affecting only those evil present cast these two spies to the ground!
HC- Well done! We had our suspicions that some in our number were turned; now we know who!
The excitement over and the sword sheathed again Dagan and Lysa hand over the sword and depart for Ashdown wondering and hoping for what they might find.

The Twins Return Home

It is hard to put into words what these two were feeling. Ashdown was quiet, so very quiet. A small group had survived, among them the undertaker whose job at this time was beyond belief. But he was determined with the help of his friends still alive that these friends and neighbors would be buried first before anyone thought of their own welfare and rebuilding their own lives. To this noble cause Dagan and Lysa joined but it pained them. It pained them because their missions of rescue had never included their own village. Everyone that still lived had suffered and sacrificed much, no one any more than these our twin heroes.


This was part 11 of 11 parts.
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by Leone »

And we end as we began....at Ashdown.

Fantastically written - thank you mate.
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by Galbatroix »

This was an amazing story to read, thanks :D
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by LostKnight »

And another epic tale not forgotten in Forgotten Tales by the one and only Gullander.

Thank you Gull, your tales are very much appreciated.!
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Re: Halloween- King Fear and the Night of Blood Lust!

Post by LostKnight »

Leone wrote: Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:44 pm And we end as we began....at Ashdown.

Fantastically written - thank you mate.
WOW!!!! L3on3, the Bendable! You survived the night at Ashdown!
I am please to know this, although I fear the grave digger will need help in the following days.
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