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FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:50 am
by Khmer
Providing players the ability to destroy buildings and thus clans in a MUCH shorter time frame, without the requirements of 5+ players dedicated for 40 consecutive hours of attack(which doesn't happen and really is not practical), will hold players accountable for their actions, removes the "Big Yap", strengthen alliances, make a war meaningful and exciting while reducing significantly clan players taking alternative routes to that goal!

Let's allow FT to thrive, clans to decide their path and if they wish "this or that", let The Clan be responsible for the decision they make!

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:00 am
by Ryaca
I do agree that buildings take way too long to seige

It is not realistic in my opinion

Would certainly make things interesting if that were changed

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:36 am
by death911
I don't like anything about seiging at all.
A player will be comfortably mining somewhere else and his seiges would be seiging the enemy building. Makes it too easy. A lvl 300 seiging a lvl 2000+ building comfortably. That's ridiculous. A lvl 300 players seige should be destroyed by 1 hit from a lvl 2000+ castle. But no. It will become slowly yellow. Then slowly red. That will take much time for becoming red.Then he would move his seige comfortably and wait for 1 min to make the seige hp green and again start seiging. And the cycle continues.
For seiging a castle the player should have to stand within the range of the castle with the siege also should be within range.
Secondly i would like the ranges of Stone missiles to be at least 10 and the Range of Fire missiles to be at least 12. They should be definitely more than the range 8 arrows.
They are castles lol. They shouldn't be too easy to destroy. If a player wants to destroy a castle he should get a proper fight from the castle. Comfortably mining and seiging is utterly ridiculous.

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:03 pm
by blitzcraig
So what I'm understanding here is that buildings should be much harder to destroy, and also they should be much easier to destroy..... I hope the developer gets working on that as soon as possible :p

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:20 pm
by blitzcraig
but ok, on a serious note...

of course the siege weapons have greater range than the castles... castles are meant to defend from the attacking players themselves - defending players defend the attackers with siege weapons

as for the time involved... the only way it works is if it takes a "fair" amount of time to destroy, relative to the time it takes to build. We ran into those issues a few years ago -

if it takes 20,000 gamer hours to build, but is destroyed quickly, why would anybody build?

if it is built quickly (or repaired immediately) but takes a long time to destroy, then buildings are invincible, and nobody will siege...

we've done both those before

Also, even if the times are balanced, but seiging time is too short, then your clan wakes up every morning with no buildings because a clan with players on the other side of the world razed your garbage little houses of sticks

Having said all that, if you think adjustments need to be made, then give SPECIFIC recommendations, and explain why you believe your changes should be made - The developer is not obtuse, believing that everything is perfect, and he's always listened to helpful input from players like us ;)

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 1:59 pm
by Ryaca
My clan doesn't seige very often but i remember one time a clan seiged us and so we retaliated

We seiged one of their buildings for 5 hours straight and there were at least 6 or 7(players logging in and out to go handle real life issues) of us and we didn't even put a dent in that one building

That green bar didn't budge at all lol

We were like wtf

I understand about balance but what we experienced was laughable

blitzcraig wrote
"if it takes 20,000 gamer hours to build, but is destroyed quickly, why would anybody build?"(i love the extreme exaggeration here) :D

If a clan seiged us while we were sleeping our base would still be there when we woke up no worries there :D

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:33 pm
by blitzcraig
lol, yeah... but using real numbers is fine too...

15 players each building for 3 hours per day for 120 days = 5,400 player hours... now if a 5 man group can come destroy that in day, that's insane, and nobody would ever build... imo anything over a 3:2 ratio is crazy here - making repairs require time +resources was great, because it allows for long sieges... hopefully some type of upkeep will be incorporated eventually to help remove inactive clans (and also indirectly help seiging a bit by requiring a bit more to upkeep +repair)

anyway, like I said - I know compbatant would listen to any input, if it has some specific ideas on how to make it better ;)

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:33 pm
by Ryaca
My duke is a numbers guy

I am not

I built one section of wall to level 2k

He did the math and ended up figuring out using 3 seigers just to keep the math easy

It would take those 3 seigers 72 hours straight just to destroy that one little section of wall

That's not including that the defenders would be there repairing and defending significantly increasing that time

That just seems crazy to me

But u know me

I'm batsht crazy :twisted:

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:50 pm
by blitzcraig
either your duke's math is wrong, or the game is set incorrectly, or you spent over a week straight on that wall ;)

EDIT - because I agree... that's crazy lol

Re: FT Stagnation....

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:40 pm
by Ryaca
Lol yea

We figured with 3 or 4 ppl level 9 seige

The way he explained it he broke down everything in layman's terms for me and it made Sense to me

If there is a mistake in calculating its on my end cause my duke is a numbers guy like u ;)

I wanted to say that i have read thru All the old seige update and balance posts so i know all this has been said before and i don't want to beat a dead horse :)

I know compbatant is not obtuse

He said give me the magic solution that pleases everyone e and i will do it :lol:

Best phrase I've ever read on forums

The ghost is bowing out of this one