Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

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Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by Gullander »

You may wish to read first the history of Gullander’s exile to FT. If not skip down to the new story Gullander’s Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

"I thought this day might come. My self-first life had put me in disfavor with all of Gladsheim. My yellow flowing hair and attractive curves made me full of pride using my seductive ways to turn others hearts and bodies wherever I willed. But the council of the Gods had enough, Thor and Loki especially loathed my vain and self-absorbed ways. I had seen before others from this shiny place cast down to the mortal realms to atone for or suffer for or hope for favor to return. No wink of the eye or toss of the hair would rescue me now! What realm I was to go to I did not know. The Gods have their ways and I was not privy to them nor could I withstand their will. I was Gullander the freya, now stripped of all to begin again. I was to learn humility, and service, and true friendship, and hard work, and the vanity of beauty untethered from wisdom and truth. I am Gullander, the one from the “gold land” wondering if I would ever again see the shiny brilliance of Gladsheim the joyful home of the Gods.

In a flash the distance between this realm and my new home was bridged and I awoke in a forest cold, confused, and quite lost. I could hear voices in the distance and readied myself as best I could with a simple small axe in my hand my only offense and defense. No attack was forthcoming so I looked about more thoroughly. Others began to appear in a condition similar to my own with a variety of names many of which were uncertain to me. They too had been sent here for a trial and would be my companions of a sort in my banishment, my exile. Some stood like me unable or unwilling to move. Others moved about as if this was a joyful place. Perhaps for some this was an anticipated haven which they longed to discover and explore. Oh Gladsheim how I took you for granted! Oh Gullander your gold is tarnished and its value to naught! My eulogy ended quickly my self-pity distracted as a wolf began to ravage me with its voracious hunger. I swung as if my hand was born for such action and soon its body was cleaved to silence by my axe. So this is how it shall be! Time to rebuild, to atone, to become shiny in this land that I may yet attain fair Gladsheim again"

"Part Two- The events that led to my exile

It is all my fathers fault really. From as long as I can remember he told me how beautiful I was, how radiant my hair and complexion, how envious all other fathers even Odin himself was over such a beauty. Then when I began to grow and bud the attentions of those impervious to my beautiful charms my father said I possessed began to affirm it. “What a lovely thing” they would say or “My what a stunning wife someday she will make” and such high praises. When in full bloom the assertions proved true, so true to my thinking that indeed I thought Odin himself not worthy of my radiance! All the attentions became my daily food and the more I got the more I craved. Soon it became a game where with the smallest of gestures I could bend men to my will. Of course this made all the females scorn me and speak such things I could not repeat. But I had caught the eye of Thor too and this tempered my reprisals as they did not wish to anger him. So I got away with what I desired and had my own parade of admirers and followers. At first Thor was lifted up with pride that he possessed what the others just hoped for.

Now I know it was wicked and dangerous of me to walk so close to disaster but if Odin wasn’t enough neither could Thor be! My sentence which I have already confessed to began when I dared to also show attentions to Loki! It was part of my game to set them against each other for my affections. I could have had or been anything. I was Gullander the “one from the gold land” and everything was golden for me. Until Odin observing the bickering over me suggested to Thor and Loki the contagion I truly was. All unraveled so quickly everyone had turned against me and those who had witnessed my prideful nature were free now to speak. My attitude was so ingrained in me that I thought at my sentencing that I could yet charm and win even Odin himself! I had never seen Odin with such an angry and faraway look as if these proceedings reminded him of someone else, someone he obviously despised with a bitter hatred. I had an experience then call it a portent or a glimpse of an ancient and past event. I could see beyond where I stood seeing a female figure surrounded with robed attendants chanting a cruel and ancient curse that shook me to my core. I fell to my knees returning in view to my place before Odin. I then knew much more than my indiscretions were on trial here. I had not been wise nor faced the truth as it was. I wondered what my actions had unearthed and what the angry frown of Odin meant for my exile. My prison though would be of my own making and my sentence was just. Oh Gladsheim I had it all and did not see or know!

Next-Why the land of the Forgotten Tales was chosen for my exile and the secret connection of Gladsheim with a certain mage of the FT realm."

"The End of the Beginning

Now, it must be divulged from this point that very early on in my arrival in the realm of FT I was directed by a certain forester to make haste to see a mage named Ascanius who would tell me many things. This forester seemed to know about me details that only the Gods could have told him. So I went trusting Ascanius would make sense out of this new realm for me and why this particular place was chosen for my exile.

Let me relate what I learned from the lips of Ascanius. In the beginning the Gods were divided into two groups which we might say are good and evil or light and darkness. Although they have realms of their own they often seek to infiltrate and affect realms which lie in a more neutral state containing both elements in order to sway that realm in their favor. In these realms there is a constant war raging part of a cosmic battle between the Gods of Light and the Gods of Darkness. FT is such a realm. Each side has their agents at work here and now the darkness has resurfaced with such malignity that the realm is in great peril. I asked what that means to me? Why should it trouble me? I have left the disfavor of one God only to be placed in a world where evil seeks to consume me as well! Undeterred by my complaint he continued.

In this land the evil Goddess Li-Nir Muen had infiltrated the very fiber of this realm filling it with her unholy monks, her acolytes of darkness, her enchanted agents of death. Enchanted yes that is what Ascanius re-iterated! It seemed she had a nearly irresistible power when it came to men. They worshiped her and adored her with a deadly unwavering devotion. Her very glance could be a command. Ascanius paused noticing I was visibly shaken by this description. I could now understand whom Odin had in mind and the terrible memory I unleashed by my own manipulative path. He continued telling of the monsters also plaguing the land who sought the destruction of all. I began to get a glimmer of what lay ahead for me my penance was to seek in this realm to undo what I had done in my own! The Gods are tricky…in essence even my failure became a mission used by the Gods. They have foresight and see how lives may fit into their plans. Ascanius agreed with me saying that all those called to FT were also on a mission that they too had a part to play in the unfolding battle. Some came from realms of light others darkness and what they did or didn’t do would have a direct effect on the realm. It seems the Gods do not trouble themselves with these neutral realms personally but like generals watch and order things about from their lofty thrones. But in doing so they become subject to the whims of the agents they bring who often choose poorly or in the end change sides.

I asked though I suspected why Ascanius knew so much. He was one of those specific servants of Odin he had placed here to see this battle through to the end. Then I learned of a high priest arisen in FT that was if anyone ever was an incarnation of the Goddess herself. Such was his hatred and determination to bring FT to total chaos. Sadly I learned that he had once been a pupil of Ascanius but had delved into that which was forbidden and became possessed by the will of the Goddess. The final chapter is yet ahead and the battle rising in intensity. I wondered how it could possibly end well. Ascanius had a sort of glint in his eye and a small beginning of what appeared to be a smile. I asked him if he still held hope? He related this history. It seems another high priest arose before in older days as evil as this present day incarnation and was defeated. How I asked? (Although I knew my exile was just I longed to know how I might return to my former estate.)He revealed that it was by a gift given by one of the Gods of Light! It had dispatched the evil high priest and would defeat this one as well! Impatiently I asked and what is it? His brow raised and his eyes searched my face both informing and commanding as he replied “it is the Silver Sword forged by Odin himself! When it appears then this realm will again be cleansed and light will shine here like the ages before the Goddess poisoned the land with her evil.” How I asked will I get this sword? Is it my destiny then to defeat this evil high priest? Will this rend open the distance between realms and restore me to Gladsheim*? He stood silent and unmoved by my questions. That is the way with these Gods they give you enough to both instruct and scare you but then leave you to stumble along on fulfilling your part in their affairs. That is how my story began and is only one story among the many from those who come to this realm whose destiny too lies ahead waiting to be written.

*a few explanatory notes

Gladsheim- Gladsheim meaning “bright home” or as some take it to mean “place of joy” was the golden palace of Odin. Here council was held and it contained the great hall of Valhalla. To be a constant participant in its splendor was indeed a joyous position to have.

Freya- One must understand there is a difference between Freya and being a freya. Freya was the Goddess of Love and Beauty who was both an awesome warrior and also endued with wisdom and magical abilities. A freya either by birth or choice was also known for her beauty and underwent rigorous training as a warrior. It is said often the beauty of a freya would distract an enemy until of course her first swing of an axe! Gullander was such a freya."

"As long as this forum remains even if Gullander gets whisked back to Asgard others will know she who was a freya and the cautionary tale her life told."

Gullander’s Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Intro: We knew it would come eventually. The way back to the land from which Gullander had fallen would one day be reopened. The glistening halls of Gladsheim would once again be hers to stroll. Odin had conditions upon which she might return and although she had not been perfect she had done enough for Odin’s heart to be softened towards her. She had learned her lessons. Her pride and arrogance over her beauty had been replaced with humility and looking outward unto others instead of focusing upon herself. Some laughed at her in FT why she never ventured to wear an adornment more than what all Freya’s wore, but like a monk wearing a simple hooded garment she would have no part with embellishing her outward adornment. She learned contentment with the simplicity she was given and stood apart from anything that might revive her former life of show. Hers was a mission for substance, not the kind measured in storage, but that seen in inward character. So let us pick up the story when this good news arrived.

Characters: obvious all played by themselves!

She heard a knock on her house, a smash more was like it as her stone home didn’t have the amenities of a proper door. “Who could that be” she thought. “I’ve not been out and about as much lately which suits me fine.” Reluctantly she went to see thinking just another of those new players proudly with shiny pickaxe picking her house instead of the many rocks about to hit. She tried to be charitable but the word “vandal” came to her mind. She cast that off, no she would greet them kindly and offer assistance if they needed it. But as she peered out no one was there. She exited the house looking at the forest about her, well what was left of it after the magic trunk seekers had done their work, but still not a soul. “Hmm” she thought, “maybe the pets were being rowdy in their pens and I thought it was the door”. “Maybe my hearing is going from all that chopping and mining” as she entered her house again. Her house was named after her former abode in Asgard, Gladsheim the shining place of joy. She didn’t feel especially joyful though. She felt old, which is odd for a demi-god for sure, but the passage of years in her sojourn had mellowed her but she honestly wondered if anything would ever change. She thought the seclusion of her house fit her spirits, even the rousing antics of her boys, she calls them that, of kensington and puddleglum wasn’t enough to lift her much. She was glad for them of course and helped them all she could but the longing in her heart for change had delayed so long her hope had mostly evaporated.
She settled down again only to hear a crash again outside. Just to be sure she checked on the pets, no they were all being rather lazy, that happens when pet owners don’t exercise them enough! “Okay” she thought, “this time I’m going to catch whoever is knocking!” She threw the door open, as fast as a rock door can be budged that is, only to catch a glimpse of a shining of sorts. This time at her feet outside the door was a box. She had a weird sensation, it is hard to explain but that shining had left a scent in the air. It had been a long time but it dawned on her it smelled of Asgard! A messenger had brought her something! She looked inside to see a scroll within and she immediately recognized the seal upon it that of Odin! She carefully opened it up to read it. I will do my best to interpret the runes contained on it to a message us mere mortals can understand. Here is what it said:

Greetings Daughter of Asgard!
Be it known unto you the doublesided axe of judgement has fallen upon you!
The blade side that severed you from this land now it’s other it falls upon you to restore you!
Dear one my heart indeed has seen your travail and your struggle to master the land of FT and of yourself. We are pleased to offer you your former station in Gladsheim.
After reading this you again will be able to traverse here with all restrictions removed. We give you a space of time to make your peace there. You may go back and forth for this season of time only then your return will be permanent.
I have declared it so!

An inexpressible joy came upon Gullander, she might now find the glistening joy of former days. But she felt sadness too. What of her boys, kensington and puddleglum? She wasn’t a mother, nowhere close to that, but she had cared for them and put up with their squabbling one to another. She owed much to kensington who knew the ways of FT before she ever began her sojourn helpless at the start map. She owed much to puddleglum who was a constant source of amusement at his coffee drinking and fishing ways. Kensington had been the older brother making sacrifices for the younger and puddleglum had enjoyed a light hearted romp letting older brother and big sister wait on his every whim! But he was so cute and cuddly and so simple but at times so wise it was hard not to love him. She found it hard entertaining the thought of leaving them behind. She knew what she must do! Visit Odin and see if some mortals might be granted the boon of Gladsheim as well. Let us see how this bold venture ended up!

Before Odin in Asgard

O-Odin G-Gullander

The transport was easy between realms as a demi-god her ability had been restored to just think of Asgard and say go and be transported there. The gods had a real flair for the dramatic though. It wasn’t a simple now here now there but an elaborate and impressive journey. Flashing lights, glimpses of other realms, mythical beasts, sounds both dramatic and frightening, and at the end a fanfare of trumpets and an ever increasing glow of golden brightness. She had missed this…but she felt that such show was part of why she took the path she did. It would be glorious but it would be different, she might not fit in as well as before. She would need to find a new way to occupy her time there. But the moment had come to talk to Odin.

O- Hail Gullander the “one from the Gold Land”!
G- Hello my Lord, it is wondrous to see you again.
O- We are pleased with you daughter, I see before me a different soul.
G- Oh Odin, I know you meant it as my punishment but it was my saving!
O-Aha yes my dear, we have paths we can take and paths we must take. I believe you have gleaned well the best of your banishment.
G- Thank you my Lord, you were wise in sending me away. Like a cancer I was but now I am healed.
O-It is well. But be careful that the ways of the FT land do not over influence the ways of Asgard.
G- Yes my Lord, I have considered that. I will be different but I hope for the better.
O- Good, now is there anything you would ask being away so long?
G- Well…I dare not..
O- Ha ha ha!!! Indeed I do see before me a changed Gullander! In past times you would have winked your eyes and tossed your hair and asked for half the realm! Ha ha ha! What a wonder!
G- I do not ask for myself if you would hear my request.
O- More wondrous yet, asking for others, how can I withhold from such motive!
G- It is about my boys…
O- Oh I did not see that you had taken a mate from among the other visitors to FT
G- Oh sorry my Lord, of course not I have no mate, but my companions who shared my dwelling and in great measure my mission.
O- Mortals? Well I may be able to render them some aid.
G- No my Lord, I would have them…that is I truly love them as my own brothers…I would wonder if they might join me here and live in Asgard?
O-Oh….that is an unusual request…I think we must say no. If they are warriors we may make a place for them when they die nobly in battle in Valhalla my great hall. That is all I can do.
G-Oh…as you declare my Lord…that is a kindness they are certainly deserving of
O- Oh so you think so….tell me of these boys of yours
G- Oh there is kensington, he was there in FT before I came, his soul I found was closely knit to mine as if he was the male of my existence.
O- Ha ha ha! Even demi-gods get things wrong. But I do not. He was sent by me to be your introduction and extension of my hand. In reality he was an extension of yourself!
G- Oh really? Oh how wondrous, I always wondered how we seemed to have the same mind, but he is not a demi-god like me, I would know.
O- True, he is his own being but part of you, and part of all the companions you have known there.
G- Companions?
O- Yes all part of the whole. Did you not wonder how you thought and acted in all the alts you had even though they had a personality separate from your own?
G- I assumed it was a demi-god thing active in FT
O-Yes you are right, you ever were in charge of all, before, during, and after you return here you still will be.
G- That is confusing a bit, but it appears to be so…we are united in mind.
O- Oh we are divulging perhaps too much of our ways, but back to your boys
G- And there is puddleglum youngest and full of life and playfulness.
O- What would you have me to do, I sense Valhalla was not the option you desired
G- Please let them come and live with me, I will vouch for them!
O- Let me see…of what stature have they attained in FT? Even us gods have rules we try to follow and for the other residents of Asgard to allow mortals, even just two, to live among us will need some special care to award them that honor. If they come here to live just by eating and drinking and breathing the air they too will become immortal as long as they stay here. If they leave again their mortality returns. That must be understood. Now what merits have they?
G- kensington is now by FT standards attained 1750 levels of experience, puddleglum has attained over 2000 like I have.
O- Hmm…if I use you as the model then I can make a fair case for puddleglum but kensington is lacking
G- Oh I can’t have one without the other! I would rather stay in FT than leave them behind.
O- I am not unmoved by you my dear, your passion now is pure compared to before. I can but grant you some time. I will allow you to delay your move back to Gladsheim until kensington achieves 2000 or more. Then he will be worthy too to enter our land. That is all I can do.
G- Oh thank you!!! Thank you!!! You will love them as I do, I am sure!
O- Return then to FT, tell your boys of your plans, and make haste to get them ready
G- Oh I will, how much time do I have?
O- Enough just barely enough…now go!

Back in FT
Gullander came back excited to share the news. It would be a different quest of sorts, a quest in FT for a reward outside of FT. It wouldn’t be long now and FT would become a thing of the past with Gullander, kensington, and puddleglum arriving in Asgard as heroes to begin their next part of living. But first to tell the boys! It hadn’t crossed her mind that the boys though part of her mind might have their own views on the move. Let us visit in on their conversation.

G-Gullander K-kensington P- puddleglum

G- Hi boys! I have some important news to tell you!
K- When she starts out saying boys…it usually means we have a job to do
P- And when she is glowing like that it can’t be anything good for us but just for her!
K- Got that right, miss fancy pants always gets first
P- Sad but true we are mere outcasts, waifs kept on for our cheap labor!
G- Are you two quite through, it is great news, and yes for all of us!
K and P look at each other a bit incredulously but contain their sarcasm
K- Sorry sis what’s this all about?
G- I have been recalled to Asgard, my time of exile is over!!
P- Wow! I wondered if that would ever happen, I need to make some special coffee for this occasion!
K- That’s great sis, seriously you deserve all the best!
P- Wait kens, that means she is going away…
K- And we are left behind…and alone…
P-Hey I’m still here
K-You don’t count…she’s wonderful…you are just a needy ogre
P- No more than you are…who is getting all the playing time now….not me!
G- Boys please! Don’t ruin this moment, I have arranged for you to come with me!!
K- Go with to Asgard?? To a bunch of hot shot gods and demi-gods prancing around while I carry their goods or polish their boots!
P- Yes no telling what amusement I’ll be to them an ogre who smells always like a cup of coffee!
G- Oh…I hadn’t thought…you don’t want to go? I can’t go by myself…I need my boys…I love my boys…
K- Oh stop that…this isn’t an emotional decision…oh dang I love you too!
P- Whah!!! I can’t take this! Of course I’ll go…we are a family!
G- Oh I couldn’t go without you, and don’t worry you will live with me as we always have.
K- It will be different for sure…when will we go?
G- Well…now don’t get upset kens…pudd is qualified to go…but you aren’t quite yet
P- Yippee for the youngest!!
K- Pudd do I have to box you!! What do you mean?
G- When you reach 2000 we will all be able to go together to Asgard forever!
K- And pudd what does he need to do?
P- Wait on you…that isn’t anything new…mr sword the slowpoke!
G- Yes kens…we BOTH will help you get to 2000…right pudd?
P- Oh sure, why not, will I have time to reach level 15 fishing?
G- That I can’t say, you will have to get after it if that is important. Let me whet your appetite. Kensington you will be finally recognized there for the amazing swordsman you are, some maids will undoubtedly try to catch your eye. And puddleglum the coffee and fishing there is just divine. So many flavors of coffee, and so many unusual fish to catch.
K- Sounds wonderful sis…I guess I better get to work.
P- I like the sound of that coffee and fish…but sis what about you? What will you do?
G- I will be content to be home again and with you two my brothers as my companions we shall never lack for a laugh. Who knows some demi-hunk may think the new Gullander is worthy to be wooed.
P-They’d have to come through me first….if the hunk stunk
K- Got that right…better be pretty special or else…
G- Ha ha ha…this indeed will be a huge adventure! Puddleglum you look like you’ve got a question, what is it?
P- Will we never see FT again? It has been so much a part of us.
G- We will have to see, perhaps if FT needs 3 brave heroes for a while Odin will allow us to return for a bit and then go back to Asgard.
K-It sounds like we won’t want to return to me.
G- Well I think I can speak for us all (and often do!) there will have to be some real changes and new challenges in FT for us to even consider returning. The time of testing is over, we have done all we have been required to do, without a reason for a heroes return we will say goodbye to the endless repetition that it has become. We will say farewell to the good companions we have known and say good riddance to the bad companions who don’t even allow space for the monotonous to occur.
P- Of course sadly you are right…we will have made our mark but without a future presented that is attractive there is no mark left to make.
K- I guess I better get with it then, 2000 here I come, and then we can place our well used axe and sword and club on the wall over our fireplace and take our ease.
G- Well said kens, we can hold our heads up high. We came and conquered, and gave and cared, and hurt and wondered, and hoped and consoled…but now that golden radiance calls us away to life beyond.
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by Leone »

Bitter-sweet reading.

As ever, perfectly written and entertaining!
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by Gullander »

Kensington has reached 2k and the way to Asgard is fully open!
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by Oizys »

Congrats on the Asgard trip!
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

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Gratz 2k:)
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by madmaniacal1 »

Gullander wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 11:40 pm Kensington has reached 2k and the way to Asgard is fully open!
Make sure you check out the Plasma Mines before you go. Lord Seth wouldn't want you to miss out on his creation. You never know. Might find a few new things worth taking back to Asgard with you.
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by Leone »

Wise words. Go explore :)
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by Gullander »

The time between realms is quite different. What has been hours here has been many many days there. The boys are loving it! Kensington, the studious one, has a library as part of his wing of their new palatial home,. Puddleglum has been exploring the fishing and in his wing of the house has a room with a coffee roaster and a wide variety of jars filled with yet untasted coffee beans. Gullander, well she is enjoying returning and her retirement. But something new happened.

Puddleglum noticed she looked sad at times. He always has known how to get Gull to talk so he inquired why? She divulged she was a bit worried about her vast family of alts that remained behind in FT. Puddleglum hatched a plan. We will tell of that shortly.
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by Gullander »

Anyone who knows puddleglum has experienced his friendly and open demeanor as well as his often humorous coffee drinking ways. Gullander has always considered him a little cuddly charmer and rarely said no to him. Kensington saw it a bit differently...a lot of show but no go! Anyway it seems pudd has made an impression in Asgard and has charmed his way into many hearts there, including Odin himself! As we know Odin upon welcoming Gullander back and accepting two mortals in tow had certain restrictions. Only under certain conditions they might return to FT and then come back to Asgard. Those conditions were FT needed three heroes for a quest line, and included in that new maps that in which monsters needed some brave warriors to vanquish. This is where puddleglum got a big idea.

He decided, seeing Gull's worry about her large extended alt family well being, he would just ask Odin what might be done about it! Now we must remember Odin could be just as austere as he might be benevolent. To ask was to risk upsetting him and appearing unthankful for the favors already granted our trio. But open hearted and sincere charmers like puddleglum have their own mysterious powers to both make you feel good and by extension win your favor. He would dare to ask!

Kensington got wind of it too late and thought the wonders of Asgard would be ripped from him by the antics of his presumptuous portly brother. Gullander gasped and the weight of her concern grew. But alas all concerns were not needed. Our charmer had come bearing a gift of a new coffee blend he had concocted to let Odin try, and while he was enjoying it he ventured to ask Odin for help and consideration. Need we say it, success was granted, well at least to a point. Here is the extension now granted. If in the course of life in FT for the extended family there is something they absolutely cannot do for themselves and require the skills of one of the trio they might return to render aid. But on this point Odin was quite vehement, those alts left behind must live for themselves and not be coddled by our immortals.

Gullander was initially a bit angry with puddleglum perhaps risking their new found freedom but after all was done felt a contentment and easing of her mother hen feelings for her brood left behind. Now if they were stuck and could find no other way to proceed one of the three might return however briefly to offer help and then return to their rest and retirement. Puddleglum smiled big to have played a part in at least keeping an occasional presence in FT the place of his birth and exploits possible. In time we have no doubt our trio will fade away in the mists of time as the separation between realms grows. Even in future days no demand or opportunity will be able to exert any power over them. So if you see them know they are on a mission, if you do not see them don't grieve for them for they have lived well in FT and have many years of fond memories to enjoy as they retire in that shining place of joy, glistening Gladsheim the jewel of Asgard!
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Re: Gullander's Return to Asgard and the Shining Joy of Gladsheim

Post by Leone »

I always look forward to seeing them:)
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