Device is HANGING

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Device is HANGING

Post by SK1976 »

Hello there.
I am using a LenovoTab M10.

In the last months i recognized that if i will buy or trade that device is hanging, and only a close and freeing of RAM helps to relog and play again.

It is when i wanna buy/sell/trade more items like 20 speedpots or wanna trade stones.
If i buy/sell/trade it with the 1x button than its ok but it takes tooooooooooo long.

Its only in this game. I tested it with other games/apps a lot now.

This problem stays since the mathematic AFK-question.

Its not a Device Error...because i tested it now long enough.

Maybe its wrong programmed.

Can you check that routine and fix it please, and inform me here about the going on !

THX ... SK :)
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Re: Device is HANGING

Post by SK1976 »

Mostly when the GoogleKeyboard appears.
Or when i buy multiple Items,
or when i am swiping maps..

That problem is still existing on that device until now.
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Re: Device is HANGING

Post by Gullander »

I have a 2017 Lenovo Tab 10 that is always quiting the game when I change screens. When I try to log into the game the first time of the day it says "loading" and stays at 0%. I have to get completely out and then log in.

The thing is I recently got a 2023 Lenovo Tab 10 and it does the same thing! Better device with more RAM , 4G versus 2G of 2017 model, more storage memory, higher android version 13 up from 8, but all the problems are the same.

Maybe these Lenovo have slow processors, but I am more inclined to think it is a game flaw because others I know have iPad or iPhone and have the lost game problem too. I suppose device hanging is just another symptom of the same thing.
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Re: Device is HANGING

Post by SK1976 »

My device is:

LenovoTabM10 (Lenovo TB-X605F)
Android 9
CPU: Snapdragon450
Display 1920X1200

It was discussed longer ago when we had the
arithmetic tasks-AFK-Checking.
Than it was ALLWAYS hanging.

I think the problem is the RAM-Mamagement of that devices. It fills the MEM with unknown datas and than it hangs.
I see it when i play a bit longer with that device and i will make a deal with someoone or when i am in shop and the onscreen-keyboard should appear. It takes a while or it not comes and the device is full hanging.
When this is, it only helps when i tap on the home-button. But that hangs too and takes a while until something will happen.
When the homescreen appears after a while, than i go on "Close ALL tabs" it closes all open tabs and frees the memory. When i see how many memory it frees, than ts no wonder that nothing runs. The complete RAM is full with trash, i dont know how :( Its only that game and some non interseting apps installed on that device, because of THAT problem. I only use it for FT.
Idk until today what is the problem with it.
I tried to reduce effects, reduced the Google-Keyboard. Tried it with an external keyboard....I think its a device problem what we can not solve.
It trashes the RAM full with unknown datas.

After a refreshed RAM i start FT again and it works like it was nothing before until the next time it hangs again.

THATS FT-LIFE with a Lenovo-TabM10. And...its not a cheap Tablet :(

I learned to live with that problem.
It is, like it is ;)

Falls jemand eine Lösung für dieses Problem gefunden hat, bin ich (wir) sehr dankbar, wenn man es hier posten würde.

Mfg ... SK :)

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Re: Device is HANGING

Post by Gullander »

I think you are right, it is the device. Sometimes with the older device android 8.1 2g ram even when I am typing email the letters sometimes lag appearing on the screen if it is a longer message. I try to close the tabs too, maybe I should restart more often so everything closes. I too learn to live with it. But I do hate when my account freezes and the rest of game keeps going, some day maybe I'll log back on dead or lose a pet! Oh well....good luck to both of us...maybe next time we try a different brand than Lenovo. :o
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Re: Device is HANGING

Post by SK1976 »

yeah - The freeze of our chars is bad too.
It freezes at me when i change to another map. All effects are continue running, but my char is freezed. Only a relog helps. And its mostle when i use speed-potions.
Another device-error. RAM or CPu ... i dont know. Maybe a wrong interpreted code.

I hated the mathematic-AFK-Check once. because it allways kicked me out and i was before jail because that.
I discussed that a lot here on the forum and with Akkiles and active GMs.
Thats was maybe the reason they have changed the AFK-Check.
Our luck :)
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Re: Device is HANGING

Post by AZ_YT »

SK1976 wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 8:29 am yeah - The freeze of our chars is bad too.
It freezes at me when i change to another map. All effects are continue running, but my char is freezed. Only a relog helps. And its mostle when i use speed-potions.
Another device-error. RAM or CPu ... i dont know. Maybe a wrong interpreted code.

I hated the mathematic-AFK-Check once. because it allways kicked me out and i was before jail because that.
I discussed that a lot here on the forum and with Akkiles and active GMs.
Thats was maybe the reason they have changed the AFK-Check.
Our luck :)

I understand you. Only the developer can fix the bug.I hope he gets to the code.
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