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Post by AZ_YT »

I suggest making a notification inside the game that an event is present and running on the map 0.0. The same cell with mobs, for example.

This could be a system message.

All online players will be aware of this event and may come running to watch. :)
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Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:05 pm


Post by luckysteve »

I just started playing about one month, just found this post :D
gonna put some.

*** commands ***
1. /duel <player_name> , this command let a player fighting each other, but with permission of each other.
--- for example, when user name "wkwkwkwk93" use /duel Mokny125 ,
- User with name "Mokny125" will receive a message about duel, and the target can either refuse or accept it.
- Both should be in the same map
- when accept, they start attacking each other, and unable to teleport or move to any map until time limit is up or one of them is die.
- when die, there is no penalty or item dropped, and not going back to 0,0 , the HP will be put in 1
- Available in any map or location, whether have PvP protection or not.
- the winner will get PvP points, let say 10, and the one who lost will lose same PvP point, let say -10

2. /whereis <monster_name>, show the map location of current enemy
--- for example, when use /whereis Desert+Monster , it will show message 4,-4

3. /wheretosell <item_name>, it let us sell current item to specific map location, since not every shop let us sell some items.
--- for example, when use /wheretosell Crystal+Bracelet , it will show message 3,2

4. /wheretobuy <item_name>, it shows the map location of specific items.
--- for example, when use /wheretobuy Scythe, it will show message 0,-1

5. /monsterinfo <monster_name>, it will show pop-up dialog box about the enemy, it's like when tapping "i" in every monster.
--- for example, when use /monsterinfo Blitzbee, it will pop-up box about Blitzbee like "HP : 6000, EXP : 80000, Damage: 325 .... " and etc.

6. /ss , when use it, it will screenshot current condition, automatically will save to our phone.

7. /wmap , ( or /whoareinmap ) it show the list of players who are inside of our location.
--- for example, when use /wmap , it will show box message about the player list, like "wkwkwkwk93", "Who Am I", "Poker Face", "12zksq2", etc.
- show the color of the name too, whether it is black (outlaw) or white, or maybe recolored like yellow, pink, or etc... showing level and clan is optional.

8. /mana , when use it, it let us know our current mana. lets say 72/603 . for mage only

9. /itemdropby <monster_name> , when use it, it shows item that drops by <monster_name> with rate %. if no item dropped by that monster, it will show message "No Item is dropped by <monster_name>"
--- for example, when use /itemdropby Blitzbee, it shows message "Blitzbee Sting ( 1% )".

10. /whodrops <item_name> , when use it, it shows which monster that drops <item_name> with rate %. if no item is found, it will show message "No Item is found"
--- for example, when use /whodrops Blitzbee+Sting, it shows message "Blitzbee ( 1% )".

*** other feature ***
1. Throwing Coin in fountain. got either Blessing or Curse
There is a fountain in the center of the map 0,0.
When we tap the fountain, it show pop-up box like "do you want to throw some coins? Please put amount, minimum 100K, maximum 1B".
the we input the number of it. once we enter, we can get blessing (increase) or curse (decrease), boosts randomly for some hours.
The more coins we throw, the better the boost reward. minimum 100K coins, maximum is 1B coins.
- Small chance ( maybe around 5-10% ) that what we get is curse instead of blessing, which will decrease the specific stats with same %.
- The effect is only 2 hour
start is 0.001% for 100K coins.
0.01% for 1M coins.
0.1% for 10M coins.
1% for 100M coins.
10% for 1B coins.
--- for example,
----- throwing 100K coins, may get blessing (increase) 0.001% Max HP for 2 hour.
----- throwing 10M coins may get curse (decrease) 0.1% Damage for 2 hour.
----- throwing 1B coins may get blessing (increase) 10% magic resistance for 2 hour.
every player can only get one of the following reward ( unable to stack )
- the boost list
-- a. % Max HP
-- b. % Damage
-- c. % Dexterity
-- d. % Mana
-- e. % magic resistance
-- f. % physical resistance.
-- g. 2 * % EXP by killing monster.
- daily limit of throwing coins are 3 times.
Do it for your own risk

2. new Tool : Gold Pan , (available with +2, +3, or +4)
As the name of the item, it filters gold with gravel. So the item we can get from it are :
Dirt 90%
Rock Missile 6%
Gold coin, random 1-1000 3.89%
Gold Ore 0.1%
Gold Ingot 0.01%
- it must be used near water, like Fishing Rod
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