De-ranged Fairies
Moderator: Game Administrators
De-ranged Fairies
Blood fairies act really dumb. If they face a ranged monster they will stand there and receive damage without firing back even though the monster is both in their wand range and there aren't any obstructions in the way that may limit their vision of a monster. Add to that the dark of a dungeon and the visual game effects of casting spells and it is hard to tell if they are even attacking. It is rather stupid to have to whip a fairy to make it protect itself. This is a function in my opinion that needs changed. A ranged monster has no problem firing on you if you are within their active range or if you move out of that range they close in and stop when within range and fire again. Why shouldn't these pets also at least continue to fire if something is in range?
Re: De-ranged Fairies
I think you're being a bit harsh on those blood fairies as the situation you describe is the same for all ranged pets! I'd never think of those absolutely lethal creations as 'poor old blood fairies' haha.
My understanding is that their attack ability is the same as the archer player class. Many years ago, archers were able to fire through walls and this was removed - mainly as it gave a huge pvp advantage as I recall ( I will find the forum posts).
The consequence is that archers are now sometimes hampered even where it appears they have a clear line of sight to shoot at monsters. Ranged pets have the same problem.
Whilst I'm not in favour of allowing archers to fire through walls again (although it was VERY convenient), I do agree with your general point.
This is for those with coding capabilities to ponder...and that's not me!
My understanding is that their attack ability is the same as the archer player class. Many years ago, archers were able to fire through walls and this was removed - mainly as it gave a huge pvp advantage as I recall ( I will find the forum posts).
The consequence is that archers are now sometimes hampered even where it appears they have a clear line of sight to shoot at monsters. Ranged pets have the same problem.
Whilst I'm not in favour of allowing archers to fire through walls again (although it was VERY convenient), I do agree with your general point.
This is for those with coding capabilities to ponder...and that's not me!