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Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:59 am
by LostKnight
Ryaca wrote:That red and blue bracelet are for a quest. Did you sell one to the shop? I didn't even know that was possible. Not sure about the cross hairs or not. Maybe someone knows the difference. I believe that when you first click on monster that two swords show up to give you the option to attack and then the cross hairs mean that the monster is targeted and will be attacked first by your party.
Actually, not cross hairs, more like 4 white triangles at the 4 points of a compass, N, E, S & W with the points pointing into the centre, and the other is a red icon with a white design (tiny, it looks like a paw print).

That's it: red and blue bracelets and I lost one. :(
I consider it a learning experience.

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:05 am
by blitzcraig
welcome to the FT community - as you can see; friendly, helpful fellow players are easy to find here ;)

I won't spoil anything for you, but i will say that some quest items can be acquired more than once... the bracelets, for example - the one in the chest may be a one-time-only item (not 100% sure) but the other can definitely be sold /dropped /lost - then easily replaced... anyway, don't be too fast to reset your game after you've progressed a long way ;)

about the mmorpg - it's tons of fun, great to join if and when you decide too, though you will need to be careful not to let other players "help" you and spoil discovering things for yourself :)

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:06 am
by DAVEmanda
LostKnight wrote:
DAVEmanda wrote:You may test the online version. I have played both and I started with the offline too but since I played online I didn't stop lol
This is true, I could, but for the moment I prefer exploring the world offline.

I play no mmorpg games and have shied away from them since getting my tablet.
The other game I play: Sudoku
Puedo masticar chicle y caminar al mismo tiempo. :lol:

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:48 am
by LostKnight
blitzcraig wrote:welcome to the FT community - as you can see; friendly, helpful fellow players are easy to find here ;)
Thank you, yes, it seems very nice here, which speaks well for the game itself.
blitzcraig wrote:be careful not to let other players "help" you and spoil discovering things for yourself :)
{snip and reordered}
blitzcraig wrote:I won't spoil anything for you <-- snip --> the one in the chest may be a one-time-only item (not 100% sure) but the other can definitely be sold /dropped /lost - then easily replaced
I'll forgive you. :D I do not panic over games. So I could have gotten another bracelet, maybe -or- maybe not ... now you tell me or maybe you didn't. :D

When I see levels 80, 190, 250 ... my level 8 was but a side step to avoid a puddle, and like I said, a learning experience.

@ DAVEmanda - couldn't help myself. ;)

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:02 am
by Leone
Love this thread. I'm half tempted to look again at the rpg:)

@lostknight: looking at yr footer re: no credit card. If you ever do decide to try out the mmo, you can do so without spending real money. I would say you've already found a few players on this forum who would happily help you out.

Until or even if that switch over happens, keep us posted with yr rpg exploits!

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 8:01 pm
by LostKnight
Leone wrote:Love this thread. I'm half tempted to look again at the rpg:)
Why not - you can do both. :D
Leone wrote:@lostknight: looking at yr footer re: no credit card. If you ever do decide to try out the mmo, you can do so without spending real money. I would say you've already found a few players on this forum who would happily help you out.

Until or even if that switch over happens, keep us posted with yr rpg exploits!
I will do that ... I'm still playing still levelling up and re-building to level 8.

Anyway, back on topic. I've been an RPG fan for years but finding good ones that are easy to use (point and click is awesome) is hard, I can't manipulate those 'virtual joystick' games, I have difficulty holding the tablet and manipulating the things, which I understand is the method for the mmo game. Enter Forgotten Tales Offline, a blessing in disguise. I'd GLADLY pay for it, if I could do it without a credit card. (see below)

I've tried a couple of other games, that require online access in order to upgrade weapons, armour and as they get stronger require being on line for more than 24 hours to upgrade one thing. I went looking for a game I can play, like the old ones, where if you want/need to upgrade - you 'work for it' And here I am.

I think it was/is a stroke of brilliance that the creator(s) of this game has this offline version AND the mmo game, they compliment each other.

--- Reference my no credit card and of course: off topic a Bit ---
But then this is the Off Topic thread, so that mean this is On Topic :)

I'm an old man - and well on my way to pushing the door open at 71. Blowing those candles out will be a chore and that fits a bit with whats coming.

I've tried a few other games but the in your face harassment to buy this, buy that, not being able to play the game "unless you buy" things ruin it for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not cheap, I just don't have a credit card, I got rid of it when I retired and have never regretted paying cash for everything. Living on a fixed income is not compatible with let's say ±22% compounded interest, I was stuck in that rut all of my working life. Then, this for everyone, add yearly fees to just have a credit card, now that's a slap in the face and pay an extra 10% or so for things you buy just for using it, even if you clear the balance every month, that's the backhander coming around, but come on who really does that?

Today I always ask "What's the discount for paying cash?", you'd be surprised. But then, I'm just an old man that wants my few coins to work for me as much as I can today, after a life of 'live' today; pay tomorrow lifestyle.

You pay to have the card, they win
You pay to use the card, they win, the store get a kickback, and
Then comes the crippling compound interest - you're hooked, they win!

My goal with this game: I will prevail! I will find the end ... and if possibly get my memory back. Darned if that doesn't fit real life too. :lol:

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:22 pm
by Arashiko
The FT MMORPG and the FT RPG both have a choice between point and click and joystick pad

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 9:31 pm
by ardesia
I think it's possible playing the online game even without owning a credit card, expecially now that purchased items can be directly traded in game.

The "4 white triangles" icon is used to show the point on the ground where you clicked: the party will walk towards that point.
The red circle with the white paw inside appears only when monsters are around. I always thought it can be used to force somehow the party in attacking a particular monsters, when they are a group - but it's just a feeling, not a proper and informed explanation :)

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:09 pm
by LostKnight
@ ardesia

Everyone seems to be (pushing - no, wrong word) pointing me to the online game. So since I believe, "Contempt prior to investigation is wrong." I will give it a try - soon(ish). I have other things on my plate at the moment.

However, it will be in September, and yes this year, and I will post an update here. It read in the forums about trading and it's an "At Your Own Risk" thing.

But hey, it's a game, not like I'm trading my TV or Tablet or computer (who'd want it jajajajaja) and get your hands off my pizza and coke! :D

OK, some questions: Since I have never entered/entertained or played any MMO game ... so here goes:

1. I go, and play for a while, then shut down the game (and wifi) to go eat/sleep.
- - What happens to my "LostKnight"?
- - Is he still seen by others? and
- - can he be killed?

2. Say the MMO game is not for me (the controls are awkward for me - this I already know)
- - Can I 'retire' LostKnight from the game?

Thank you kindly for the info regarding the "pointers" (white and red), BTW, the 'red' one shows up for single enemies as well.
I too, was getting the idea that the 'red' one meant "attack this 'enemy' first or concentrate on this one. Just a gut feeling.

Re: Newbie Gamer Intro.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:33 pm
by Ryaca
Best post I have read in a long time. I would be interested to know some of the earlier rpg's that you have played that shaped you into the gamer that you are today.