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Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:21 pm
by Leone
You need to kill it 5 times.

Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:30 pm
by SK1976
Really? I, but i will chk it.

Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 8:31 am
by merisajan
SK1976 wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:17 pm
U should change it fast as u can, or we loosing more and more sis+bros

Think about its NOT FORTNITE.
Its not a hyped game.
Its independent, and we need ALL ppls to keep this game alive.

This game is ONLY for INSIDERS atm.

And the INSIDERS should b heared by the programmers, or that game could b lost !

Hopefully all will become good at the end...same like corona pandemie atm.

Greetings to all her plz ur statements as much as u can, to improve this game !

If thess r bugs they should b fixed !

People who leave the game I heard have found a new game I do not know, but he tells me this I think the worst thing that bothers me is the darkness in the dungeons Nothing is visible, neither the creatures nor the pets nor the decor of the paintings on the doors Nothing can be seen And most of the work is in the dungeons Stonework mines And to increase the level It is really annoying this endless darkness Hope this year Santa's gift It is to take the darkness out of the game and we will see the beautiful design of the game again Is it possible ?Please Santa

Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 9:15 am
by SK1976
- Darkness Feature is big BUGGED too. Not in ALL dungeons is darkness...hahaha...WHY NOT ? Its bugged or not wanted, idk why ?
(my idea, make the darkness in game as a Special Feature can b buyed like an Add-On, but careful...not too expensive maybe 4 pets )

- Sound is bugged too...hahaha...go to many dungeons and there a COW-Sounds like MUUUUUH.....IN A DUNGEON ?

- All these is not talked about over the years, and before they realeasing a new Version like Vers.9 it should b fixed before !

- Many quests r not finished till now since years ... remember the stable ! Everywhere r parts of that big quest idea, but its still dead. it was never realy ready. I was in that stable if it was opened for some days to test it.....
After closing... everywhere on maps r staying the pets without any functions from that quest.

- make quests finish plz, or erase them from game, till they r finished !

- Ahhhh THE SCORPION-event: buged too. Its realy tooooo hard for All level players !
The big ones only can do it ! The small ones NEVER get a chance of any drop there, same like a mage or a dwarf.
Only Classes with Extra-Funktions like Swords 40% fireDMG, or Bows 30% FireSHOT, or Ogres DoubleDMG skills have a little chance of a drop.
And how many ppls have such chars over 3k level or higher ? Not realy many ...

- There should b more such events routined (implemented in game like the scorpion-event), maybe weekly events like in other games too. Maybe on Friday XX:XX o clock ! Each week. Programmed like the Pirates !

- Everywhere r copies of MONA LISA pictures on the walls. I think there r many thiefs will steal them, because they thinking its real MONA-LISA picture ... lol. ONLY LIL JOKE sry.

The Best Version ALL TIMES was the real stable Version 6.8.1
It was the LAST Version works perfectly.
But its no longer supported, because game becomes more big with many, many new feautures like the darkness, the rain.....NO SNOW...NO WIND, AFK-Check,CLAN-Changes and so on and son and so on....................
Many suggestions, but nothing is realy ready atm.

ALL EFFECTS IN GAME SHOULD B BUYABLE LIKE AN ADD-ON PACK, to let ppls decide what they like.
If they like Darkness add-on, make that add-on buable, and activate/deactivate it on EVERY MAP !

The GameSound (with the COW per example) should b improved ! A COW in a dungeon....NEVER ! a cow is not so stupid to walk into ANY dungeon :)

Long Text, and u c, many Bugs reported and many new ideas, LIKES and DISLIKES.

ATM is Corona Lockdown again mostely....PPLS sitting at home and playing games like NEVER BEFORE.

Programmers of game should react soon as they can, and solve many problems.

In my opinion make ALL Special features buyable as add-ons and let ppls choose they want to activate/deactivate THEIR buyed add-ons. Like PvP-Protection, but Special-Add-Ons should b updated too with game ! Only as an Add-On-Update...buyable too for LITTLE MONEY.

That makes game surviving more, and makes ppls not so mad bec. some features like the darkness in dungeon.

Its easy to programm, because u laying the darkness only above the existing map. We c it all in the 1st sec. we going into a dungeon.
1st second r normal, nd than the darkness was layed over that map !

This game is like OpenSourceProject !

Players can programm now their own ideas....look into EDITOR !

The EDITOR is a cool idea too, but it should b an Extra-App too, not a command only ! (maybe purchaseable too).

But on each purchase think about the country players coming from !

A nice idea is what u done with purchasing houses. Nice idea. Gratz, should b able for all such purchases in the future.


What do u think if any new player comes into a dungeon and hears a cow making MUUUUUH ! What he should think about this game ?

ABOVE ALL, We still like this game, and take this as a feedback from still active players !

I THX all players r active in this section, and should b more posts or ideas to solve problems here !

Compbatant...PLZ not bad with US.
We only discuss what can make game will b a special feedback for u to handle, ITS UR MONEY TOO !

But PLZ allways think about realistic PRICES ! This game is not hyped like Fortnite or else !

LIL money is ok too !!!


Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:10 am
by merisajan
I brought in a new player He was exactly how I felt when he saw the darkness Unbearable scary And only played up to level ten And fled The sound of a cow is interesting but not in the dungeon Darkness is the worst thing that can happen in this game Some are very beautiful in the dark Like Ardesia, but the rest of them are very sad I do not like it at all, but I have to put up with it Until a miracle comes and destroys this darkness 😊🧚

Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:16 pm
by SK1976
today...same on my dwarf and my mage
Screenshot_2020-11-15-14-17-24.png (438.18 KiB) Viewed 3242 times

Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:08 pm
by El.Menda
SK1976 wrote: Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:16 pm today...same on my dwarf and my mageScreenshot_2020-11-15-14-17-24.png
Ya explique cómo hacer prácticamente eficaz el conseguir misión de esa mago cada día. Busca en post referidas al mago

Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:12 am
by SK1976
Screenshot_2020-11-18-09-10-58.png (410.57 KiB) Viewed 3196 times
SK1976 wrote: Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:16 pm today...same on my dwarf and my mageScreenshot_2020-11-15-14-17-24.png

Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:20 am
by SK1976
since days........... :( :( :( chance to get a task is maybe 1/10 :( Its not a daily quest :(

The ChaosDragon still not dropped too :( its chance to drop a heart ZERO ! Its not a daily quest !

Now i chk the altar and will post if get anything.

Ah the altar still not drops an item since months at me :( Its not a daily quest too anylonger !


A the ANCIENT PIECE OF ARMOR only 1 time dropped for me since i play.



Compbatant not making statements, GMs cant do anything !

I no longer wanna do any Daily-Quests.
Its waste of my lifetime every day for new.

I no have time doing it ... till they fixed.


COMPBATANT should say HERE, if he has fixed or not !

I wont spend any money into this game anylonger till bugs r fixed !

Its vs. rules to reducing players fun !

Compbatant handles vs rules all day :)

SRY ... It makes me mad to spend all day my time into this s... game !

More mad and i will leave ! SRY sis+bros !
But noone interests anything as long as money runs .......

Bad words from a mad person atm !

The corona makes ppls mad, and this game too ...

Now all should b fixed than all good, if not, i see many players will leave game soon ......

This game is not as it was before !

I tried to do much for this game, but i think i stop doing anything, because i m not the one who can change this game !


Re: BUGS over BUGS : it should b checked....

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:02 am
by SK1976
Screenshot_2020-11-18-09-35-17.png (689.35 KiB) Viewed 3191 times
Screenshot_2020-11-18-10-00-55.png (735.05 KiB) Viewed 3191 times

again and again alll days since weeks or maybe months :(