MMORPG items and quest changes

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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by steelheart »

well some people seem to get better drops or more often drops. I spent 3 hrs in the libabry yesterday and got 5 shields. I wore the lvl 20frost plate till lvl 40, BC the asking price I was given from 3 separate players was 3-5 mil. I lose on average 2-3 pets a day usually BC some lower lvl player used them as a shield. So say 4-600k a day pet replacement. 2 days ago my archer lost 15 fire bows BC of his ice monster being used as a shield as well. I sell at cost or just give away my old equipment. This game shouldn't be about how much fake coin u have. I help players out all the time often spending hours several times a week getting equipment for them taking them on quests ect ect. I recently gave away 3 claw amulets and 4 great boots from my alts. That might not seem like much but my highest character is lvl 50 with just 4 mil coin.
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by StickyKse »

steelheart wrote:well some people seem to get better drops or more often drops. I spent 3 hrs in the libabry yesterday and got 5 shields. I wore the lvl 20frost plate till lvl 40, BC the asking price I was given from 3 separate players was 3-5 mil. I lose on average 2-3 pets a day usually BC some lower lvl player used them as a shield. So say 4-600k a day pet replacement. 2 days ago my archer lost 15 fire bows BC of his ice monster being used as a shield as well. I sell at cost or just give away my old equipment. This game shouldn't be about how much fake coin u have. I help players out all the time often spending hours several times a week getting equipment for them taking them on quests ect ect. I recently gave away 3 claw amulets and 4 great boots from my alts. That might not seem like much but my highest character is lvl 50 with just 4 mil coin.

Not everyone is strictly about money, I give mine away all the time but make sure I never go below 100m.
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by steelheart »

RLMAO, someday I might have 100 mil. Here's another case in point after it became a quest reward someone offered my lead archer the lvl 50 bow for 2 mill. They got bow and 1 mil coin as a reward. My lvl 50 legs took me 7 tries to make so cost me 1.4 mil to make they sell for 1. Now if I asked for 3 or 5 mil is that right? I know some players will pay BC it's an alt pro they gave billions to, but others can't.The game Has changed let's make more and better changes
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by kuruvar »

I try not to go below 50 mil but I give too much away. Even tho it doesn't seem like it there are many of us who help other players.
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by steelheart »

yes kuvar and that is sad. I'd like to see more lvl 200 and up step up. Help more people with quests. Step up and walk players through areas they would be killed going into alone. And ya step up and say we need areas of our own to the developers. And YES YES ALL OF YOU TO HELP NEWER PLAYERS WITH ADVICE AND OHH OUCHIE YOUR EQUIPMENT SELL IT RENT IT OR JUST GIVE IT THE FLOCK AWAY! Honestly do any of us 500 million or a billion coin? Become friends with a newer player and if they can't afford ur price for an item rent it to them. Maybe u get screwed but maybe not. And if u rent someone something for 500k for 2 weeks then repeat 5-10 times, you end up with way more money. And yes if someone screws u u report them and your item is taken away and returned. .....
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by kuruvar »

Its easier to just gift stuff. When i lvl past my equipment i just pass it off to someone. My alt is a baby mage lvl 50, i can tank for myself. Lol
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by Asmodeous »

Gifting is far easier. Hell when ive had gear i wanted to sell ive done a "pay me at some point in a few weeks" scheme. Or i forget and get a nice amount of money. Or i forget and thry try to pay me and i just dont take it... or they just get it for free.

i try to keep at least 200m on me for stuff. But its easier for me to get money. For others it isnt, and their welcome to some of that if their in a pinch. Whats a big turn off for giving away anything is spam sellers. Even after being asked to stop. Then saying "pliss items" or "pliss money" constantly. Or demand that you do things for them.

Helping new players is epic and rewarding. Especially when their so happy when you give them an item they need. Or complete a quest theyve wanted to do for a while.
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by steelheart »

Well asmodeous, I'm not begging or pleading but if you have gear in the 30-100 range for any character class, that you are willing to part with pm or see me in game. I will pay fair coin and or travel and fight with help I'd hope to get gear.
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by Asmodeous »

Oh no worries dude. By begging i honestly meant phrases like "pliss money" etc. It happens plenty to a lot of people.

Ive got some gear. 120 legs. 100 plate i think. 100 boots If thats the kind of stuff you need :) hit me up ingame my accounts name is Isoril.
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Re: MMORPG items and quest changes

Post by steelheart »

Thanks not that high yet.... lol maybe tomorrow or next day have a 48 hr grind fest. I put somewhere in the forums msgs about that plz money/ppl following u around bombarding ur screen with the buy item msgs.I love helping people but anymore you give someone a pair of say speed boots then they follow you around for hours give more buy me ect.It gets annoying. We should have the ability to have a no chat or friends only chat.
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