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Re: class balance

Post by blitzcraig »

Thank you Azok, some really good input here too - let me try to recap your ideas with a few of my thoughts (which is what I'm hoping for from many players on this thread)

You agree with #2 (which I still feel is the biggest imbalance overall)

9- lower HP formula for mages (I think this could help as well, and think it fits with the spirit of the class, but do again fear nerfing mages too much)

10- adjust vital bracelets role in pvp (this could
Also help some I think because a non mage takes time to kill somebody, so less regeneration would help... Probably hard to implement though)

8- I think you're agreeing here, even suggesting mages be slower than others?  (it would def help...not sure how well it works with spirit off the class...depends on if you see mage as old man/woman who can't run fast.  Slow spell probably still negates this a bit but at least it'd use mana to be faster

11 - skill or weapon to slow or stun opponent.  I love this idea, possibly the best yet (IMO) because it helps all pvp, not just balancing classes (though it does that too)

Thanks again, next idea is number 12
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Re: class balance

Post by blitzcraig »

Another thought on idea #9 ... Maybe change hit point formula for everybody to what it currently is, then multiplying by start HP / 100... If Leone is correct about mages, then archers, then others (which I suspect is the case) this would help overall balance, not just mages. Mages and archers hp would go down a bit, swordsman stay same, other two go up a bit... Just a Thought, what do you guys think?

Sorry, this should have been an edit to my last post instead of new one :(

Next idea #12
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Re: class balance

Post by Leone »

#11 Perhaps the slow/stun weapon should only have a certain percentage chance of working (10%?)  and only slow or stun the opponent for a certain period of time (20 seconds?) This would give the player enough time to inflict some serious damage or run for safety if losing the fight!

#12 How about a poisoned weapon with the same sort of % to hit chance as #11?
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Re: class balance

Post by Azok »

Yes it would have a percentage. And of course it would have a timer x) cant get stunned forever but im saying 5secs and 25%
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Re: class balance

Post by blitzcraig »

I like where you guys are taking this. I think a five second slow could work really well. 5 second stun seems long to me, unless it was once every thirty seconds or something like that. Anybody want to mock up a second by second 1 on 1 pvp? Level 30, 60, 100, 200? It's a fair amount of work, but I think it'd be helpful.

#12. Poison Weapon, awesome idea. Adding some damage over time (DOT) attacks would be a whole new dimension to the game.

Next idea #13.. Let's keep 'em coming (and continue discussion on current ideas too
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Re: class balance

Post by Azok »

Haha its all good, we all do it sometimes. Another good idea is spell timer in pvp maybe but this would make killing higher lvls that are vitaling impossible.
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Re: class balance

Post by blitzcraig »

A spell timer... If I'm understanding that right, that's what I meant with #2 reducing the mage's rate of attack. I still think this is the biggest source of the imbalance. You bring up an excellent point here ... We've got to seek balance while ensuring there can still be pvp kills. - I guess it's obvious, but it'd be easy to accidentally ruin pvp altogether. Hopefully we can get enough discussion on some ideas that the creator has got some really good stuff to work with (hopefully at least a little he hadn't even thought of) one last thing for now: I'm urging everybody to be supportive of whatever changes/additions may be implemented toward finding balance. Yes, it may be frustrating in a way, but it'll be for the good of the game (like HP changes were long ago) thanks.

Next idea #13
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Re: class balance

Post by blitzcraig »

I agree with #13 in principle... It just makes sense. To be honest though, I've never seen this be a problem... I've got an archer (currently level 91, all by grinding) and I don't think I've ever killed anything through a wall. They disappear pretty quickly if nobody close to them.

Anyway, the idea totally makes sense to me and I would extend it to mages killing through walls as well (depending on how you envision "green flow") thanks again for ideas...keep 'em coming

Next idea #14
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Re: class balance

Post by blitzcraig »

Also had another thought on #8 that I really like (walking speed):  at 50 natural dexterity, walking speed +1. At 100 natural str, walking speed +1.  I see no reason (practical or in keeping with spirit of game) this would not be good.  The numbers I put out there may need changed a bit, and probably just 2 total extra (though maybe it would be fair to stack...300 natural str = +3 walking speed... Characters would be a bit more diverse and it'd give higher levels something more to work (or buy at that point) for.

EDIT -- I still really like some of the ideas here, and am going to add 1 more, then hopefully see if creator is interested in any of them

#14 - in conjunction with #9 probably... #14 would add extra, class-specific points to non-mage class.  Archers get 1 extra point of DEX every five levels, Dwarves get 1 extra ARM every 5 levels, Ogres get 1 extra STR every 5, and since ogres and dwarves got extra HP with idea #9 but swordsman didn't, swordsmen get +1STR, DEX, and ARM every 12 levels.  (Str at 4, DEX at 8, ARM at 12 etc... maybe)

Next Idea #15
Last edited by blitzcraig on Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: adding idea
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Letter to the creator (Gratitidue, Criticism, Solutions/Ideas)

Post by sapientCrow »

this is broken into 3 parts. Gratitude Criticism and Solutions

Thanks for making Forgotten Tales. Out of all the different games I have tried on my mobile this one wins as the one that brought me back to the days of Ultima and the old school free roaming map exploration. It is a very unique title because it has that feeling of the old school which is sorely lacking in the games today in general. I appreciate very much games that have minimal hand holding and also allow for free exploration and non linear experiences. To be honest the game has a base that with consistent vision and dedication could literally become a Ultima Online for mobile phones and beyond. That could generate both more interest in the game and more activity and more and more... If you know what I mean. In addition it could really become a blast from the past into the future. Optimally it could also revitalize a genre that has been sorely left to fade into obscurity.

Progression is way too extreme and does not follow a natural flow. It instead actually feeds into a system in which we buy levels at a price tag that matches a month sub to a PC title MMO. That type of design limits an influx of newer players and people who will stay. The wall hit post 12- 15 as far as leveling is just too much. I have built 3 new single player teams and one MMO character and it is the same in all of them. Once I hit 14 – 16 I solo run and try to trigger a single enemy then drag them out of the trigger zone and sit hitting them for 5 or more minutes or run circles using mage spam. The span between enemy difficulty is vast and unforgiving. In addition the items do not add a progressive level of power to match the enemy difficulty. I do not assume to know why the design is created as is but it would appear that the most significant drive is to funnel people into buying levels to stay competitive. In summation the progression does not follow a natural curve it rather moves rapidly to a wall or huge spike in which the necessity to buy levels or sit for hours grinding becomes obvious. The itemization in stores and from drops do not enhance the characters enough for the battles we are facing post teens. In addition the quests yield a miniscule amount of gold or experience considering the formula for level advancement. Also the Single player experience is neglected as far as features and enhancements that are already in the MMO experience. In addition the micro transaction focus is minimal and not diverse.

If you are going to stay the course with the buy 1 or 2 cheats and hacks for characters (which I would not suggest for such a revolutionary base game) then lower the price and offer sub based models or general exp gain enhancement for those who support your game. 15 dollars for a small number of maps when I can play a PC title MMO for less than that or I can play an entire Final Fantasy title for half of the cost of just 10 levels is just too steep. Your gold buys are more tolerable at 1.50 but they should also be incorporated into a supporter bundle where people gain extra gold. I am no fan of your current business funnel/model. It is way too transparent and honestly long term does not generate loyalist and consistent players. So instead of the buy level system go with a normal progression curve that does not spike so drastically. Instead of focusing your revenue on level purchases focus on buying expansions and bonus type accessories and or items as well as supporter bundle packs. You could easily allow for normal progression and charge for exp/gold boosts or other items as well as general expansions or vanity and make way more money if that is your thing. With such a drastic spike so soon into the game it doesn't encourage long term loyalty. So in summation make expansions (more maps, more enemies, more items, more quests, more story), add loyalty bonuses, offer boost packages, create a more natural progression for itemization as well as encounters throughout the world. As far as expansions go you could even share revenue with community map editors for agreed upon content updates. The bottom line is that the base you have here has a huge amount of potential and as of now it is simply a grind fest with a focus on 2 but mainly 1 micro transaction. New maps, quests, crafting, new items, vanity items, boosts, promotional items just to name a few could really enhance the base potential of this game. Also please please please do not forget the single player game. Yes I know the gravitation towards competition drives more activity in the MMO world and in return enhances the potential of micro transactions but the single player world is quite literally a one of a kind and I have searched the app stores extensively believe me. The single player experience over time will offer even more potential generation if done right.

That is just a few of my thoughts. Again thanks for creating this game. It really gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Unfortunately once I hit the wall I lost interest and I became increasingly frustrated and I do not have the disposable income to keep my characters competitive in the game nor do I feel like standing toe to toe with enemies for 5 or more minutes to gain a miniscule % of exp for the next level. Mage round up to me is not at all fun either. I would be happy to offer more insight or ideas if you are interested. This game base coupled with the map editor shines with potential and a longer than typical lifespan for a mobile title.

Thanks again and apologies for a lack of refined grammar.
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