Pack Mule

If you have ideas to improve this great game, post them here!

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Pack Mule

Post by Medic_Ryan »

I was thinking about how much my ballista was slowing
Me down now and thought about different ways of carrying

The Pack Mule could be bought from a clan farm and would
Follow the player around but cannot attack at all and can only heal if near or maybe placed back at the clan farm. I'd
Also think it'd be nice if members or even allies could
borrow the mule and also have a caravan sort of thing going
On. A mule is a pretty sturdy animal so the HP would be pretty decent, and as for slowing the player down, I don't
think it should hinder a player too much, or at all :)
Medic_Ryan lvl 158mage- Traveling Healer
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Re: Pack Mule

Post by Moonraker »

Not a bad that ballistas are all but useless in game play.. I mean who want to walk around at .5 speed..,. all because a few players abused them by using them as blockers.. Instead of punishing those players for using the ballistas illegally... they punish all ballista users.... might as well remove the ballista from the game... In that vein the pack mule will NEVER happen .. because they will be used the same by those ROTTEN players to block.. and the reaction would be the same overreaction.... not punishing the rotten players.. instead punishing all the players...... One can tell this is a sore subject with me... It pisses me off when the game is changed to stop a few bad apples.. not looking at the unintended consequences. The rulers of FT seemed to never bother to ask themselves if while trying to protect some players by a change they actually might hurt other players and they did.. improving gameplay for some but screwing over others.. good job there... oops I'm ranting again..... This just pisses mo off to no end. some players are more important than others I guess..

Of course the really easy solution is to make ballistas pets ..etc as pass thru objects.. like how we can now walk behind trees bet this never occured to our game overlords ...

anyway my two cents...
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