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The Chronicles of Jarlysle

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:41 pm
by Jarlysle
I enjoy writing from time to time, so I thought I would tell my Forgotten Tales experiences here. I'm writing this for my own fun, so feel free to enjoy it or ignore it. :D From here on out, these "chronicles" will be from the perspective of Jarlysle, my new alt.

Re: The Chronicles of Jarlysle

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:27 pm
by Leone
Sounds great:)

Re: The Chronicles of Jarlysle

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:14 pm
by Gullander
I do like stories! :D

Re: The Chronicles of Jarlysle

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:53 pm
by Jarlysle
From the deepest of darks, my mind began to stir. As I began to slowly wake, echoes of my surroundings began to register. First, the babble of a nearby river crept in. Then, the chirping of birds, the rustle of a soft wind through the trees, and eventually, the full and quiet song of a peaceful forest. The beautiful sounds combined into a melody seeming to sing out to me, but I could not discern the words. The calm was suddenly pierced by the impact of an axe on a tree. The sharp sound startled me back into the waking world. My head was filled with a dull ache and a confusing emptiness. No ambitions, no thoughts, no memories, not even an identity could be found there. I was an empty vessel. Just before the fog cleared from my mind, I heard the forest call out to me once more: "Jarlysle!". Is this who I am? The name filled the void where my name, where I, should be. Jarlysle, I shall be, then.

I feel weak, much weaker than I should be. My mind has no memories, but the body never forgets: the loss of my previous abilities is all too apparent. With the realization of my weakness, I suddenly feel naked without a weapon in my hand. I need something to protect myself... Quickly, I grab a nearby sturdy branch to use as a club. The weight of a club in my hand feels right to me, natural and normal.

As my senses attune fully to my surroundings, the forest sounds fade and the chopping of wood becomes a steady staccato. The steady rhythm calms my nerves, and helps me regain focus. As clear thoughts return to me, I begin to take stock of myself and my surroundings. I am lost, of mind, of purpose, and of body in whatever land this is. And yet, I know that an important destiny lies before me. I can feel in my bones that I am here, in this place, at this time, for a purpose. I need more information; I need to "Get my memory back."

The sound of the nearby woodcutter penetrates my musings. I will seek out this woodcutter in the hopes that they know how or why I came to be here...

Re: The Chronicles of Jarlysle

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:50 pm
by LostKnight
{fishing at the river, watching a strange man in a loincloth pick up a club sized stick as he approaches the forester. I shall watch and listen from a distance, but I ready my blade to protect the forester if needed.}

Re: The Chronicles of Jarlysle

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:08 am
by SellSword
LostKnight wrote: Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:50 pm {fishing at the river, watching a strange man in a loincloth pick up a club sized stick as he approaches the forester. I shall watch and listen from a distance, but I ready my blade to protect the forester if needed.}
That's what we refer to in FT as a normal day, oddly enough! :D