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Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:27 pm
by compbatant
New maps are ready to enter :)
Maps were created by Nelmi. I hope you like it :)

Re: Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:48 pm
by Gullander
Nice looking map! Thanks! I have a few accounts that can visit it. :)

However, if you are level 341 to 999 there is nothing for you to do except maybe fish or hit rocks, unless I have missed something, there is a portal for 340 or under and the quest there requires level 1000. So unless you are just curious to see save the initial quest cost to get there. Disappointed this level range is excluded. In my opinion if new content has something for low levels and high levels too it should be required to have something for intermediate levels. You all know me...I repeat what I've said many times new should benefit all players not just some. If new is just for high, or just for low, or just for clans fine I have no problem with that, but if variable in level please include all. I hope content makers in the future consider this and compbatant makes it a requirement before he will release it. I think it will increase the player enjoyment and retention to know no matter what level they are (beyond the initial level requirements to get there) new means they can look forward to being involved.

Re: Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 6:21 pm
by LostKnight
And the cost to get in that map isn't cheap either.

Let me say that again: the cost to get in that map isn't cheap either especially if there is nothing one can do.

Re: Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:05 pm
by Aogon
The daily tag to kill 250 gnomes was left on one of the quests inadvertently. It has been removed. Thanks.

Re: Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:33 am
by Gullander
Well, I guess everything was reset on this map?

I had 100 plus desert archers killed by my archer, I log on and quest gone and ? back over the npc!

If this was a daily the quest didn't say so. I give up between rude players and now this I don't plan on returning. :(

Re: Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 2:21 am
by Aogon
Nothing on that map was reset. The desert archers and monsters are still a daily for levels less than 340.

Re: Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:20 am
by Gullander
Nowhere in the quest dialogue does it say daily quest. No information was given on it's release to that effect. Now I know and all who read this now know. My mistake I guess....good luck completing it with people grinding there with pets. My opinion the islands are too small to accommodate daily quests but it will be one player less!

Re: Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:56 am
by Gullander
My apologies to all for acting as if I am entitled, I am not. Confusion happens, poor choices happen and that is part of life. I should have thought the quest situation through especially as a seasoned player and considered the possibility of the new map having repeatable daily quests. This actually is a good thing giving lower levels a chance at some extra levels for all the grinding they do. It is a bit crowded though that I think is factual not just a reaction on my part, but even there other areas on other maps are contested so find the time most likely less full and do the quest then. I admit I got angry at this and at the factual GM response without any explanation or apology for my loss of time, but that's on me as everything was done decently and with the detachment best suited for GM responses. I am the one in error and at fault and am sorry for tearing down rather than supporting the new opportunities that this map did and does provide. As they do in primary schools when children are acting poorly the teacher has them take "a time out" to adjust their attitude, that is what I am endeavoring to do.

Re: Nelmi maps finally released!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 2:32 am
by Leone
You didn't act as if entitled at all. It's just something you're passionate about. There is no harm in that.