Alter Egos

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Alter Egos

Post by Methoneus »

I just want to start off and say for me, this game is to escape the monotony of real life. Some times people resort to drugs or alcohol; for me it's RPGs.

Im going to be the one who delves deeper into the lore of the game and bridge some gaps along the lines. Do all the quests and try to be the most balanced player you've ever met. For me; Forgotten Tales is not only a role playing game, but is also a story for Methoneus. He has morals, ethics, and has the most elaborate agenda you can think of. If we cross paths in the forums where I am being myself, that's a different story. Its just me trying to figure out how to be efficient for later on, as I'm married and have 2 kids and don't have much time anymore but a couple hours at most per day.

"One task or quest at a time gets you to the end game." Can @Anyone tell me what the end game is truly ? - please post here. Build from the foundation of what I'm talking about, and let's all take this to the next level. Not gonna lie, I haven't been this passionate about writing in a very long time, and can appreciate everything that everyone is doing here.

Just understand Methoneus has always been an alter ego for me for many many years. Really since I was 16. Forgotten Tales is going to be great for him because he has been many things, but has no idea who he even is. Right now as it stands, he is literally just a new guy in town that lost his memory. I'm very much "in-role" with him. He's adapting to the people around him. You'll notice that he will only ask for things that are relevant to him in the moment for the here and now presently to accomplish a task or quest. I understand the grind of RPGs and love it. This isn't about me being the best at anything, but more so here for our entertainment.

It's not the end game that we desire, it's the roads we take and choices we make while getting to it that we get fulfillment from.

From Methoneus' point of view, somebody giving him stuff might be your character with some type of ulterior motive that he's potentially scheming against. That's not the case for anyone specifically, but to put it into perspective, you just never know. It's on us to decide our own story lines. He's very on edge as you can only imagine what it's like to lose your memory. He's doing everything in his power to regain his past.

I guess what I'm asking you to do is help me out here in a way that not a lot of people want to be helped. Help me with the story line of Methoneus. Role play in game with him and let's make some magic happen.

I know the path for Methoneus as it's been an ongoing story already for many years. What's your characters path ? What's your alter ego trying to do ?
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Re: Alter Egos

Post by Gullander »

You can find mine and others in the thread "write your own FT story" just do that as a search . Haven't learned how to make a link but that should work.
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Re: Alter Egos

Post by LostKnight »

@ Methoneus
Oh my, you are going to be just fine here. I like how you've started. Keep it up, please. Mix and match real life with the character Methoneus and have at it.
Meth wrote:Can @Anyone tell me what the end game is truly ?
shhhhhhh don't tell anyone - it hasn't been written into the story yet, we are all lost, well except me, I'm 'Lost'. And I have no idea where I came from.

You see my forgetter is getting better. One day I became aware I was hearing someone chopping in the woods, my earliest memory, and he asked me to kill some wolves and deliver a letter. That started it all.

Stop by either of my rock houses, one is just east of Kedington where the path turns south to the bandit's hideout. That's "Rockheim nord i Steinheim nær kedington", or RHN for short and the other is in Ardesia, "Rockheim sør i Ardesia" or RHS. You'll find Ardesia someday I'm sure. Coffee pot is always on and available for friends. I have even been known to raid a coffee pot left out on the patio of SellSwor's house. But I think MrsSell leaves it there for me
on purpose.

Oh and Gullander, she's my neighbour in Rockheim "Gladsheim" being just a little south of me, it looks like a landing site for a close encounter of the third kind.

Welcome to FTlandia!

@ Gull and anyone else that cares ...

Title: Write your FT story
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Add to a "URL box" - the "Chain Link" between the picture and colour teardrop in the menu above.

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[url=viewtopic.php?f=12&t=14303]Write your FT story[/url]
and there you have it: The complete thread: Write your FT story

For your post click on the title in your actual post and use that "url"

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[url=/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=14303&p=107353&hilit=write+your+own+FT+story#p107353]The End of the Beginning[/url]
The End of the Beginning
I'll fight for what I think is right!
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Re: Alter Egos

Post by Leone »

I'm intrigued by all this, meth, and look forward to seeing your character progress.

There will come a point where you will *need* other players' help to progress. This might be advice, items, tanking, storage or gold. We all do and that is a hugely positive part of the game (for me, at least). There is a great ft community and I'm proud to be part of it.

Don't be afraid to begin to trust people and accept that help. You'll know yourself when you need it.

In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure we'll meet up ingame:)
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