A short guide how to report.

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A short guide how to report.

Post by Akkilles »

A short guide on how to report rule breakers or minor issues to GM.

GAME RULES --> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2560
When writing down a report. Please copy this numbers and fill it with the information as followed (see example).

Allways Take evidence /screenshot (with timestamp) --> (/time. ) or use /info . We want forgotten tales time and not other countries time.

1. Write down the names of those involved.

2. Explain briefly "What Happened".

3. Write down which rule the player violated or abused.

4. If needed ~ Describe which map situation occurred on ( /pos). or use /info

-->EXAMPLE Report.<--

1. Akkilles (player A) Mr abuser (other player)
2. Mr abuser (Player B) is using autoclick and blocking spawn.
3. He is violating rule 7 and rule 9
4 He's at 4.-1.80.80 (/pos)

Send the screenshots and all informations to this link.viewtopic.php?f=4&p=141162#p141162
and Now you Wait !!!

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Akkilles ☆Active☆
(I'll answer when i have time)

--> I hope everyone the best in life.

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