Creating maps - NEW!

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Re: Creating maps - NEW!

Post by merisajan »

What happy and beautiful cities They are good maps👏♥️
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Re: Creating maps - NEW!

Post by ANTAG »

:P Good day!These people once fled from a forgotten kingdom. In the past, their king wished for power. Having received it, he challenged the gods. The gods did not like this, and brought their wrath upon the entire kingdom. And its inhabitants. The kingdom was destroyed, many who were at that celebration died. But not all. Those who managed to escape or hide, the survivors, according to the covenant of the gods, were expelled and persecuted.The survivors had no rest. They worked, but the gods were unyielding. On the surface, there was no place for them, their bodies and souls were damaged by the burden. And the horde of the living dead wandered the world without rest.One day, in the middle of darkness, dawn broke in their heads. They heard a voice, it invited them underground. There, underground, they found their peace. Their souls and bodies became the same. And so a handful of survivors, far from the others, eventually founded their new kingdom, unknown to anyone. Their new cities were located far underground and in deep caves. Where no one is destined to find them. The New Deity keeps them.
Even the chosen ones are not destined to reach them!
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