Main storyline :: Kraken Island
At completing the Central House quests (not yet described in the WT), you are left with the feeling that the story is not over yet.
In order to know what happens next, you need level 250, and have to meet The Rebel who is patroling in the Iceland [Q_ID 313]. He has news: Proditor is requesting your presence in his Tower.
Log in your QuestBook: Visit Proditor in the Mage Tower
- Where is the Rebel?: Show
He tells you about an ancient scroll, said containing information on how to retrieve the Artifact. It is in the Oasis Palace, where no one is allowed entrance. Your only hope in earning permission to enter is in a Chaiten Family son, who left with a powerful book of magic.
Log in your QuestBook: Talk with the Lost Son of the family Chaiten for help entering the Oasis Palace in the Northern Desert
You should remember having already met him, while he was desperately searching for a family book.
Will he gladly help you?
It depends on your previous choice: who did you gave the book, him [Q_ID 318] or the Creepy Stranger [Q_ID 316]?
Have you been greedy with the book, you will have now to pay two hundred million gold coins for the Lost Son's help.
He accepts granting you entrance to the Oasis Palace, but only if you can bring him the lost Chaiten family crest.
Log in your QuestBook: Find the Chaiten family crest in a cave in the east and bring it to the lost son
- Where is the Lost Son?: Show
You walk East, looking for the Cave. You remember encountering a cave in a lonely snow field, its entrance blocked. Might it be that it is now open?
- Where is the Cave? Will you be able entering?: Show
At this point you feel at a dead end.
You probably would go talking to Ascanius, Nelrogg, Proditor and even Sebastius, looking for info on how to proceed.
- Is any of them capable helping you?: Show
- Do you know who he is?: Show
Carefully storing the crest in your bag, you return to the Lost Son [Q_ID 319] to discover an unpleasant news: the Blue Devils have sealed off the Palace.
You must talk to them.
Log in your QuestBook: talk with the creepy stranger about opening the Oasis Palace
- Where was the Creepy Stranger again?: Show
He is of course not unsealing the Oasis Palace for free...
- What is he going to ask you for?: Show
Log in your QuestBook: Retrieve the ancient scroll from the Oasis Palace and return it to Proditor
You go to the Oasis Palace, in the desert in map 1.1, find the Ancient Scroll and return to Proditor [Q_ID 333].
Unfortunately, the Ancient Scroll is... ancient.
Its language is hard to decipher, thus Proditor suggests you meeting his old friend Vetus Lector, a scholar of ancient languages.
Vetus Lector lives on the Northern volcanic island to the west, those black islands in the shape of a Kraken.
Log in your QuestBook: Give the ancient scroll to Vetus Lector on the most northern volcanic island to the west
- But where can you find Vetus Lector?: Show
- Thanks to LostKnight for the image
He reads the ancient scroll, revealing you that the seas have to be calmed, and that you must go to the Altar in the very center of the main Kraken Island.
Log in your QuestBook: Travel to Kraken Island to find the Artifact
- Seas have to be calmed?!?: Show
He is willing transporting you on the other side, but needs some help.
Log in your QuestBook: Bring 4 planks and a hammer to the boat tender on Volcanic Island
At this point you finally reach map -2.-2 and meet another Ferryman, who could transport you to the main central Kraken island.
It is a treacherous trip.
He wants you to receive training on sailing, so you have to search for a sailor accepting to train you.
- Where might this be?: Show
You enter the cave, and find yourself in a wide map, hot for the lava. Be careful in choosing the right teleport!
As the Ancient Scroll says, its true location is revealed by a giant fish in the clutches of a huge sea kraken.
- Where do the teleport beam you to?: Show
You can explore it, looking for the entrance of the Altar Room, or you can read the solution in the spoiler.
- I give up: which is the solution?: Show
Powerful monsters live here, they don't like being disturbed.
You reach the Altar, and meet a faery revealing you how to retrieve the Artifact [Q_ID 397]: you must cover yourself in the right magical ingredients... they grow in this cave.
Find them: the smell of several aromatic flowers and mushrooms is needed.
When you smell right, you approach the altar and you now see the Artifact resting upon it.
You reach slowly... wondering if it will again disappear from your fingers...
As you take hold of it, you feel a rush of power...
You feel dizzy...
Your ears are pierced with a terrifying scream...
Everything goes white...
You are fainting, but don't forget picking up the Artifact!
Log in your QuestBook: Return the Artifact to Proditor to restore peace to the land
So, visiting Proditor again, where quite a surprise awaits for you: the power of the Artifact corrupts Proditor: now that he has discovered how to use it, he will unleash it on all those who stand in his way!
You barely escape, and hurry informing Nellrogg [Q_ID 369].
He doesn't know what to do, but has a good suggestion: evil per evil, Blue Devils might be of help.
Log in your QuestBook: Talk with the Blue Devil for help retrieving the Artifact from Proditor
So there you meet the Creepy Stranger again [Q_ID 370].
Blue Devils are aware of your problem. They knew the mages were after the power for themselves, this is why they captured three of them (I wonder, who helped those three mages escaping?)
The Blue Devils can not help you, but they know something that can be done. And of course information is precious...
Log in your QuestBook: Bring 500,000,000 gold coins to the Blue Devil (again)
Once you demonstrate the Blue Devil how much you value his information, he reveals you that there is no way to take the Artifact from the traitor now... it is too late for that.
You cannot take it, but it can still be destroyed.
You must summon a spectre wizard at the altar in the Dungeon of Doom.
Lead it to the Artifact and the spectre will vanish with it to nil space
This will forever remove it from our existence.
But... how do you summon a spectre? [Q_ID 372]
You must gather a skull, two portions of spectre dust, and an Etheric Wind Hat.
Place them together on the altar, and a spectre will appear to do our bidding.
Log in your QuestBook: Take a skull, 2 portions of spectre dust, and an Etheric Wind Hat to the altar in the Dungeon of Doom, then lead the spectre to Proditor.
So now you go again to the Altar in Dungeon of Doom.
It is a risky place, and a risky mission: it is advisable to go there without pets!
You assemble the items on the alter, and a dark form begins to come together in front of you.
The items fade out of view, and you feel a new presence in the room.
A spectre has been summoned and is now walking with you.
You (and the spectre) return to Proditor for the final encounter [Q_ID 375].
The Spectre envelopes both Proditor and the Artifact, then fades away quietly.
You see Proditor rising wearily from the ground... without the Artifact.
Proditor implores you to be killed: having only partly used the power of the Artifact has cursed him.
But you know what to do, and leave him living with his shame.