Du kannst ganz oben sehen, wann zuletzt etwas aktualisiert wurde. Weicht das Datum von diesem hier ab, sind diese Regeln nicht mehr ganz aktuell!!!
Forgotten Tales ist ein soziales Spiel. Auch im Forum geht es häufig um soziale Interaktion. Für uns macht das einen großen Teil der Spielwelt um Forgotten Tales aus.
Die Community ist international; es gibt Spieler aus der ganzen Welt. Das ist toll, andererseits führt es zu Problemen, z.B. wegen kultureller und sprachlicher Barrieren.
Um solchen Problemen vorzubeugen, haben wir die nachfolgenden Regeln aufgestellt. Wir erwarten von jedem Spieler, das er sie liest und befolgt, denn alle sollen Spaß an Forgotten Tales haben und sich nicht gegenseitig ärgern.
Alle Spieler werden ebenfalls gebeten, das Spielehandbuch und die FAQs zu lesen. Diese sind derzeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
Bemerkung :: Aufräumarbeiten im System. Das System entfernt inaktive Spielfigunren unterhalb Level 4 nach einer gewissen Zeit der Inaktivität: Spielfiguren mit Level 0 und 1 (2 und 3) werden nach 30 (90) Tagen gelöscht.
Regel 0. Diese Regeln werden vom FT-Team überwacht. Daher höre immer auf diese "Game Master", die im Clan GM sind! Damit du einen GM gleich erkennen kannst, sind ihre Namen blau oder golden gefärbt.
Es ist erforderlich, dass du reagierst, wenn du von einem GM angesprochen wirst. Wir verstehen, dass es Sprachbarrieren gibt, und machen den Versuch, sie zu überwinden. Allerdings kannst du immer noch für Regelverstöße bestraft werden, auch wenn du die Warnungen nicht verstehst. Es liegt in der Verantwortung des einzelnen Spielers, die Regeln zu kennen und sie zu befolgen.
Es ist verboten, jeglichen Programmfehler auszunutzen, aus dem man XP, Gold, Gegenstände oder anderes allzu leicht gewinnen kann. Die Strafe wird in der Regel der Verlust von allem sein, was aus dem Missbrauch gewonnen wird, plus, was auch immer von Fall zu Fall als zusätzliche Strafe vom GM-Team als angemessen angesehen wird.
Es ist auch verboten, einen GM zu verkörpern. Die Bestrafungen dafür können, je nach Fall, hart sein.
Regel 1. Verwende ein sicheres und einprägsames Passwort!
Ab einer bestimmten Spielstufe willst du nicht, dass dein Charakter von anderen Spielern gestohlen wird. Und glaube uns: Es gibt Spieler, die das versuchen. Sie versuchen z.B. "123456" oder den Namen der Spielfigur als Passwort. Das Personal wird dir bei einem Problem nicht helfen, wenn die Protokolle zeigen, dass dein Passwort nicht sicher war.
Ein Passwort gilt als sicher, wenn es mindestens 8 Zeichen lang ist und sowohl Buchstaben als auch Zahlen enthält.
Regel 2. Schütze dein Passwort! Du bist alleine dafür verantwortlich!
Auch ein sicheres Passwort hilft nichts, wenn du es überall verwendest oder irgend jemand anderem mitteilst. Verwahre es sicher, es ist dein Passwort. Wenn du deine Spielfiguren weggibst, oder anderen erlaubst, sie zu benutzen, könnte das Konsequenzen haben.
Wenn du dein Passwort weitergegeben hast und deine Spielfigur auf diese Weise gestohlen wurde, werden wir sie nicht an dich zurückgeben. Im Endeffekt können wir nicht entscheiden, wer der eigentliche Besitzer war. Es wird noch komplizierter mit verkauften Spielfiguren (siehe Regel 6). Wir können die verlorene Spielfigur "ins Gefängnis stecken", wenn du das letzte Passwort kennst und den Verlust innerhalb kurzer Zeit meldest. In diesem Fall kontaktiere einen Gamemaster!
Bemerkung 1 :: Mitglieder des Personals werden sich niemals mit dir in Verbindung setzen und um dein Passwort bitten. Wir können auf diese Infos vom Spielserver zugreifen, also gibt es dafür keine Notwendigkeit. Teile niemals irgendjemandem dein Passwort mit! Wenn Spieler behaupten, dein Passwort zu benötigen, ist das sehr wahrscheinlich ein Versuch, deine Spielfigur zu stehlen: Vertraue ihnen nicht!
Bemerkung 2 :: Kein GM fragt dich innerhalb des Spiels nach deinem Passwort. Ein Administrator könnte dich aber im Forum nach deinem Passwort fragen, um zu kären, ob du der Eigentümer einer bestimmten Spielfigur bist. Schreibe dein Passwort aber dann nicht öffentlich einsehbar hin, sonder schicke es dem Administrator als PM (Privatnachricht). Administratoren haben im Forum einen grünen Namen.
Regel 3. Jede Spielfigur wird gesondert behandelt!
Bestrafungen richten sich nicht gegen Spieler, sondern gegen Spielfiguren. Das bedeutet, falls du keine Kontrolle über die Spielfigur hattest, weil du jemand anderen deine Figur spielen ließest (siehe Regeln 1 und 2), wird die Spielfigur die Konsequenzen tragen. So werden beispielsweise auch keine Gegenstände oder Gold vom Personal zurückgegeben, wenn jemand, der dein Passwort kennt, den Verlust verursacht hat.
*** Derzeit ist noch keine Übersetzung der nachfolgenden Regeln vorhanden. Sie wird später nachgeholt. ***
Regel 4. If a player is constantly breaking rules, all of their characters may be punished!
This rule can overrule rule 3, but in most cases there will be warnings before rule 4 applies! The characters will be determined by the IP. If you do not know, what an IP is, read our FAQ post.
Bemerkung 1 :: If you use a proxy to cover your real IP and break rules, you can be banned permanently from both the game and the forum. This applies to all your accounts.
Bemerkung 2 :: We know, that the IP is not a 100% identifier for a person in networks, but it is the best way we have. If there is a mixing up in a individual case, we will handle it for sure.
Bemerkung 3 :: In some extreme cases, rule 4 may apply without warning.
Regel 5. If you buy purchasables (levels/items/pets/houses) for real money and there is a bug, report within 7 days!
It should not occur, but you could level up the wrong character, for example. Be quick with the report!
Bemerkung 1 :: When you buy something, the google server can be delayed for up to 24 hours. Please wait this time span before contacting the staff for non-received purchases. It is a very rare issue, but it can happen. Sadly, it’s a Google-side issue and we cannot fix it at all.
Bemerkung 2 :: When reporting this issue, it is recommended you contact an admin (green name) via forum PM (see rule 11). Please include your account name and receipt number (GPA code) from your gmail or google wallet history.
Regel 5 b. Trade deals involving real money purchases are not supported.
It is very likely, that another player may approach you, asking to make a trade deal in exchange for game purchases. Any such trades are at your own risk!
You will not have lost items, gold etc. replaced, or promised purchases given to you, if someone cheats you on such a deal. You can, however, report such a player, who then may be punished at the GM team's discretion. Repeated offenders may be punished more severely, up to and including permanent jailing. This may also be covered under rule 9.
Regel 6. If you buy or sell a whole character, we are not liable for any problems, arising from your trade! The character is bought/sold on a black market, so this is all at your risk!!!
Buying, selling, or trading accounts is not permitted. Under certain circumstances, these actions are punishable; for example, any proposal of such in public chat can get you punished, and posting such proposals on the forum or the facebook group is not allowed. If theft was involved in such a deal, you will likely lose the involved account(s), and possibly all your accounts. So if you buy a character, which has been stolen before, you have a problem!
Bemerkung :: Trading problems, mute counts, clan issues, issues mentioned in rule 4, ... - there can be many troubles, you have to face if you buy a character. Most accounts now have an email address associated with the account for password recovery. If an account is sold, the email address will NOT be changed. Therefore, the seller of the account could later reclaim the account by using the password recovery system. If you purchase an account, you assume this risk.
And again... if you buy a stolen character, all of your chars can be affected! At least, you will lose the stolen character.
Regel 7. It is forbidden to use third-party programs!
Es ist strengstens verboten, Programme von Drittanbietern (wie Auto-Clicker) zu nutzen, um Vorteile zu erzielen.
Wenn Sie das Spiel auf diese Weise missbrauchen, werden Sie bestraft.
Wenn ein Charakter das erste Mal mit einem Auto-Sucher erwischt wird, wird er für 7 Tage inhaftiert. Nach der Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis erhält der Account eine 10% ige Reduzierung der Levels und eine komplette Reduzierung des Skill Levels, wenn das Autoclicking auf Level gesetzt wurde.
Wenn festgestellt wird, dass Sie ein Auto-Clicker oder ein anderes Programm eines Drittanbieters ein zweites Mal verwenden, wird der Charakter dauerhaft inhaftiert, auch wenn Sie es hauptsächlich ohne Programme von Drittanbietern gespielt haben - seien Sie also vorsichtig!
Schließlich, wenn ein Spieler beim dritten Mal mit einem Auto-Kicker erwischt wird, werden alle seine Charaktere durch eine Kombination von Regel 7 und Regel 4 auf Dauergefängnis gesetzt.
[color = # 00CC80] Anmerkung 1 [/ color] [/ b] :: Wenn der Level des Charakters, der beim Autoclicking erwischt wird, kleiner als 30 ist, wird der Charakter dauerhaft inhaftiert und die oben beschriebene Bestrafung beeinflusst die höchste Level alt. [/ i]
[color = # 00CC80] Anmerkung 2 [/ color] [/ b] :: Käufe von wiederholten Autoclickern.
Da ein Kauf kein "Eigentum", sondern eine Gebühr für die "elektronische Erweiterung" von FT-Konten ist, ist er an dieses Konto gebunden, sobald er aktiviert ist:
Sobald ein (Level, Skin, Pet und andere) Item auf einem bestimmten Account aktiviert ist, ist es Teil dieses Accounts.
Das bedeutet, dass Einkäufe auf Konten aktiviert werden, die permanent gesperrt werden, da Regelverstöße verloren gehen. Privathäuser inbegriffen [/ i]
Regel 8. It is forbidden to abuse a glitch or a bug.
If you find game bugs and abuse them, you abuse all players, who have to work hard to build their characters! The punishments can be severe, especially, if you repeat your behavior!
On the other hand, we are very happy about players who care not only for their own advantage, but for the game itself. If you find a glitch or a bug, you can report it to a gamemaster via PM or public on forum. We reward reports, because you've helped to improve the game!
Bemerkung :: Characters can own pets to a maximum of 2. Characters caught being followed by more than 2 pets will be punished for rule 8 violation.
Regel 9. Reducing game-playing experience of others!
If you abuse the sell button, if you send tons of messages to others, abuse the chat in any way (including spamming), if you block bridges/entrances by placing characters or pets in front, if you block spawn or do anything else to annoy other players, you will get punished. This includes spawn-killing, camping and abusing safe zones like shops and private houses. This rule also includes spam selling - selling items for any amount to a player without first asking or agreeing on a trade, especially if the requested price is very high.
If blocking, camping, and possibly other actions are performed in a tactical way for a short time and within a clan fight context, they might be allowed.
The staff team will first warn you and add you to an internal warning list. Then, you get kicked for a certain time or become an outlaw, so everybody can attack you. If a player is caught doing this (purposely or accidentally, either at the time or afterwards through checking game logs) they may have pets, gold, or even XP removed as a penalty for reducing the game enjoyment of others.
If you face a player, who breaks the rules - do not feed the troll. If someone acts in an inappropriate manner, leave the situation and contact our staff team. We will take care of it!
Do not report this rule lightly! False reports of this rule may be punished as well.
Keep in mind, that in clan warfare, some taunting and roleplaying is to be expected. Also, if you are in a clan, you are exempt from any part of this rule that pertains to clan PvP. By joining a clan, you should understand that you are accepting the risk of forced PvP. In these cases, you always have the option to leave your clan. This rule is for excessive abuse of rules 9 and/or 10, and the following.
This could include, defamation (including using a similar name or clan name on purpose), humiliation, excessive hunting of the player, excessive threats of the player, extortion, blackmail, excessive messaging a player, excessive taunting of a player, and mainly excessive breakage of rule 9.
In these cases, they need to be evaluated carefully; it is not a small issue to be taken lightly. If found guilty, the offending account may be punished according to rule 9, or possibly a more strict punishment if the offense was excessive enough.
Any offensive, cursing, insulting, racist, sexist, sexual or any other form of offensive language to any group or individual, whether race or gender, nationality or religion, will be considered as chat abuse and the player will be punished. This also extends to offensive clan names or character names. External issues, like politics, celebrities, world events, and any other inflammatory subject can be punished as well. These issues do not belong in the medieval theme of the game. Spamming chat is also, not allowed. As said above, do not feed the trolls! If you start to swear back or if you provoked the other player, you will also get your penalty! Just report them to the gamemasters and they take care of the abusers.
Bemerkung 1 :: There is a slight tolerance for offensive public chat: a small curse, not pointed at anybody, should not end in a mute. Please always think about using PM or clan chat to avoid problems here.
Bemerkung 2 :: This rule is more relaxed, in clan chat. Also, even if done via PM, or whisper, you may still be reported, if you offend another player; so be careful.
If you have to contact a staff member, contact only ONE PERSON at once. If you contact multiple members at once, your case will be ignored. The preferred method to contact staff is by forum PM. Some GMs, may offer other methods, such as facebook, but this is their individual decision.
Bemerkung 1 :: We set this rule, because some players ask multiple times to...
a) enhance their issue by spreading their issue within the team or
b) try to have at least one GM allowing their request.
This is abusive, because it multiplies the workload for the team.
Bemerkung 2 :: If the contacted GM does not respond within 3 days, you can contact another one. In these cases, multiple contacting will not lead to ignoring you.
Bemerkung 3 :: It is possible, that you may disagree with a GMs decision. If this is the case, you should carefully read the game rules, and the staff rules; if you still wish to dispute the decision, you may contact ONE admin (green name on forum) about the matter. Please include, the name of the GM you dealt with, the incident and the decision made, the FT time/date this happened, and the rule(s) you wish to quote. Admins take such accusations seriously, and will look into them promptly. You should note, repeated accusations may get you ignored (or even punished), if found to be unfounded. An Admin's decision is final, and not open to debate.
Bemerkung 4 :: In contacting the staff, be sure the answer you are looking for is not already present in one of the following: Forum rules Game manual FAQ
The referral program's aim is to attract new players. Creating characters with a single purpose of receiving bonus levels is considered game mechanics abuse, and may be punished by removing those bonuses and deleting the 'spam' accounts. Repeat offense may be punished more severely, including but not limited to: jailing main character and/or subtracting additional levels from it.
Playing "AFK" (Away From Keyboard, i.e. not paying attention to the game and its events, even if for a short time) has generally not been against the rules, but the game has improved enough that playing AFK can be abusive towards the game and other players. Many players purchase pets that are much more powerful than certain spawn on various maps. These players will then park their pets, create an auto spawn, and then go AFK. This type of play is considered abuse of the game for several reasons. Therefore, playing AFK in this manner will result in punishment.
Repeated violations of this rule will result in jail time as well as loss of levels (5% level loss on the second offense, 10% loss of levels on the third offense), and possibly even permanent jail. Using siege weapons while AFK will result in very similar punishments including jail and reduction of siege trade/skill level. NOTE :: If a GM suspects a player is AFK, the GM will say something to that player. The player must respond to a GM. If the player does not respond, the GM will assume the player is AFK, and punishment will result.
Special skin - any monster that is used in the game and that is non-purchasable might be used as special skin. What does that mean? If the skin is a mage skin, and can be purchased by a mage player, then that skin is not a special skin. A bat skin is not allowed to be purchased by any player of any class, and is therefore a special skin. Please note, there may be special skins that are class specific. Also note, any skin in the game that does not have a full animation set cannot be used by players. This includes, neutral animals (rabbits, pigs, etc.), NPCs that do not move, and some others, like the Ball. Animation sets are viewable if you download the map editor.
Players may obtain special skins, that cannot be purchased. These skins are granted for special support of our game. This can be...
Important or regular bug reports
Creating game content
Numerous translations
Reaching outstanding high levels (details see below)
Regarding the high levels, we set these rules:
By reaching level 1500, you may request a special skin. Usually, it will be granted, but it can be denied, if the staff team has doubts, i.e. if the character is a known troublemaker in the FT world.
If you got your special skin, you will be granted a skin change within 7 days: We do understand, that you might choose the wrong skin, but then, you will recognize within a week for sure. After the week or the second change, we will not change your special skin again. If you want another skin, you have to buy a regular one, or reach the next special skin level.
If you buy a purchasable skin after obtaining a special one, the special skin is lost and you have to wait until you qualify again in order to ask for a new one.
By reaching level 2000, 2500, etc., you can request a new special skin including a correction of skin within a week. It has the same mechanism as at level 1500. Be aware; if you skip a level step, for example, buy from level 1555 to level 2500, you can only get the level 2500 skin and the level 2000 skin is lost.
Only players standing in good relationship with FT community are eligible. Well known troublemakers, as an example, will not receive special skins, no matter their level.
In addition, players that "create" a new skin that is accepted to be used in the game might get a choice of using that skin as a special skin (so long as it is not class-specific - or if it is class-specific, the skin must be used on an account of that class). Details of this procedure is found elsewhere on the forum.