Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by Mr_Maks »

What kind of game development is it when there is a rule in the game that helps built clans to be safe already because any new structure on their map will be considered a contested area.

I just can't understand the logic for creating clan restrictions if they start building their clan no matter what the motive(except for building inside the opponent's clan base).It is their business how they play and why the rule should impose on the players that they cannot capture territory what is the meaning of clan war.This rule is invented from the air to help stagnant clans and prevent new or stronger clans from developing.I see no reason not to allow it.

The remaining 4.2 card will soon become fully built up as well and literally all the remaining clan cards will become contested zones, which will not allow old and new players to play.Because everything that you start building on the territory to be captured will be considered disputed and deleted...

How can make something illegal when it legal in all games with clan wars?How clan wars can take place on an equal footing if there is a rule that allows GM to remove at any time any newly built building saying that this is a violation?How can prevent players from building?
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by cotne7 »

They want build nase on 2.2 to destory our map!!heheje russians u can keeep dreaming about destroying 2.2!wish you guys sweet dreams :lol:
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by cotne7 »

And maks.. your crying alot..didnt knew if you would cry so much becouse of 2 poor walls..with would be still gone like that 200 wall was...
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by LordSeth »

RUS2 the clan was made by player name fastfud.
Buildings on 4.2

Duplicate clan RUS3 (Duke) kirito99 account used by fastfud Buildings on 4.2

Duplicate clan RUS1 (Duke) zlodei-_- account used by fastfud Last buildings removed on 2.2

Original clan FAST (Duke) FASTFUD32 buildings on 204.204

This player has an established clan on map 204.204 so all other clans he created are spam clans so he can expand on other maps. These are not clans of new players all the players in these clans have established clan bases on maps 204.204 and 201.201 and -2.-3 these are clearly spam clans.
fastfud has made a big mistake by doing this. This topic by Mr_Maks pulled my attention so I had to check this.

The rules are clear on spam clans and buildings if it's hard to understand it can be put more elementary in a separate post on spam clan building rule.

We try not to get involved much in these situations because the lack of understanding causes even more problems but when a rule is broken multiple times for such a long time it's important we step in because new players are being tought to use tactics that are not allowed.
What exactly is not allowed? Spam clans and buildings.

How are they considered spam? This goes back to the update on clans allowed on only 1 clan map.
Let's say clan (roll) has a established base on map 2.2 then they build another base on map -2.-3 *they are taking space for a new clan to build on that map to make friends and allies to help defend in clan wars. The GM team and developer decide to let each clan to choose 1 map to call home. And the change was made.

Now players neglect that change by creating a new clan tag and go to another map and begin to destroy 1 base and build a new (spam base) while destroying the base then continue to destroy the rest of the map building as you go. This has been done to map 3.-3 with -2.-3 and 4.2 mostly out of greed and hunger for domination and it hasn't been stopped untill now.

Destroying a base with the protection of your raid is how it's meant to be done as it is on many other games. However like many other games after you destroy a base you return to your own base and if you don't have one you can then build one after the enemy has nothing left to defend. During a raid you use the protection of your guild/army to complete the task you do not build a defense building in or near the enemy base, not untill that base is gone.

So many clans used these tactics of building your protection during destruction of another clan not knowing it was agianst the game rules. If you read this post carefully it tells everyone what the issue is and why it's an issue.

If you want to destroy a base go ahead have fun but don't use spam buildings to do it. If you have no place safe away from the enemy base or war zone destroy a base then one can be built by a clan that you are helping clear a spot.

Don't create a new clan to build on a different map if you already have a established clan. Your taking up space out of greed when another new clan would like a base somewhere too.
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by LordSeth »

Please be sure to study here.
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by Mr_Maks »

In general, I like the point of view of LordSeth, as in some points you are right.But I want to clarify one topic.

Virtually all clan cards with the exception of 3.-3 are hostile to our team.All these clan cards tried to destroy us.And with this I want to say that there is no greed here, we just give a retaliatory blow to the opponents.
There are only two big teams in the game and almost all new clans join one of two.Few new clans who want to be neutral to build their clan and the only example of this is map 3.-3 and clan ADIK.As for the construction of a clan 4.2 by new clans, this is a necessary measure because we followed it for a whole year and not one truly neutral clan did not build there and our enemies constantly occupied this place.We destroyed them many times hoping that some good clans that may not want to be friends with us but will be able to behave peacefully and secretly not to take another side.And now, a year later, we are forced to take this card for ourselves because the enemies are constantly destroying new Russian clans from players who have a small level.We create space for them and this will be their base in the future, despite the fact that the dukes will remain with us because they are new and they will not be able to properly care for the clan base.

Regarding the creation of clans for destruction, I will also explain.As I already wrote, we are not greedy for new clans who can prove themselves from a good point of view and they are not obliged to help us in the war.Pleasant communication not even with my allies always evokes good emotions for me. I will single out the Adik clan with a friendly atmosphere and even having a base in the war zone they keep their netrality well.
But as for the creation of new clans, this is a necessary measure since the buildings in this game are also an attacking tactic when one of the clans builds its buildings and then attacks with catapults with a large radius.Without built-up buildings, catapults are practically useless, which means if you prohibit the construction of new clans for the purpose of siege, the clan war begins to lose meaning.Again, we are not against new clans, we are against our enemies and they themselves know it.By maintaining close communication with them, they condemn themselves to becoming spies for us or those who will help our enemies at any inappropriate moment for us, as was the case with SK.

Everyone talks about the terrain for new clans, but for a whole year map 4.2 was free and not one of the neutral clans did not take advantage of this opportunity, which means that there are no new clans.And if they are not there, why the territory should be open for such a long period so that enemy clans can build there and we constantly have to waste time destroying them.You can’t even imagine how we would be happy if the good and adequate civilian clans took the 4.2 card and we wouldn’t have had to spend time building them, but as I said they had a whole year to start building there but not one such clan dont try to do it.

From this I want to conclude that at the moment the game helps new clans that do not even try to create their own clans.This could make sense if there were a lot of good positive clans who complained in the forum about the fact that they have no place to build but then you can create a new clan card because it is clear that not one of the parties will not delete the clans to let them in if they won't be credible.
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by LordSeth »

I understand your point as well I see your generosity for new clans but keep in mind even if it's open for five years you basically have your own map to run. I see you consider destroying enemy clans a waist of time. That is a mater of decision and it's just as easy to decide to gian levels or good drops as it is to decide to waist time destroying a enemies base.
Also just because one new clan is not a Russian or Spanish or American or any other nationalities does not mean they can not be neutral to all. This is a world wide game so in this game we are in the same country so to speak. I myself watched on 4.2 just today a new clan started building and bothering nobody. Their base is gone now because the other players on 4.2 did not want them on the map and they were too low to defend it.
Not many players are willing to help new clans just because well their new. And it's hard to allow new buildings on a map if you see war every day on the map. So nobody is to blame there. It's how the game is. It's always good to have an open mind to another players manners instead of language or nationality.
If you can't understand them help them anyway if later they are allies it could benefit you if not that's their loss.

I see that you feel that the map is being waisted if nobody is building on it but that leads back to what I mentioned above, you have your own map to run. You can't run two.

All my points are not directed to individually Mr_Maks it's directed to anyone in a clan.

As far as spam clans and buildings that have been looked into on 4.2. The ones listed as a major violation may be sold or removed because they were built as spam to occupy another map just beacause no new "good" clans are there building. The main clan of the duke of the spam clans may require more work to keep all these builders occupied.

If you would like to see the map become occupied by new clans your more than welcome to go help new clans build their own base the way they want it.
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by Mr_Maks »

Well I will tell him to transfer the clans to other owners.
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by Mr_Maks »

fastfud no longer duke RUS2 and RUS3
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Re: Since when are completed buildings considered spam?

Post by Lestat »

So....when these tactics were used against me on 4,2...I could have turned in half the americans?? They used spam clans to fill the map with walls... remember princesszen??? All her clan did was spam walls...but hey....I didn't cry...I just fought back....funny how it's only a 'problem' now....

And as far as a contested spot....that corner of 2,2 has become a major part of the fight on 2,2....there's been 3 different clans there in a contested areas can't be spammmed....otherwise the gut wall would/should be spam....he builds level one tower to boost base just tactical defence....but not allowed tactical offence ????

This is the biggest issue in ft....when "Americans" are winning ( they use same tactics) and don't cry("Russian side calls foul).
When "Russian" are winning "Americans" cry every thing they do...

You wanna know why I turned on you all ? Your bigger hypocrites than a edited for bad language for a long as your opponent is weak and you can bully...u never cry...but soon as things gets tough....u cry and look for easy way out..

BTW..I helped remove the gut walls....BUT GUT HAD NO BUILDS... Doesn't that fit spam ? Or no, just because they allied? If that's the case..I can start popping towers wherever I have allies right ? Then let my other allies build ? But then I'm sure someone gonna cry then too....but that's how we are handling this instance isn't it ?

To someone that's been on both sides of the coin here, this looks like a last ditch effort to stop another map a group that has already shown they can't hold a map against their enemies...otherwise they wouldn't all be cramped into one map now would they ????
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