Clan "rules"

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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by Mr_Maks »

Yes, I have a question and a suggestion.

Use your "man power" to win a location to build gather a organised army to start destruction by using tools designed for clan destruction (ballista's/catapult's) along with your clan members and allied forces.

Since the building for destruction is not desirable and we must use the siege and catapults for this, then I have some thoughts on this.

We all know that without a defensive tower or castle, catapults cannot benefit because they will be destroyed in a few blows.And due to the fact that I described above, I want to propose a change in hp catapults to hp of an ordinary siege, since they already have one significant disadvantage in that they need to be charged with stone shells for firing and how for me it is enough.

But there is one more thing. For this, you need a clan building for crafting these very stone cores and the players are forced to create a new clan for the siege and build one building for craft them.What contradicts the rule but is necessary for the continuation of the siege.What about creating a clan for a siege enemy clan and builds just one building?
Last edited by Mr_Maks on Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by LordSeth »

With a strong enough army any level building can be destroyed within 2 days if persistent and without a spam building.
You have seen it I have seen it and many other players too.

A base is built to keep enemies out that is the full intention of creating a strong clan base.

The tools used to destroy buildings are not pets they are not expensive and it don't take much to get one.

A strong army can include allies to help provide stone missles for your weapon. If not don't use that one.
The tools have been balanced multiple times and currently it is set as "very good" for each one. 1 tool has alot of hp and can be very helpful in multiple situations. One has long range so no damage taken but this does cost stones to have use it. They have their perks and they have their flaws but they are and have been good tools that get the job done.

Also no player what so ever is forced to join a clan by the rules or staff or anyone else. Each player has the choice and can also decide if he or she wants friends in clans to help with craftable items or there's always the option of saving gold and buying the item from another player.

I'm going to add this as well. This rule has not been updated or changed. It has been spelled out clearly in a way the game developer and admins approved. I do agree alot was questionable about this rule before. This just makes it more understandable.

It is not changed and will not be changed.
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by Mr_Maks »

The problem is that such buildings as castles can even be destroyed by a huge team in 2 days.
But no one can play for 2 days without a break, and when the attacker goes to bed the defender heals their buildings and as a result they are invulnerable.

As for the fact that the building cannot be built anyway, I would reconsider this in the addition of stone balls to craft that can craft them in place(I mean updated craft in a backpack in the new version).Because with the current trade allies cannot fully help to transfer them.Just imagine how 20 people with catapults attack a building and several resource miners otkachno try to pass 2 rounds per trade.

I would not say that the catapults now have any use.If a clan has at least one high-level defensive player, it can easily break them and there is simply no point in them.We cannot do protection for them with the help of the building and their HP is too small to use.

The return to the fact that some buildings have an extremely large amount of health make the destruction impossible and dead and inactive clans will survive because literally 5 people from another ally clan without the participation of players inactive clan can protect them when they attacked by 20 people.

If the game is really like taking care of the clan wars,need at least some changes to help the players in this.But now any clan can not be destroyed because the players can not do it and the factors that do not allow it to do, I listed.
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by Leone »

This might just revolutionise clan membership. It's an ideal opportunity to make a new clan with members from all over the world.

Then the sieging can legitimately be 24 hours a day if necessary.

No afk and no auto clickers.

Instead, a clan with members from USA, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Russia, China and Australia.

Now there's a thought.
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by Mr_Maks »

This is logical, but the defense team can also use it and much easier.While the siegers must have at least 10 people online at one time.Meanwhile, as builder can heal his building alone in his good time,but one warrior cannot siege alone due to the fact that the catapult has too little HP.
Improving hp catapults will balance this as either side can take part at any time.
The extraction of stone to create shells is also not an easy task.The stone can be located in a very convenient place or very far from the site of the siege, which means that the attacker will be forced to interrupt the siege in order to get the stone for some time, leaving the defending time to heal the building.Yes, the allies can help with this, but I have already explained why it is not convenient and many of this will have to mine the stone themselves.

And this tactic already sounds better because the attacker can also have 5 or less people to attack in time when they can too.When as the defensive side can afford heal when they can, isn't this the balance,when all sides are equal?
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by LordSeth »

Spam buildings are illegal.
Building in a contested area is illegal.
That's not going to change and is to be enforced.

Seige weapons are tools to use for clan destruction they already have a high hp of 3600000 making them stronger or making buildings weaker would be ridicules because I have watched myself that a complete base can be destroyed in less than a week. That's buildings from level 1200 to 2400. That was with the help of spam buildings and saiges.

So what is being suggested is to allow the attackers to have a high advantage in destroying a clan base.

I must let everyone know that some years back buildings were destroyed by only man power without the help from tools and the army was strong enough that buildings were not required untill the new clan was finished to start building the way they wanted.

The stats on buildings has advanced and the tools were given to help.

Now for years it has been fine but when it's clarified that spam buildings are not allowed it becomes an issue.

As I said the rules have always this way. Just not as enforce as they are now.
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by Mr_Maks »

Frankly, the only option where can destroy someone's base in less than 7 days is that they do not resist or do not know what to do when they are attacked and give up.
I know a few examples about what this phrase might be and I could explain each of them.
If this concerns 4.2 and -3.-3, moreover, that these clan maps were dead, we were even helped by our enemies with 2.2, which was strange but accelerated this process.

In reality, this will not happen and the defending party will cure its buildings and try to fight back.In such a situation, if the teams are equal, the defending side will win without options for the attacking team.With an equal number of builders, they will easily cope with pressure, moreover, that tools +4 will probably be added to the game which will make it even easier.

I did not understand a little about the line that it is proposed to give attackers a great advantage in the siege of the clan because it will be equal for everyone since everyone will be able to use it.This will also help in clearing inactive clans since it would be easier due to these changes.Especially since I have already seen a lot of talk on this topic in which it was even proposed to remove them or take resources from the clans, which in fact is not logical as they spent their time for this construction and if someone wants to take their place he must destroy them.

But as for me, the war with active clans is not so much affected because using catapults magicians will not be able come to buildings for attack and their catapult is very weak and this is the loss of a large attacking unit which greatly weakens attack.
But this will give the effect that inactive clans will be forced to look after their buildings and their builders will heal if they need save their base, which is similar to the idea of ​​removing resources from clan buildings, but already legally and with the participation of the players themselves.
Because the problem has always been that for a siege, you need to constantly assemble a large team, but everyone has their own business to do it, either in real life or they just want to crafting or gain levels.
This change would give players freedom of action and engage in attacking small groups of clan war lovers without those who don't like it, but now they have to assemble a full team to do at least something.

And the very inactive clans that will be too lazy to heal their buildings will naturally complain about it.But does the game have to support inactive clans?If they do not want to take part in a clan war, it makes no sense for them to be on clan cards.Once again, I repeat that for clans that can protect themselves there will be no problem in curing their buildings, and inactive clans will be defeated.
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by LordSeth »

I see. But who is pressuring you to destroy active clan bases? If they are so difficult to take over and follow the rules when doing it I'd suggest pick a different base to attack.

I hope I'm making myself clear enough but I'm not sure at this point.
This rule is the same as it was when it was first listed as a game rule. Nothing has changed about the rule. It is just spelled out so everyone can understand it more clearly.
It has not changed and will not change.

The saiges have a good setting that works fine.

Use the same tactics you always used just without building a spam clan building for defence.

If you are the offending clan doing the attacks you are to depend on your team to help the battle progress. If it can't be done find another enemy to attack.

A clan base is built for defence. If it is unfair that a attacking clan can't build defence in a enemy clans boundaries because the attacked clan is too strong then it's a simple salutation. Don't attack that clan.
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by Mr_Maks »

I don't know maybe this is a problem with the translation but I didn’t say to the rule was changed.All good with it.

My idea is to increase hp catapults because they are now useless in the attack.Perhaps comparing them with hp siege, I got excited and it will be too much but I think this change is necessary for the game since the siege that falls in 3 hits is no good.Perhaps 50% of the health of the siege would be good.
And the compbatant was asked what it would be worth adding characters to personal craft and I think that stone cores could be studied by clan players for crafting on the spot.

In the case of a mass attack, the usual siege will be much more useful due to the fact that it will give the mages to attack buildings by tanking fire shells.
I don’t think it will be OP it will just give players to attack clans in small groups when they want it.The remaining advantages I told in the previous post.
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Re: Clan "rules"

Post by LordSeth »

Think of it like this. Increasing the hp of the ballista by 50% to help less of a army destroy a clan base. With the hp increased it can take more hits which means it can attack longer before needing to stop and regenerate it's hp. Yes it would help destroy a base faster and the more players that join the less breaks are needed and more damage done.

The idea is not giving the attacking clan any advantage. They are given assistance by the saige and the team of attackers. And with only but 5 players and up to 10 saiges a max castle is not very challenging to drain the fire missles and begin destroying if the players are actually paying attention.
Yes with only 5 players it can take a long time but let's get honest here. All of your attacks have no less than 10 players and very often more. The only reason you have trouble is because you. Attack active clans with helpful allies.
The clans that need to be targeted is inactive clans that would be hard to defend with only 1 or 2 active members.

Needless to say adding more hp to the saige would be making a strong army even stronger so yes they would be more OP than they already are.

And Yes it would help a small army quite a bit but we don't have a system that can choose to give only a small army more hp on their seige. So you all have to work with what you got and appreciate it. If you can't consider that then you also have a choice to stay out of clan attacks.

I'm making a suggestion to the game developers to add a small craft unit to clan building. It can craft the seige,catapult,fire missles,stone missles. And might be allowed to build in the area the attacking clan is occupying only 1 per clan is allowed. This would solve the problem with needing stone missles for the catapult.
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