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Re: Create a Quest

Post by Mornarq »

Furkotu wrote:
Psyko wrote:Its possible 5 or 10s and disconnect ??!! No possible pvp.......... players disconnect !! Bad system pvp....... i dont like....... good day or good night.
yeah i played some pvp games usually there is a time for logout. Couldnt log out stright away like here, usually it was 5-10seconds some games offered premium account. With premium account (cost some money) you can log out during 2-3sec but never stright away.
Creator plans on implementing this soon.

Le créateur planifie implanté ceci bientôt.
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new skills, new formulas & class bonuses

Post by kawz »

These are all just ideas. Hopefully everyone likes them and so does the creator :)would be alot to do as layout would need changed.. But here's hoping!!

AGI [agility] - increases walking speed and attack speed.

Walking speed: class_speed + (AGI * 0.025)
Attack speed: 1000 - (((WEAPON_SPEED - 4) * 100) + AGI * 2.5)

ARM [armor] - no change.

ATT [attack] - increase melee damage.

Melee damage: MAX_ATT (-ARM_OPP) [if roll -5 => 4]
Max melee damage: MAX_ATT [if roll 5]

CON [constitution] - increases health points.

MAX_HP = ((base_hp * (level^0.95)) * (CON * 0.02)

DEX [dexterity] - no change.

LUK [luck] - increases drop rate.

DROP_RATE: item_drop_rate_percentage + (LUK * 0.1) [luck increases drop rate by 1%/10 LUK]
[formula needed]

INT [intelligence] - increases potency of mana regen and spell usage.

SPELL: ((base_spell + (MAX_MANA * 2.5)) * (INT * 0.02)
MANA REGEN: ((1 + (MAX_MANA)) * (INT * 0.02)

MAN [mana] - formula changes

MANA REGEN: ((1 + (MAX_MANA)) * (INT * 0.02)

PRC [pierce] - increases roll ability.

5 pierce = 1% chance to ignore armor
[formula needed]

POW [power] - increases damage potency.

Melee damage: ((MAX_ATT (-ARM_OPP)) * (POW * 0.025) [if roll -5 => 4]
Max melee damage: MAX_ATT * (POW * 0.0.25) [if roll 5]

PRE [precision] - increases xp gain.

XP gain: monster_xp * ((1 + (PRE * 0.02))

RAN [range] - increases attack range.

Range = weapon_range + (RAN * 0.02)

RES [resistance] - increases resistance against magic

Magic dmg taken = ((MAN_OPP - (RES * 1.5))

class leveling bonuses

Mage bonuses
every 5 levels + 1 MAN
every 10 levels + 1 INT
every 20 levels + 1 AGI
every 5 levels + 1 ATT
every 10 levels + 1 PIE
every 20 levels + 1 AGI
every 5 levels + 1 CON
every 10 levels + 1 POW
every 20 levels + 1 PRE
every 5 levels + 1 ATT
every 10 levels + 1 RAN
every 20 levels + 1 AGI
every 5 levels + 1 ATT
every 10 levels + 1 POW
every 20 levels + 1 PRE

all class leveling factors
every 1 level + 6 stats
Every 10 levels + 1(bonus stat)

Where you see duplicate formulas this means the two skills it involves share this formula.

Thanks to mod DaHobbit for skill descriptions and ghost for skill ideas
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Clan Page

Post by corpse »

Would it be possible to add the last time a clan member was online and their current lvl in the clan page?
Since clans are limited to 36 players, it would be nice to know who is never playing and just waisting space in the clan.

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Post by kawz »

ideas that are not quite dead yet! so curious to see what other people would like and what everyone is more interest in now :)


1. after reaching a high level you can unlock a bonus the of character. the 
   character will have extra skill bonuses and have an extra 1 skill point per 
   level. 1 bonus class will be available for all 5 classes. meaning 10 classes
   in total, assuming you have the 5 starter classes at a set bonus. 
   (level for unlocking bonus char somewhere around 250-500)

2. A teleport that requires minimum level of 100 from this world map to an
   other and new world map. with new mobs, weapons, quest, so people 
   don't just camp some where and tank all day and killing same mob's over 
   and over and over.

3. Upon reaching a certain level or getting a set item the number of slots
   within the bag is increased. 

4. chat box upgrade. 5 lines of chat, and colour codes for each specific type 
    of chat. ie clan, friend, public and whisper.

5. mana spell. cost 15 mana, and it gives you a x5 mana regen for 20
   seconds. for which you will be unable to attack.

6. A class specific place where you can train your specific class a archery
   range, barracks,tavern,mystic tower

7. If we want to buy or sell 20 potions, we should be able to select
   buy/sell, and then enter the desired amount of product we wish to trade. 
   This should be for shops and person to person trades. If I want to sell 10 
   gold shields, I should be able to do so in one transaction, instead of 10 
   separate transactions.

8. pets or summons, which boost a specific skill and attribute. ie increased
   bag space, or increased dex, or walking speed.

9. player owned homes that can be upgraded by the player to included
    certain rooms which have individual attributes. ie an armory to store 
    weapons, or a tailor which would store you armors and equipment.

10. second world or map boundary in which only a set leveled player can 
    gain access too. this area will have increased difficulty of monsters and 
    better items. which will require a minimum of the level requirement 
    needed to enter the area to wield the advanced items.

11. better placement of items (ncp dropped & discarded). preferably not
    over chat box.

12. experience meter, so one does not have the difficulty of trying to read 
    the xp display in the bag.

13. player exchange market. players put there items up for sale, and another player can buy them. the idea is     that they would appear in a drop down menu, that you can scroll through to look for any items that you         are after. a search option would be good too.

14. better mana and health display, ie numbers instead of a depletion bar above the persons head.

15. non android version of the game, ie ios.

16. a damage indicator, number above the npc/pc who is being dealt damage too.

17. passive skills unique to each class.

18. bounty, if a player kills you, you can set a bounty for this player, they will then become marked, and the         first person to kill them automatically gets the reward.

19. upgradeable items. this will cost a large amount.

20. a fast travel between the starter location and locations you have previously been too. this will cost a             reasonable fee.

21. Duel Arena. pvp with stakes.

22. upgrade player abilities such as walk speed, attack speed, hp regen speed, mana regen speed and range.       this would cost an incredibly higg amount. ie, 100m per upgrade. upgraded player will have something to         identify them. for example a silver star for each attribute type and a gold star for a fully upgraded

23. second clan map

24. item stacking, 10-20 items max, mana pots are not stackable!.

25. mana regen bracelet, exactly like hp regen bracelet.

26. more teleport circles, between towns.

27. cheats in the rpg version.

28. items appear where enemies died, to pick up you walk to this spot and click attack. the idea is that this       will be done instantly, and will not conflict with attacking an npc.

29. if two npc's are in the same area, ie, shared range. then these two npc's will fight one another. this will       stop when a player comes within range of one of them, at which point both npc's will attack the player.

30. One entire map instead of sections, only level required boundaries have a new map section. Or there is a level requirement quest to pass a wall.
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Secular »

I'm definitely voting for: bonus class after set level. high level boundary areas. class specific training areas. level requirement teleports. This would give value in being a very experienced high level player, I especially like the level-restricted teleports.

This was a nice read, thanks for the post Kawz.
Sarevok - Lv. 169 Swordsman
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Post by Secular »

The player-owned houses seems to go unnoticed, but what I think would make this idea a bit more creative if ever implemented would be: Adding a banking system; a way for players to deposit items in their houses without cluttering their inventory or having to pawn good items off to the shops for measly amounts of golden coin. They can rather save it for when a player is interested in purchasing.
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Quest Idea

Post by Ted87552 »

NOTE: The weapon received applies to swordsmen only.

Here is an idea for a quest...

The Death of the Demon King
After finishing the second part of the witch's quest, you come back and speak to her again.

Witch: Oh, it's you again. I have a task for you. It is only suited for the migthiest of warriors.
You: Tell me. I believe I am powerful enough.
Witch: Very well then. I have an old friend who lives deep in the southern snow lands. Go and talk to him. I know nothing more.
You: Thank you.
Witch: Good luck. You will need all your strength.

You journey to the snow lands to find the witch's friend. On your way you see a huge castle. There is also a evil-looking character staring at you. It disappears and 4 blue cyclops spawn. After defeating them, you head towards the castle. You decide to enter. Inside, there are two guards stationed at a door.


Knight: Halt, stranger!
You:Please! I mean you no harm.
Knight: Then what's your buisness here?
You: I am here to see a friend of the witch.
Knight: Go inside and and turn right. There is a staircase at the end of the hallway. go up and you will meet the one you are looking for.

You follow the knight's orders and end up in a large room. There is an old man inside.

Man: Greetings, noble adventurer. I have been expecting you.
You: You must be the one the witch told me about.
Man: Aah, the witch. I remember her.
You: I don't want to offend you, but can you explain these strange happenings? I almost died fighting a quartet of cyclops!
Man: You are not hallucinating. That figure you saw, it is the son of the Demon King.
You: Anyway, the witch told me of a task you had for me.
Man: Yes. I have a brother that is far wiser than me. All I know is that a great evil is coming upon us. Take these boots. They have been used by me for many years; I hope they serve you well. Oh, and my brother lives deep in the fiery wastelands.

You receive some Armoured Boots (Arm12,-1Dex). You head into the wastelands and see a walled house. Then, that figure briefly appears again. This time, 5 crocodile fighters spawn. After defeating them, you enter. The man's brother in inside.


Brother: Who are you and what do you want?
You: Your brother sent me. He speaks of a great evil that is coming upon this land.
Brother: I'm afraid this day has finally come.
You: What do you mean?
Brother: The Demon King has risen and is threatening to kill me because of my actions in the past.
You: May I help you?
Brother: Yes. Take these things and fight the Demon King. I will reward you very handsomely if you defeat him.
You:Where may I find him?
Brother:Go to the Hell portal in the City of the Red Dragons and find the inner portal. But beware, many of whom have gone inside have never returned.

You receive the following items:

Final Strike(sword)(Dmg48,Spd8)
Shield of the Forgotten(Arm30,Dex4,+15% block chance)
Immunity Potion(makes you invincible for 10 seconds)

On your way to this Hell portal, the figure appears. It spawns 5 red dragons. You defeat them and enter.


You: This is enough, you foul creature! What do you want with me! Answer me now!
Figure: The end is near...

You walk inside. You find a man standing beside it. He speaks to you.


Man: I know why you are here and what has happened. Do not ask any questions. Just take it.

He hands you a chestplate.

Red Dragon Chestplate(Arm32,Dex3)

You walk into the portal. you venture to the end of the cave you have entered. A demon stands in front of you. He wishes to fight you.


Demon Prince: You are a strong warrior, destroying those beasts.
You: I shall destroy you and the evil that will arise, or die trying!
Demon Prince: No! You will not defeat my father! You must fight me if you wish to advance!
You: Very well then. I will fight you.

Demon Prince(HP2600,Dmg49,Arm51,Dex27,5% Poison damage for 1min.)

You fight the demon and win.

You: I must destroy this foul beast!
Demon Prince: Please, spare my life! I will reward you.
You: I will accept your reward. Be gone!

He hands you a mask and, terrified, says:

Demon Prince: Take it. It is from my slain brother.

You take the mask.

Demon Skinmask(Arm22,Dmg4)

You walk into the second portal and appear in a large room. You see another demon.


Demon King: You have come, adventurer. I have been expecting you.
You: You will not fill this world with evil! I shall destroy you and take your head as a trophy!
Demon King: Such mighty words from such a weakling. I'd like to see you try and hurt me.

In the blink of an eye, you land a blow on the Demon King that nearly cripples him. In a fit of rage, he summons 5 Possesed Corpses. You defeat them all.

Demon King: You dare take on the power of the King of all Evil?
You: I must do what is right for the land.

You start fighting the Demon King.

Demon King(HP3100,Dmg57,Arm64,Dex35)

You are about to kill him when an archer shoots him with an arrow in the head. You have completed your mission.


Archer: Why, hello, old friend.
You: Hello. I remember you from the time we went hunting spiders.
Archer: Something terrible will happen- I feel it in the air.

Suddenly a horde of posessed corpses appear. You quickly escape from the city and go back to the cottage.

Archer: Bye, friend. I hope we meet again some other time.

You enter the cottage.


Brother: You have defeated him. Good work.
You: I await my reward.
Brother: Keep the sword and shield. That is your reward.
You: Thank you, Sir.
Brother: You may go now. The realm is safe, thanks to you.

You leave the cottage, knowing you have done good, despite the killing.

Recommended Level: 35+ (or when you have around 1000 HP- Those guys are powerful!)
Last edited by Ted87552 on Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Suggestion by Secular
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Quest Idea

Post by Ted87552 »

NOTE: The weapon received applies to swordsmen only.

Here is an idea for a quest...

The Death of the Demon King
After finishing the second part of the witch's quest, you come back and speak to her again.

Witch: Oh, it's you again. I have a task for you. It is only suited for the migthiest of warriors.
You: Tell me. I believe I am powerful enough.
Witch: Very well then. I hoave an old friend who lives deep in the southern snow lands. Go and talk to him. I know nothing more.
You: Thank you.
Witch: Good luck. You will need all your strength.

You journey to the snow lands to find the witch's friend. On your way you see a huge castle. You decide to enter. Inside, there are two guards stationed at a door.


Knight: Halt, stranger!
You:Please! I mean you no harm.
Knight: Then what's your buisness here?
You: I am here to see a friend of the witch.
Knight: Go inside and and turn right. There is a staircase at the end of the hallway. go up and you will meet the one you are looking for.

You follow the knight's orders and end up in a large room. There is an old man inside.

Man: Greetings, noble adventurer. I have been expecting you.
You: You must be the one the witch told me about.
Man: Aah, the witch. I remember her.
You: She told me of a task you had for me.
Man: Yes. I have a brother that is far wiser than me. All I know is that a great evil is coming upon us. Take these boots. They have been used by me for many years; I hope they serve you well. Oh, and my brother lives deep in the fiery wastelands.

You receive some Armoured Boots (Arm12,-1Dex). You head into the wastelands and see a walled house. You enter. The man's brother in inside.


Brother: Who are you and what do you want?
You: Your brother sent me. He speaks of a great evil that is coming upon this land.
Brother: I'm afraid this day has finally come.
You: What do you mean?
Brother: The Demon King has risen and is threatening to kill me because of my actions in the past.
You: May I help you?
Brother: Yes. Take these things and fight the Demon King. I will reward you very handsomely if you defeat him.
You:Where may I find him?
Brother:Go to the Hell portal in the City of the Red Dragons and find the inner portal. But beware, many of whom have gone inside have never returned.

You receive the following items:

Final Strike(sword)(Dmg58,Spd8,10% chance of critical hit[x5Dmg])
Shield of the Forgotten(Arm30,Dex4,+15% block chance)
Immunity Potion(makes you invincible for 10 seconds)

You go to this Hell portal and find a man standing beside it. He speaks to you.


Man: I know why you are here. Do not ask any questions. Just take it.

He hands you a chestplate.

Red Dragon Chestplate(Arm34,Dex3)

You walk into the portal. you venture to the end of the cave you have entered. A demon stands in front of you. He wishes to fight you.


Demon Prince: No! You will not defeat my father! You must fight me if you wish to advance!
You: Very well then. I will fight you.

Demon Prince(HP2600,Dmg49,Arm51,Dex27)

You fight the demon and win.

You: I must destroy this foul beast!
Demon Prince: Please, spare my life! I will reward you.
You: I will accept your reward. Be gone!

He hands you a mask and, terrified, says:

Demon Prince: Take it. It is from my slain brother.

You take the mask.

Demon Skinmask(Arm22,Dmg4)

You walk into the second portal and appear in a large room. You see another demon.


Demon King: You have come, adventurer. I have been expecting you.
You: You will not fill this world with evil! I shall destroy you and take your head as a trophy!
Demon King: Such mighty words from such a weakling. I'd like to see you try and hurt me.

In the blink of an eye, you land a blow on the Demon King that nearly cripples him. In a fit of rage, he summons 5 Possesed Corpses. You defeat them all.

Demon King: You dare take on the power of the King of all Evil?
You: I must do what is right for the land.

You start fighting the Demon King.

Demon King(HP3100,Dmg57,Arm64,Dex35)

You are about to kill him when an archer shoots him with an arrow in the head. You have completed your mission.


Archer: Why, hello, old friend.
You: Hello. I remember you from the time we went hunting spiders.
Archer: Something terrible will happen- I feel it in the air.

Suddenly a horde of posessed corpses appear. You quickly escape from the city and go back to the cottage.

Archer: Bye, friend. I hope we meet again some other time.

You enter the cottage.


Brother: You have defeated him. Good work.
You: I await my reward.
Brother: Keep the sword and shield. That is your reward.
You: Thank you, Sir.
Brother: You may go now. The realm is safe, thanks to you.

You leave the cottage, knowing you have done good, despite the killing.

Recommended Level: 15+ (or when you have around 500 HP)
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Re: Create a Quest

Post by Secular »


The premise of this quest is great; my favorite part about it is, you must actually travel around to different maps making the quest somewhat time consuming. The dialogue may need slight editing, but overall, this is fantastic.

My only concern is the health/attributes of the main enemy you listed, it seems a tad bit low for the rewards you are thinking of.
(you listed a weapon that is far more powerful than the Razor Sword, which is very hard to obtain) I think too many items are handed out in the quest before actually doing any work or 'killing'.

If you're wanting this to be a low-mid level quest, the items should be respective to that - not far greater.
The items you described seem fine, but may need nerfing/editing in a sense if this actually became a quest.
Also, this quest should be available to all melee type characters! Not solely the Swordsman!

I do, however, enjoy the idea of class-restricted quests.
Sarevok - Lv. 169 Swordsman
Sithis - Lv. 270 Archer
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Re: Quest Idea

Post by Secular »

You've already posted this under the Create a Quest thread, but I will leave my reply here as well...

The premise of this quest is great; my favorite part about it is, you must actually travel around to different maps making the quest somewhat time consuming. The dialogue may need slight editing, but overall, this is fantastic.

My only concern is the health/attributes of the main enemy you listed, it seems a tad bit low for the rewards you are thinking of.
(you listed a weapon that is far more powerful than the Razor Sword, which is very hard to obtain) I think too many items are handed out in the quest before actually doing any work or 'killing'.

If you're wanting this to be a low-mid level quest, the items should be respective to that - not far greater.
The items you described seem fine, but may need nerfing/editing in a sense if this actually became a quest.
Also, this quest should be available to all melee type characters! Not solely the Swordsman!

I do, however, enjoy the idea of class-restricted quests.
Sarevok - Lv. 169 Swordsman
Sithis - Lv. 270 Archer
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