A guide to forum PMs, with pics

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A guide to forum PMs, with pics

Post by MadMikael »

First, if you wish to change the language of the buttons in the forum, see here viewtopic.php?f=25&t=15109 (with pictures)

This guide is made with the intent that you need to contact a GM.
You can use this guide to contact anyone on the forum you need to.

How to find Staff members
Details: Show
There are a couple ways to see the team list.
Finding team members: Show
At the top of the forum index page
ftforumPMalt2step1.PNG (63.05 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
Or at the bottom of the forum index page
ftforumPMalt1step1.PNG (28.5 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
Both will bring you to the team list where you can click a GM name
The team list: Show
ftforumPMaltstep2.PNG (29.44 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
Once you see their profile, there is a link you can hit that will take you to the compose message screen, with the name already filled in
A profile example: Show
ftforumPMaltstep5.PNG (72.32 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
This will allow you to skip the next section. Jump down to the next set of green text.
How do you get to the forum messages without that? Like this:

These icons are located in the top right, just about on every forum page:
Messages: Show
ftforumPMstep1.PNG (18.93 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
Then, you have to choose the option to compose a message:
Compose Message Button: Show
ftforumPMstep2.PNG (71.83 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
Now, you have to choose who to send it to (already completed if you did the above method through a profile)
Who to send it to: Show
You type the name here
ftforumPMstep3.PNG (63.98 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
And you should see it here after
ftforumPMstep3confirm.PNG (39.85 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
This is where you are if you used the link on someone's profile. Some may say, the hard part is over now.
Message time: Show
ftforumPMstep4.PNG (113.28 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
1. type a subject (required)
2. type a message (required)
3. see what your message will look like before you send it (optional)
4. send the message (required)
When that is all done, you should get a page like this:
Success!: Show
ftforumPMconfirmation.PNG (66.33 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
Note: The forum kicks you after some time if it thinks you inactive. It decides this if you do not load any forum pages for some time. So, if you're typing a long message, or even a long post, it's possible you can get kicked and lose all your work :o :evil:
It is recommended that every five to ten minutes you hit the preview button, so this does not happen. If it does happen to you, sometimes hitting the back button on your browser will work so you can copy your writings to clipboard, but not always.

How to check the status of your messages that you've sent, and what it means
Details: Show
This is a common question. See this picture:
Outbox and Sent Messages: Show
ft0327forumPMbuttons.PNG (46.51 KiB) Viewed 18736 times
When you successfully create a message, it should go to your outbox.
It will sit there until the receiver connects to the forum in some way - when they first log on, when they click any link within the forum, or even if they just refresh the page.
When this happens, two copies of the PM now exist - one goes to the "inbox" of the receiver, where the other one is moved from your "outbox" to your "sent messages" folder.
Knowing this, you can figure out the status of your message.
If it is in your outbox, that means the receiver has not touched the forum since you made it.
If it is in your sent messages, that means the receiver did get it, but it does not mean they read it.
If it is in neither of those locations, it is likely you made a mistake and never sent it. It happens to all sometimes. You'll need to start over again, sorry.
Now this post is just a first draft at this point; it needs some formatting etc.
It is my ultimate goal to get this hammered out, and translated into all supported languages.
I can even set my forum language to others and take new pics.
So, work in progress.
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Re: A guide to forum PMs, with pics

Post by ardesia »

Please, include in this - so useful and good - guide a suggestion about Subjects.

A message should always have a subject briefly describing the content.
I am receiving tons of messages having "Hi" or "Hello" as subject. When I have to find the one I need, it's a nightmare
[GM] ardesia :: Game Admin :: Currently retired
If you need contacting me, write my vasinta forum account a message