How do I know if a place is occupied ?

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How do I know if a place is occupied ?

Post by Akkilles »

There are some players who claim that a spawn spot belongs to them.

Why do they think is so?
Some of the Common comments I hear from players are:

1. I was here first.
GM's answer: When you log out and then log in again and you find another player standing where you last logged out, then you must respect the player who is online. You can kindly ask if you can participate. If you are not welcome, I advise you to change to other spawn spot or to another map. Don't make it harder for you. These situations require a GM to investigate who was there first. Most often, we find information that indicates that both players have logged out and logged in sporadically over a long period of time and the result is that both players create anxiety and stress between them, which is totally unnecessary.
2. This is my spawn spot.
GM's answer: This is an online game. Spawn spot has not been created for any specific player. All players have the right to find a free place. You cannot claim that a spawn spot is yours and you also cannot claim that material places like gold, mithril, iron etc. are yours. On the other hand, you can choose to fight for this spawn spot, but then you must manage it by following the other rules found in the game rules. You can also read about this in this link -->viewtopic.php?p=141976&hilit=Grinding+spot#p141976
3. This player is stealing my spawn.
GM's answer:I advise you to re-read this post, we know it can be difficult to understand some information, we in the GM team are on the forum if you have any questions. If you believe that you have done the right thing and that the player is breaking the rules and you notice that the player has parked their pet next to you and left them to steal XP then Report, Report and Report this to us. Players need to understand that you cannot break other rules to solve the problem THIS IS WRONG and you risk being punished together with the other player. The best way is to report to us.
4. I've been on this spawn spot for hours/days.
GM's answer: You don't know this for sure.The game is active 24/7 and all players who play this game do not have the same playing time, we all have different time zones. Just as we in the GM team have different time zones. You may be wondering why this situation is not prioritized to be investigated by a GM? it is because time is infinite in this situation. Such an investigation requires a lot of time to finally know who has behaved childishly. I suggest you re-read this post and follow the advice from us in question 1.

5. I'm mining mithril here , why does the player spawn here.
GM's answer: Just like the spawn spot. This particular area does not belong to any player. You have chosen to collect materials here and you have chosen to risk your pets if you notice that another player is already standing here to grind after you've returned to get some more materials then i suggest again to re-read this post. OH Absolutely, you can ask nicely for the player to calm down their spawn but if they choose to ignore you. Then switch places or maps. We have several other places to obtain materials. If you can't find any other mining zones then ask someone here on the forum. I'm pretty sure someone will answer you, just dont forget to be patience.
6. I'm an outlaw and players killing me while I'm grinding in peace.
GM's answer: OUTLAWS, this is a punishment not a badge of honour, there are a few limitations that a normal player don't have, they can be attacked by everyone, sending a GM a report is wasteful of there time. Don't want to be a target don't kill everyone you see then complain when they do it to you.
7. Why does a GM shows up ?
GM's answer:if a GM comes to your spawn please do not start an argument, they are there because someone needs to be punished for there own actions, or they are just making sure the gaming is running smoothly and everyone is ok
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Akkilles ☆Active☆
(I'll answer when i have time)

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