Group Dungeon

If you have ideas to improve this great game, post them here!

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Group Dungeon

Post by Sklep »

Hello! I have some ideas that can give some fresh to game, to make more modern and handy gameplay but to keep essential of forgetten tales.
I had idea long time ago about the "Character tree" to make the feelings from game more influential, let's give specialization for all the characters to improve gameplay. I mean to give 2 or 3 playstyle on character whatever you want to change as the character stats.

For Warrior and Amazon specialization as the role
- Tank Spec
- Damage AoE Spec
- Damage ST Spec
(optional paladin/death knight)

For Archer
- Classic Damage ST Spec
- Damage AoE Spec
- Assassin (new type of gameplay, to give him possiblity to use knife/swords and play meele (or use bow as stats for meele))

For Dwarf
- Tank Spec
- Damage AoE Spec
- Damage ST Spec

For Ogre
- Tank Spec
- Damage AoE Spec
- Damage ST Spec

For Mage and Fairy
- Caster
- Healer
- Arcane (support)

Suggestion for the spells/abilities

Provocation - you provoke targeted enemy to attack only you for targeted people or in the setted area.
Prayer - you heal yourself in fight by 2-5% of max hp every secend by 5s (you are untouchble) (broken) XD
Shield/Protection - giving us secend hp for 30 secends to crush it 25% of hp
Bleeding/Posion/Igniting or all, for 10/15 s deal 1-3% damage of max hp (DOT)
Unweponary - turn off attack enemy for 5-10s
Crush Resistance - take 25% stats of armor for 15s
Drunken - Get 50% for stats and (keep 75% to hit enemy)/lose 10% of dex
Vampire - Heal yourself by attack enemy (lifesteal) 5% of whole damage dealt by 15-30s
Cleanse - reduce all of the negative stats for 15s
Footwork - get 15% more speed for 1 minute
Dash - if you hit enemy by dash stun for 5 s it and deal 15% of max health.
Blink - close contact teleport if u are attacked unnable to use by 5s
Giant - lose 25-50% amount of speed for 25% health and str
Heavy skin - get 20% def and 15% hp
Rain of Arrow - aoe spell deal damage
Rain of flame arrows - aoe spell deal 10% hp/or DOT
Mercenary - you getting invisible for 5s lose all targets, u cant attack and getting 10% speed (archer-assassin)
Purification - Cleanse all negativ effects and give 10-25% of max hp (USABLE ON SOMEONE)
Targeted Heal - Strong heal for one target or yourself
Mass Heal - heal everyone in range
Arcane Powers - stop time in your range of wand noone can be attacked there and noone can move
Silence - Silenced all spells on target or area
Arcane Bolt - Violet Spell for attack
Haste - give boost to all actions
Trap - set invisible trap to stun and deal damage
Sweeping edge - aoe spell hit for 30s everyone in meele range
Sweeping hit - aoe spell hit for 30s everyone in meele range
Fishnado - stun everyone included yourself (for everyone) 5s for u 10s
Meteor - aoe burning spell
Madness - lose 25% of max health to get 25-50% str
Regeneration - heal yourself 1-3% hp in fight for 30s every sec
Stay in defence - you miss hit but you get stacks for armor/max hp and regeneration 1% max health every missed hit

All the change will keep the best feelings from game as plaing togheter! Group Dungeon give 25-50% more EXP than solo! (Possible make Party) same thing to make the game more diffrent and people may have roles as tank dps and healer - something like this to all characters feel important as should !
I did few years ago example of how could look character tree! I can link it below!

I prefer to all character can choose spells and passiv abilities in new rule for one spell and one passiv abilites must have all the rest 2-3 slots for ! SPELLS OR ABLILITIES (all characters now may have 4 spells)
I want to make characters more to fight or more to gain xp, make more important all characters strong as mage! Play only mage is boring "but mage is op"
New future 50% of DEX is counted as damage like STR or full 100% to change it for STR + 1/2*DEX = DAMAGE or STR + DEX = DAMAGE
Let's make all class more diffrent and more playble! Help me send it to friends and talk about this! Share it and comment i waiting for dissuscion and feedback!
Thank you for all!
Hello, i have hope u had a nice day!
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