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Post by SK1976 »

I have an idea about upcoming events:

Evnets should not be only thrown into this game randomly.

Its would be a benefiz for those players who are online at that time, and that would be a bit unfair in my eyes :(
Announcements are useless ! Its only for those useful who are ALLWAYS on.

I see in many other games events are on a special day with a registration.
The day is setted and the time too !
The reward is shown on the registration to such an event !

It gives this game a little more professianl look :)

Its only an idea, and can be discussed about it :)

Greetings .... SK :)
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Post by Poface »

Brilliant idea SK
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Post by Gullander »

I think the idea is good but how to do? Should players have to register? An announcement is good more in advance but some players time is limited.

Many players do not check the forum.

Lots of times I log on and a friend tells me there is an event and I check the forum several times every day!

Also events announced in advance more than the day of it, or when it's happening, assumes that a GM or several GM can always be free and not have real life things happen that make it hard to follow through. Our GM are volunteer and it is understood they give time to the game when they are able.

If an event is during a time when a player does not usually play will they get up early or stay up late to do an event? It would have to be special to do that. Holiday events for that reason are open 24 hours for several days so everyone can participate.

How about this. A notice board at 0.0 that tells time and reward of an event and level requirements. Touch on board get the information. Or an NPC Oracle whose message is changed. "Behold I see beyond the mists of time a heroic event to come! Be brave, be ready, for in two days hence at 0.0 at 22:00 FT time I see a beast arising only the mighty can conquer!" Of course the game already has messages that come on the screen for everyone, we have maze open, portal open etc messages. Why couldn't that be used, but perhaps then compbatant can only do that and it is set on a game clock feature to appear at set times.
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Post by SK1976 »

i am more on an idea of a monthly event where to get different stages and rewards, like the christmas event.
The registration can be announced on the startmap through a portal to a little map with the announcement of that event and an acc. registration for that event. Only 1 acc. per player should be allowed (can be controled by registered email).3 days before event registration should stop and only registered accs are allowed to do that event.
different stages should have done quests before (per example ended BAL MUEM questline) to be able to register there.
Than a tapping on a plate or a special stone to register that acc or let him do a special quest before he can register.
The player will be informed about the time / date / event / reward before he can register there. He should know all about that event what is coming and he should descide if he wants to reg. or not.

It can be a static event that repeats monthly and on some days it gives an extra reward...maybe on christmas or eastern. Or on a birthday of someone (thats free choice of compbatant or a GM)

After the event it will shown the 1st place till the 30th place. (of each stage) maybe it can be on the forum. rewards should be shown in that map where the announcement of that event stays.

At 1st it can be testet some months and than it can be worked out more and more.

Different stages....different winners.

But think about the rewards. Not to good rewards. It should make fun and not take benefiz only for the highest players in game.

Maybe we can think about random distribution with items. BUT please do not make special items tradeable !

Idk exactly how it can work, but we can discuss about it at 1st.

That is what this game needs, like many other games too.

Compbatant have to think about investing 1 level or a pet or skin reward on that events. Investment is needed to get rewards :)
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Post by SK1976 »

but @Gullander: your idea looks nearly like my. Its a nice idea too :) almost the same
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Post by Akkilles »

The night in Rome event every friday evening is popular among the players. Nothing advanced, a portal opens and players can participate as long as the portal is open (there are others similar in the game already).
We have Ornstein and RoadRunneR who like to integrate with the players, which many online games do not have.
Other games with these fixed date set events probably don't have as open world as in FT.
Forgotten Tales is unique in this way that every day there are always opportunities for improvement.

Oh i amost forgot , the famous BALL event. Tell me other games who has better balls than us :lol:
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Post by AZ_YT »

I like the way you think

I don't understand why complicate and add "Registration". if this makes it easier to determine the winner, then please.

you are right, I agree with you that a lot of events have appeared recently, and they had their drawbacks.

First of all, I would like to receive information about the event in advance, the day before it starts. For example, you can notify about such a planned event a week in advance. If it is urgent, then at least 6 hours before the start of the event.

The solution for the notification may be different, I will list several options
1) notification within the game in the form of SMS.
2) a yellow message in the chat, at the moment there is such a thing in the game. If such a decision is made, then it is necessary to make a translation into all languages.
3) on the main forum and on request, duplication in all messengers (which are presented before entering the game). I notice messages from friends in the game more often than in messengers or on the forum.

I would like the events to be tested before they are triggered. the most important thing is that gm didn't have to create events from scratch when they appeared. The game already has a polygon where you can create whatever you want. also, do not forget about the magician, who is located at 0.0 in the building, almost forgetting about his existence
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