hatred towards GMs

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hatred towards GMs

Post by ryaca_ »

today as i was browsing thru mchat i saw several troubling messages and a lot of hatred directed at the GM team.

i responded to these mchat posts. my responses are in these screen shots:
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please do not hate the GM team. remember that we are volunteers. witch, kromel, lord seth, and gandalf have done so much to help ft. they deserve praise not hatred.
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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by Leone »

Agree so much.

We need to ask ourselves this as ft players:

How many GMs have quit as a direct result of player abuse?

It's worth considering.

Having said that, we players have the right to question decisions.

Of course we do.

I think we players also have the responsibility to accept decisions as well. For us and against us.

We have a great GM team in place now after a long time since it was as well staffed. If we contact a GM - for whatever reason- let's be considerate of their feelings.
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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by El.Menda »

A ver por partes.

Tema kingcorse

Tengo entendido que es un tipo "evento" en el cual el jugador ( miembro GM ) acepta PvP de todo el mundo , con el riesgo de perder su equipo para que otro jugador lo "gane" si puede. Si este jugador pierde equipo, se le devuelve ( mediante petición )

El problema:

No entiendo que ************ el jugador kingcorse hace en medio de un batalla clan . Tengo decenas de quejas de jugadores diciéndome que solo atacaban a un bando. Si es cierto..... En serio? En jugador kingcorse ( equipo GM ) se postura hacia un bando de la balanza ?

No destrozemos el juego por favor!!!

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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by LordSeth »

The insults and accusations and upsetting remarks are expected from most players. Reason for that is because most players are children - teenagers - premature adults. However most of the forum users are adults. It's is not insulting to me the behavior of players it's sad more than anything how grown players will come pointing a finger at a GM just to have someone to blame.

Sit back and think about it. It wasn't long ago there was no GM at all everything was falling apart players breaking any rule possable. Everyone was crying "FT is coming to a end" then I stepped up when nobody else would I work 12 hour shifts from 6am to 6pm monday-saturday in life I got home to say hi to my kids and then shower then eat then I did GM work untill 4am then go to bed for a hour and a half to wake up and do the same thing agian.

I did not become a GM to have power in the game I didn't do it to help friends I did it to give every single player back the hope they lost the joy they had and the pleasure in the game.
Nobody understands how difficult it is untill you actually step up and do it. This is why i am proud of ryaca witch and kromelg. They stepped up after me to help me with the needs of the players. And now that things are improving we are criticized for jailing guilty players or for not punishing players enough or not lifting mutes or for allowing a old player to have a PvP event or battle royal event. We are here for the players we should not be degraded for our actions and we look very closely into every decision we make to be sure it is necessary for the situation.
In the game you have no parents or guardians to cry to if you have a problem so it is ok to cry to the GM team ask for help. But if you cry to us asking for help them turn around and manipulate us why should we help you. If you read the staff rules a GM does not have to help we can if we want to. Well ryaca wants to help kromelg wants to help witch wants to help and I want to help. Appreciate us because we don't need to be here. We choose to for you.
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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by Leone »

And we thank you for that choice
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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by terminator »

LordSeth wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:32 am ...grown players will come pointing a finger at a GM just to have someone to blame...Sit back and think about it. It wasn't long ago there was no GM at all everything was falling apart players breaking any rule possable. Everyone was crying "FT is coming to a end" then I stepped up when nobody else would I work 12 hour shifts from 6am to 6pm monday-saturday in life I got home to say hi to my kids and then shower then eat then I did GM work untill 4am then go to bed for a hour and a half to wake up and do the same thing agian.
+1000 towards Gm's

I really like this note, like you were saying that complaining is always going to happen, I have done some in the past, but massive negativity is completely wrong. You can hate someone, but you still have to have respect for them. Having an opinion about something is one thing, but broadcasting that opinion upon others to have mods lose respectability should be completely stop. Have they not fixed every issue brought in front of them? If you have an issue with a gm, pm the inbox, if you dont, its just complaining that is for the hope for a free hand out.
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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by LordSeth »

Can someone give a definition of the phrase "(Don't Bite The Hand That Feeds You)" 😉
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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by terminator »

LordSeth wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:01 am Can someone give a definition of the phrase "(Don't Bite The Hand That Feeds You)" 😉
"Do not scorn or treat ill those on whom one depends or derives benefit, for to do so is to risk losing those benefits altogether" - The Free Dictionary
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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by El.Menda »

Creo no haberme explicado claramente.

A ver. Pongamos situación. Me estoy enfrentando a alguien que me ataca en un mapa cualquiera , PvP. No clan vs clan. Creo que voy ganando, y aparece KC. Y él me ataca. Y él me mata. Eso puede suceder??? Es factible ese comportamiento?

KC es un GM? O me equivoco?
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Re: hatred towards GMs

Post by El.Menda »

Sigo aportando datos.
5 minutos de que un GM apareciera en ese punto de guerra clan vs clan ... Aparece KC.

Entonces .... KC es un GM o no??

Y a parte de este dato.

No debe de estará anunciado este evento KC ???

O simplemente el evento KC no se anuncia y se hace al azar ??
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