
Clans are a big part of the game. Please post clan-related subjects here!

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Re: hi

Post by Wooooooman »

Join war SK pvp is fun :)
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Re: hi

Post by taizhen »

Stop a war with a war?
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Re: hi

Post by SK1976 »

wow peoples understand it now.....lol

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Re: hi

Post by Barkley »

SK1976 wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:09 am Ich schreibe mal auf deutsch, da es für mich besser ist.

Ich habe lange versucht auf map 3,-3 einen neutralen clan aufzubauen, für NEUE Spieler oder für Spieler die einen freundlichem Clan beitreten wollten, um nur einmal vom Leben auszusteigen in eine andere Welt einzutauchen, um Ihre Probleme zu vergessen, und einfach nur beim bauen chillen oder mit Freunden sprechen wollen.
Für mich ist es eine Ablenkung von meiner harten Arbeit welcher ich 24/7 nachgehe.

Leider wird dieser Clan nicht anerkannt als neutraler Clan in Forgotten tales.

Es gibt Kriege auf dieser Clanmap, mit der SK nichts zu tun hat, es aber unterstellt wird.

Um SK clan aus dem Krieg rauszuhalten hatte ich mir überlegt für ALLE clans gerecht zu sein, und habe an ALLE clans die Alianzen verteilt. Somit war niemand benachteiligt ! NEUTRAL halt...jeder wird gleichbehandelt !

Leider haben sich die Spieler nicht sehr fein aufgeführt :(

Jeder hat mich bedroht, ich soll Alianzen von anderen weg machen, sonst gibt es Krieg !!!

Meine Basis wurde als Spielgplatz für den Krieg benutzt.
Sie wurde mit Gebäuden vollgespammt die MICH am durchkommen oder bauen behinderten.

Ich habe ALLEN Spielern vorher gesagt, das NICHT in meiner base gekämpft werden soll, um die neutralität zu behalten.
Leider haben sich einige nicht daran gehalten.

Es wurde low-level Spieler vom SK Clan getötet, welche nichts damit zu tun hatten :(

Das geht so nicht !!!

Also habe ich mich dazu entschlossen, ALLE Alianzen aufzuheben, und nach 1 Tag neu zu verteilen, um sie Situation etwas zu bremsen da.

Ich entschuldige m ich dafür bei Freunden, aber ich halte es für notwendig, um zu sehen wer Freund und Feind ist, bei einem Clan der NEUTRAL ist.

Ich denke mal, dass meine Gutmütigkeit getreten wird, und die SK base nur benutzt wird um Kriege zu führen.
So geht das nicht, und ich werde mir dazu etwas überlegen müssen.

es wird eine schwere Entscheidung, welche ich mit meinen Clanmitgliedern besprechen werde, bevor ich handeln werde.

Im schlechtesten Fall wird es nicht gut ausgehen für Viele Spieler.

Mit mir kann man reden, aber bedrohen oder betrügen IN einem Spiel...nein danke :(

Wenn Sk Clan geht will ich nicht wissen, was passieren wird !

Meine YT-Kanal werde ich bis auf weiteres für die Komunity auch stoppen.

Werde alle Playlists Privat setzen...und gibtr keine neuen Videos.

Das habt ihr davon jetzt leider !

Mal sehen was noch kommt im Spiel...auf jeden Fall wird es sich zeigen wer echter Freund ist !

Ich bin ÜBERALL !
Ich finde JEDEN und IMMER !

Haltet Euch an Regeln im Spiel und alles ist gut !

Wenn SK Clan geht wirds sicherlich NICHT schön für viele :(

Und es ist Eure Schuld....ich war immer gut zu allen.
Ich habe immer und jedem geholfen viele Jahre lang, aber ich lasse meine Nerven mir nicht von den Spielern kaputt machen !

Schade !

Es liegt an Euch jetzt.....

Akzeptiert SK Clan ... oder halt nicht !

Wir sind ALLE Spieler, und FT ist nicht NUR Krieg.

Erinnert Euch wieviele Spieler gegangen sind die letzten Jahre...und neue gibt es seit Jahren KEINE !

Ich hatte VIELE neue gefunden, denen ich das game gezeigt hatte, aber denen wurde der Spaß am Spiel genommen.

I can read German but with writing I'll get all the gramer wrong so I'll say it in English.

You are absolutely 100% completely without a doubt correct.
When the war started I wanted to ensure xyz which was neutral wouldn't get punished form either side to be neutral. I so I went to obiwan who said he would be neutral and tryd to convince both sides to leave obiwan alone. The results? All of the defending side wanted to brake xyz ally's and demanded my kick. The rest keept demanding obiwan to ally which he didn't come for reasons I don't know myself (I guess he was sleeping at 22.00). Neutral clans have absolutely no respect form either side.

I was acused for bringing the war to 3.-3. I myself don't care about that lie how ever since my account had xyz lord xyz was unofficially officially blaimed. I blocked off gates form both sides and than both sides took it bady.

I walk around sk and see sk is full of spam. Nonsece!
I'll show you math everyone should know:



Keeping a clan neutral is hard because neutral equals opertunity.
With that I mean. If 50% is one side and 48% is the other with 2% being neutral. This is wery close so both sides in the example would want a small advantage. If you attack the neutrals pretending to be your own enemy they could join you. Here people don't let neutrality, option A or B. C helps no side so all you do is waste room.

I'm upset both sides are pulling neutral clans in. Now if I'm honest the defending side in my opinion is trying this a lot more.

There was a person form ADIK who kept helping the defending side. I kept saying NEUTRAL MEANS DON'T USE FOR WAR. That person couldn't listen till he got the inevitable kick. I bet after getting kicked he was talking how my imiges were made up or something.


First FT Lumberjack World Champion

Added ideas: More friends list space
Other ideas: New clan rank: Mayor, The team page

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Re: hi

Post by Niemand »


You are right!

The behaviour of many players is a reason for new players to quit game.

If somebody start playing he can play until lvl 100. Then he must buy items from other players or join a clan to craft. The most new players will not buy a private house. High price for a game you do not know really good.
So the new player join a clan and will be killed everyday from high-level players. Without any reason.
He loose equipment, xp and ...
... he LOOSE FUN!
He quit playing.
That is why many new players quit. No chance to craft and improve theirselfs when allways killed by accounts with thousends of levels higher.
Don't hurry! Take a fishing-rod and relax.
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Re: hi

Post by DAVEmanda »

SK first of all that I want to say you is no to leave.

Second is that if you want to be neutral you should no let anyone use your base to protect their self.

Here are two sides. Attackers and defenders.

Atm some attackers can use your base to come inside the map, the map is well closed but they come from your gates. You should sell them and put two walls to no give advance to attackers.
I let you a photo

Screenshot_20210610-110230.png (3.66 MiB) Viewed 6664 times
Defender are closing your base for this reason.

Other reason I am at autofire with your clan by your guards. I'm helping defending this map. And attackers go near your towers , now you broke alliance with me which results they go there hide and I hited by error you guards and got auto. Auto what doesn't rest from server reset. This happened to some other defender that are mages.

Neutral means neutral and no give nobody the advance.

I know you removed allies but panter666 and other still can go there.

I also know that you don't want PvP or that they attack you.
How I said I'm helping defending that means I will also help your clan if they attack you.

I don't want loose a player like you on FT. I don't want that you wake this message like bad. I'm only saying tips for your neutrality . Don't blaming your or anything else.

Foucs on what I said it of removing the two gates what let them come inside the map SK.

And don't leave FT , we need players like you that always try to help and help newiers to understand the game!
I say this with all my heart I don't want you leaving , doesn't take bad my words, they are only tips for you neutrality. I hope you don't leave and also keep you YouTube channel, I saw it and you are uploading very good stuff there .
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Re: hi

Post by SK1976 »

i think u r dukes all !?

than i think u knwing that the ally list has some bugs

i cant remove some allys. some i remove, but still staying in list.

its not my fault.

and if players accepted that sk not should be used for war than all ok.
i think all r using my base as the center of that war there.
all sides using it, and my frnds blocking me build in there.

its curiously...

i think i begin my game soon.

there is no more words to say.
that situation and this game only nerves me atm.

all high players fooling me and drewing me...

i know its a game...ut i builded sk a long time by myself and some real good frnds...and i not accpet that someone will erase it only for lil fun.
My time per hour i spended in game noone can pay me back !
And i done it for players ! not for myself at 1st.

And thats why i am mad. all saying that i should remove enemies from other clans out of my list.
Have u ever think about what could be that ur enemies not means thats my ?

All r knowing that i m friendly...now its lil time to kick back in ur....

I wait that time anyone will touch sk clan...

i m very mad because u f....ed me all there
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Re: hi

Post by madmaniacal1 »

SK1976 wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:39 pm i think u r dukes all !?

than i think u knwing that the ally list has some bugs

i cant remove some allys. some i remove, but still staying in list.

its not my fault.

and if players accepted that sk not should be used for war than all ok.
i think all r using my base as the center of that war there.
all sides using it, and my frnds blocking me build in there.

its curiously...

i think i begin my game soon.

there is no more words to say.
that situation and this game only nerves me atm.

all high players fooling me and drewing me...

i know its a game...ut i builded sk a long time by myself and some real good frnds...and i not accpet that someone will erase it only for lil fun.
My time per hour i spended in game noone can pay me back !
And i done it for players ! not for myself at 1st.

And thats why i am mad. all saying that i should remove enemies from other clans out of my list.
Have u ever think about what could be that ur enemies not means thats my ?

All r knowing that i m friendly...now its lil time to kick back in ur....

I wait that time anyone will touch sk clan...

i m very mad because u f....ed me all there
In order to protect your base from being abused by attackers and defenders alike, I have a small suggestion: close your gates using walls on the inside (you can sell the walls to get inside, then replace the wall), so that neither side can enter your base and abuse hiding there. After that, ally everyone who asks, so that your guards do not get them killed.
If you do this, nobody will have a reason to siege you, because you are neutral and allied, and nobody will be able to abuse your base to hide or attack other clans on the map.
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Re: hi

Post by SK1976 »

i given a finger for peace and removed a gate to get peace now...

and than they begin to siege

I will now hunt u all !

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Re: hi

Post by SK1976 »

if i not done it they will destroy my clan

now its too late.

CLAN SK is no longer me ! given to a frnd now

DUKE of SK-Clan
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