Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by SK1976 »

Very true man :)))
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by LostKnight »

There's truth in your words Mad.
Thank you.
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by justj99 »

• My MMO Main account is...

justj99 It's the first account I had and is still my main.

• All other MMO accounts are...

justj_bag1 - justj_bag5
j_storage1 - j_storage6
Ally Gator
Pig Of War
Meteor Man
Mama Soul
Papa Soul
Gravel Gut
Jim Stone
Larry Head
Planky Tom
Mama Yegba
Inga Adama
Inga Mets
Inga Souls
War Hawk
Steel Trap
Sam Steel

Wow, that's more than I thought!

• What accounts have you shared / bought / sold / traded?

None. 2 additional accounts have my email address, but they are my kids' accounts. They are/were too young for an email address, and I am under the impression that doesn't count as sharing.
Dark Dormo

• When did you start playing Forgotten Tales?

I think around February 2020. If I recall, I registered on the forum at about the same time that I started playing. I had to look up when that was on the forum. It could have been a little sooner or later, though. I'm not 100% sure. It wasn't a thing I realized I should keep track of! :)

• Why do you want to be a mod?

I think I can help this game and the staff. I hope to help the GM team and staff get the players in the game the support they need, want, and in some cases, deserve. I would like to help the game grow and improve, and I am willing to spend some of my time making that happen.

• Why do you think you should be a mod?

I enjoy helping players, but I'm also willing to punish players who are breaking the rules as well. From my perspective, any type of game where the players interact with one another needs a referee. I see this as being a big part of being a GM. There are rules that all the players have agreed to by playing. It is their job to know and follow the rules, and the role of the GM is to encourage good game play and to "call a foul" on those breaking the rules. I think some of the real life skills that I have could also benefit the GM team, and as I said, I would like to help the game, players, and staff. If the referee isn't fair or allows for unfair game play, then the entire game suffers.

• Have you ever been muted? If so, what for?

No. I may have had a rare slip of the keyboard a time or two, but have never been muted.

• Have you ever been outlawed? If so, what for?

No, but it's close. I think I have one player kill left before I get that shameful black name! :D I think the majority of the kills my main has were killing friends for a quick trip to spawn. Eventually, I figured out what those notifications meant and what an outlaw was. I decided that was not something I was interested in, so I started refusing those types of requests.

• Why should we accept you into the Mod community?:

First and foremost, I do understand that becoming a GM will likely change my view of the game. I am ready and willing to accept that change when it likely comes. I have always reported issues I found to the staff, and have even created a few maps to help the game grow. I have reported a few friends who I thought were crossing the lines and breaking some rules as well. I have certainly also reported some not so friendly players who I thought were breaking the rules.

All of that is to say that I will be honest and forthcoming with any issues or appearances of trouble. Truth and integrity are more important to me than the consequences that may follow from an indiscretion or disagreement. I have already helped the team with a few things regarding some new (not so new now) maps, and would never share information that was supposed to be protected. I would also certainly never give or share information about a player that wasn't already publicly known.

I think that you should accept me, because I will be a benefit to the team on the whole. I'm well aware that I'm not perfect, but I can promise to do my best.

• Did you read the Staff Rules (link above) before applying and will you follow them?

I read all 9 rules. Or all 15 if you count all of the sub rules to rule 9. I fully intend to treat all players equally as a GM. I don't have any enemies in the game to speak of. For my friends in the game, you should know that I won't have any sympathy for you if you break the rules. I know you know the rules, so I will know that you knew better. I would also never abuse GM authority or powers to exploit any part of the game. Informing a player why they are being punished before punishing them is ideal to avoid confusion (complaints will always come, I imagine), but there are some cases where that can't be done (I'm looking at you, AFK people and auto-clickers). All of the above includes Clan activities as well. I will represent myself well as a GM, even when I am logged in as a player.

• What is the current keyword?
"Courage", since 26/01/2018

• List 3 names of people that can support you being a mod. How long have you known these people?

I haven't actually talked to many, if any, of my friends about becoming a GM, so I haven't asked any of them, explicitly, to support me. I will probably post a message or two requesting feedback on my application a little bit after posting it. I welcome any good or bad comments. I could name any number of friends in the game whom I am sure would give me support. If I have to name 3 (which I guess I do), then I think I'll pick a fairly diverse group:

L3on3, I have known for over a year. Or has it been 2 already?
KillerrrOg, who just LOVES pvp, I have known for a bit over a year as well. He helped teach me a few things about PvP so I could protect myself when I was attacked. We still goof off in PvP every now and again for fun.
J Valdez is another person that I think would vouch for me. I think I've known him since a little bit before the Band Of Roads Alliance map was released. I'm not sure exactly how long ago that was.

• In which country you live and what is your timezone?
I live in the USA, and my time zone is Eastern Standard Time.

• What language(s) can you speak/type?
English is my native language. I can speak and understand a little bit of Spanish, but I wouldn't really count it as much of an asset. I am familiar with using a translator on either a phone keyboard or in a browser to communicate with other languages.

• Are you older than 18 years? ! Minimum age required is 18 years !

Yes, I am older than 18.
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by SellSword »

I support justj99's application without any hesitation. I've known justj99 in the game for awhile now and believe he would be a tremendous asset to the GM team. I could go on, but I'll keep it short and sweet.
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by LostKnight »

justj99 gets my vote for what it's worth.

Cannot think of a single reason why he should not be accepted and at least 99 why he should be. And attempt at humour there.

Good luck jj.
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by Gullander »

An excellent candidate for GM! He has been a great example as a player. I fully support a quick acceptance of his application! :)
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by Galbatroix »

Justj has my full support for becoming a GM. A great player who's always helping and very respectful :D
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by SK1976 »

Gogogo just99 :)

I think you doing it well.

But rhink about that its a lot work to be a GM !!!
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by justj99 »

Thanks for the support everyone! SK, I have given it a lot of thought, and I do realize it's a lot of work. I'll do my best! :)
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Re: Gamemaster Apprenticeship Program

Post by Shadow009 »

One of the first messages that I read after waking up today was justj99 applying for GM.

It made my morning!

I'm very happy about his decision to apply because I think he would be a GREAT GM. It also makes me happy to see people still being interested in this job, it's no easy one. If he hasn't mentioned being around since like February 2020 I would have thought he is around for much longer because of all his game knowledge.

In my opinion justj99 would be a great addition and help for the GM Team as he is supporting the game a lot already. +1 for a promotion!
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