A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

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A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Post by Gullander »

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

So goes the title of a comedy, and no there isn’t a plague in Crete! Rather this is a reflection upon my fifth anniversary of being a member and contributor on this forum. Beyond the forum add a year more playing online, and a half year playing the offline game first, so 6 ½ years in all entranced by this FT experience.

Briefly, and for those who know my forum entries brevity is not my strong point, let me begin by saying this, we can but offer and use the abilities we have. I would have enjoyed creating a map and adding content to the game, but that didn’t happen. But in my own way I have created a mental map, a map formed by words in the 20 unique stories etc that I have penned for this forum. In some of them I introduced yet unused characters in the game and expanded upon others. In some I sought to explain why certain story lines yet exist in FT and also the origin of my own account offering a back story. So if you will indulge me, I’d like to review some of the fun, writing on this forum has given me. But before I do I wish to thank all my readers over the years! I hope I have made your FT journey a bit brighter!

It all began with the ABC’s, short reflections on various aspects of the game with an eye to help new players get a glimpse of FT life. This desire to help has continued throughout my forum life trying to view things in the bigger picture of what is good for all FT players not just a select group or level range, but this is a remembrance not a political statement! Back to brevity, here’s a review of what was written.

5- Christmas Stories

2- Halloween Stories

1-Thanksgiving Story

2- Stories explaining my own character trials and release

4- Entries with nothing but FT puns!

1-Story mimicking the theme of Shakespeare’s play King Lear

1-Story explaining why the main quest line remains undone

1-Story seeing Sebastius in full light and introducing his evil daughter Sebastina!

1-Entry attempting to ask some plaguing (not Crete!) FT unanswerable questions

1-Fully developed Quest with a large back story

1-And of course the one that began it all the ABC’s, an A-Z of FT terms, places and things

Amongst these we heard of King Fear and learned later how he and King Corpse and King Scorpion held rule over all the monster and human types of FT. We learned how Santa got stuck in FT. We met memorable characters such as the Jester who though full of antics seemed the only one to have a firm grasp of reality. We met a brave ogre, Scrooge as a clan Duke, and an impressive teen brother and sister, and a host of other good and bad characters. Hopefully we met ourselves a bit in these stories too. Some stories were written during a tumultuous time in FT and tried to be positive to bolster morale or point out current trends for what they were. Some were part autobiographical with cryptic statements revealing my own FT struggles. Some surprised me while writing them. All were gifts, but some I seemed to be carried along while I wrote them. I could say more but let me end this way, it is my hope that something I have said in my numerous writings or in my regular input to other people’s posts I have helped others and also at times offered suggestions or ideas or perspectives that have helped FT in some way.

My signature for my forum account says “Mostly Retired” and that indeed is now true and my writing days of stories for the forum are over. A few unfinished works remain but all I can give you is a hint of what they might have been. There is an outline for a story “Lost but not Forgotten” that explains the real reason for black screens, frozen screens, and login problems. Briefly, it supposes these are caused by renegade gods who don’t adhere to the usual rules of FT based upon the balance of good, evil, and neutral forces. Into it our teen heroes Dagan and Lysa are called upon yet again by the mage council to help players trapped in these glitches back to freedom. Also I had a quest/map idea for a Gnomish land with a series of challenges. But there comes a time one must apply their mind to something else. So there awaits my penning “The EZ Adventures” with Emmie and Zoe facing rather curious discoveries. Emmie is my granddaughter Emmeline and Zoe is her best friend!

And now again I want to thank the forum format for allowing me the option to write stories on it, and thanks to all who have read or read and commented on my offerings. It was a gift to me I was honored to share with you!

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Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Post by Leone »

I'd love to read the black screen stories!
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Re: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum

Post by Gullander »

Alas it is like the unfinished third season of the young adult Brit sci-fi of the 80's The Tripods where our heroes in their third story find the show cancelled! :lol: But like the TV series we suspect somehow our heroes succeed and all will be well again.
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