Storyline for Forgotten Tales - old post about it.

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Storyline for Forgotten Tales - old post about it.

Post by hks123 »

"Foreword to the creator"
a big thank you to the developers team and admin for having this simple but yet additive game, the many updates you have provided the quick respond of bugs reports you make an update, all that dedication and commitment you somehow managed to keep the game free.
hope you guys get to keep warm and have food on the table :)
Keep up the great work ! and have a Very Merry Christmas!
before you read on please take note this is a memoir of the once powerful who have walked the forgotten realm.
(Remember that was how the game started saying you we 're once more powerful)

I hope you have gone through the game at least once to the  point before the last update where the story goes, you closed the portal and ripped off the legendary shield from the dead warrior :P

-----------------(biggest spoiler)---------------------
Waking up in the forest,
I once remember I was more powerful and stronger than this with a travel party of 5,

bowman which I saw hunting red spiders, funny hobby to have with a bow & arrow.

uncle axe which was kicked out when the orc took over the gold mine. he seeks revenge from the orc reclaiming what was once the wealth of the town. Nobel values are hard to come by these days

Ugh the ogre which I met during my exploration to the upper reaches of the river looking for zender fish.
He was surely far away from his land,he can not be the strongest in his clam, an outcast perhaps.

for a very short while there was the blue knight, which was a real pain in the butt for his slow walking speed and the only one who wants 1000gold to Join(it was all I had during the early days). it was not long before I heard of his old partner the white mage which failed him once when he wanted to imbue a rune in his sword. he refuse to pay the blacksmith for the job and asked the mage to do for free. gold to him is just too precious. it won't be long before he leaves the party.

the white mage, meet him during my exploration to the Iceland, he was looking for a pair of bracelet which said holds ancient power. the only one capable of taking on the ogre was his old partner "the blue knight". white mage left the cave entrance as soon as I hand him the pair of bracelet. he was off to show off his powers to the realm. only to be lost for his lust for a gypsy when he stopped for honey. he was mourning beside the rocks when I met him for the second time. he was more than happy to join the party when we met for the second time. He has learn his lesson that knowledge is the greatest power,  no items or tools can replace experience.

one not to be forgotten was the queen, though very rarely mentioned she was in the party during the early days. giving moral support and had a fair load of experience before white mage joined the party. She wasn't all happy to rejoin the court life and politics after some adventure, perhaps we''ll meet again some other time milady.

-------------------------------------------(restart of a journey)--------------------------------------------------
restart ----
I have decided to venture again to see how young (low exp) could I be before having white mage joint the party.
it wasn't long before I recall I have stashed away some goodies from my pass adventures. there are 2 places I can go to pick up some stashed away goodies.

1) the bandit towers- key less entry with no guards  as long as you keep away from the door with the gold chest, perfect when even the wolf can have me begging for mummy , hehehe
a level 3 sword waiting plus the bandits stash upstairs,
hope they won't mind me running off with it :P ,
seems the bandit ain't too happy seeing me taking off with the loot , luckily escape route to the south is just a few steps away :)

2) since I am very near the ogre caves might as well see how is the white mage going with his bracelet, he still waits for me to get him both
I am capable of getting one of them in the chest, solo effort 'poke like mad' there is no stealth in the game but I can still make some my own :)
the next one will have to wait for a while until I have gathered my loots , sell it off to pay off the blue knight and a few more members to from the 'operation green bracelet' team.

3) The disused caves in the ice wasteland, "not for the faint hearted"
was I in BIG trouble to find out it is taken over by the Ice Cyclops !!
I left some very good loot in there, 3 of the Level 5 weapons a bow, an axe and my own sword
there is always some danger in an adventurer's life,  here goes ,
"save on slot2" , just before you approach the caves entrance.
it may take a few tries plus some luck , trust me it is worth it
each weapon sells 900gold, plus the bandit's stash I can already pay off the blue knight.
think the ice has badly damaged the bow it somehow harden the strings seriously affecting the user's speed and range but the extra ice do a tiny bit more damage.
-my personal choice for trade

4) on the "must visit list" is the last survival from the dragon village.
he will have a sword of swiftness waiting just by talking to him.
sell it for much needed gold for now :P
I will fulfill my promise to kill as many dragons that passes my paths, but not now perhaps as soon as the white mage joins the party. Dragon Beware !!
- (Side note)
even nearing her palace and her beloved king the queen still refuse to return to her place, for now she has just started the adventurer's life and will not mind having the experience to defend her land should the need arise. if only she would hold a weapon she will still be traveling with the party.

-'forming the green bracelet team'
sell off some stuff and go pay off Blue knight to grab the second bracelet.

the best possible combo I can come up with is 177exp when I get white mage in the group
I should be level 2
1 ogre in the caves (11exp) + quest from Mage (166exp)
White mage should be 200+ exp more than me :P
after that, the next mile stone is 3000gold for the green spell for dragon slaying at level 2 ,, muah hahahaha,,
Last edited by Gandalf on Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: spelling error
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Re: Storyline for Forgotten Tales - old post about it.

Post by compbatant »

Nice story :)

"developers team and admin" person only, me :)

Merry Christmas to you too!
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Re: Storyline for Forgotten Tales - old post about it.

Post by Sarumar »

... only one person behind this all ... WOW, really nice work !

Thanks for this game... I love it ;)
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Re: Storyline for Forgotten Tales - old post about it.

Post by hks123 »

my hat are off for you!
one guy runs the whole operation

am glad to know you liked the story.
post the story here just incase someone comments about the lack of story line in the game,
feel free to use the post in what ever way you see fit.
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Re: Storyline for Forgotten Tales - old post about it.

Post by F-Omni/C-Alpha/U-Fighter »

Sir, I got to admit, when I see a good story rarely and this is one of them,good job.
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Re: Storyline for Forgotten Tales - old post about it.

Post by hks123 »

glad to know you enjoyed reading the story FinalOmni :D

credits also to the developers :)
after all he is the one who originally made up the story,,
we just rediscover it .
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