AFK Leveling

As the description says!

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AFK Leveling

Post by madmaniacal1 »

New rules due to new pets.
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Re: AFK Leveling

Post by maleficence »

Yes. I've seen a bit of this already around the blue Vlads. In which a player will leave his pets at one spawn point while his character triggered another on the far side of the map. I've also come across a few who like to hang about me and wait till I trigger a spawn in order to streal my kills and lower my effective healing potential.

There was a particular group of 5-6 players near the witch who continuously spawned crazed lions. Even apraoching her caused 4 to spawn on the would be quester. (The NPC spawned a bit south of the hut)

After I asked politely to stop spawning for a few seconds.. And being ignored.. and after fleeing from the lions to recover HP only to be killed in clan map twice. I took the liberty to lead several hordes of blue mushymen to attack the lot of them.

The few deaths and several logouts i caused, was worth losing my blitzboots and entangled bracelet over.

To any players who choose to hinder or abuse the progress of others, may encounter that low level players are more ruthless to the offending players and their pets.
Glad the GMs can help in the matter and perhaps I won't have to resort to such methods anymore.

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Re: AFK Leveling

Post by DaHobbit »

Let me summarize maleficence's post: "Someone was doing something that bothered me so I violated FT rules, and I liked it."

If a player parks his/her pets, and plays in another spot, there is nothing wrong with that. Only if the player does not play, but stays logged in so that his pets continue to grind while the player is sleeping is it considered "AFK" and is now in violation of FT game rules.

Leading spawns onto other players has been an FT game rule violation for a very long time. Maleficence, you just admitted to violating a rule that we usually punish through various ways: kicking, outlawing & jailing. Please review the game rules again, and note this play is not acceptable.
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Re: AFK Leveling

Post by maleficence »

That's what they were doing. They parked themselves and their pets in one location that continuously spawned lions throughout the top and around quest NPCs. Out of the group only one was actively moving about.

They basically formed a wall of pets that ganged up and attacked monsters while blocking anyone who wished to start or or finish the quests in that area from doing so.

1. I asked politely. And all I asked for was a few seconds to initiate dialogue.
2. I was blatantly ignored.
3. After trying to initiate dialogue(before and after my ignored request) I was spammed by crazed lions
4. I left to clan map to heal. And was followed and killed by one of the members in the group. (This happened twice, albeit the second occured after was after I mobbed them with mushies and was partially deserved)

This was pure malice on their part; and if Anyone deserved a mushy horde it was this group in particular.

I'm a fair player who believes in courtesy. But i don't believe in fairness to to those who don't bother to give it and blatantly hinder others. Yes I was happy to do it... Anyone would be.
I would have been just as happy to handle things peacefully or wait without being attacked while I was in the red by someone double my level.
Two wrongs don't make a right but with busy moderators abusers should know that the abused bite back.
Anyone who AFKs should be aware that the highest level monsters within a map can mysteriously spawn near them.

I'm not defending my actions.
I'm giving fair warning to the uncourteous.

(SIMPLY BLOCK THE SPAWN POINT FOR TWO whole SECONDS) it won't kill you... But an angry newbie with a horde will.
I've been mobbed and killed in that area no less than 6 times while trying to talk to NPCs from groups like this.
Last edited by maleficence on Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AFK Leveling

Post by maleficence »

DaHobbit wrote: If a player parks his/her pets, and plays in another spot, there is nothing wrong with that. Only if the player does not play, but stays logged in so that his pets continue to grind while the player is sleeping is it considered "AFK" and is now in violation of FT game rules.
With this I'd have to agree. To a point.
For example let's say six players enter an area with pets that can generally take care of themselves fighting monsters in the area. Let's say that each player parks a pair of pets at spawn points A, B, and C... While their main character grinds in D, E, F, G, H, I, K, and L.

New player comes along and wants to grind Points A B and C are relatively open and out of the way from large swarms created by the other character.
But when spawning at these points find that the high level pets to which there are 4 in each spot moderately or quickly make meals of the enemies and deprive that character of exp.

Is it still abuse then? In my eyes its the same thing. If every player decides he can take 2 spawn points he's essentially depriving another character of that point. When six players take up 9-12 spawn points on a map it becomes a problem.

My objection wasn't parking pets on the map.. But purposefully parking them at other spawn points to steal exp from other grinders in that area.

With stronger pets and more buyers. It could become a very big issue at later dates.
It's the developers role to make changes that encourage gameplay in all of its aspects.
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Dejahlia(111) Faerie.
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Re: AFK Leveling

Post by karaage »

Location to the leveling is limited.
So i belive that this problem occurs.
I'm so weak mage…

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Re: AFK Leveling

Post by Ryaca »

Everytime I have to go to the witches sister shop on weissten cave map to buy items, I always know that I'm either going to be attacked, killed or spawned on because a bunch of A-holes are ALWAYS there. Being an A-hole must be a requirement to grind near the witches sister shop.
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Re: AFK Leveling

Post by KOREA »

Dear sir, Dear Mr. Hobbit,
t,s not fair that you kicking the persons who didn't say you, ,hi,, for 40 sec. Some people at this 40 seconds may chat..some can check the mape some can have a phone call, some can watch the news on tv, some need to use the toilet, some people play by 2 or 3 acounts....2 times my archer Toohey was kicked without reasons by you Mr. Hobbit. You are the write in your app for mods that you help ppl...but you are only kicking...i know the ppl who asked you for help and were kicked by you for 10 minutes. ADMINS AND CREATOR MUST THINK ABOUT CHANGING YOUR OWN LAW! !! If not... ppl stop buying pets cos of you! You are right ,you should kick those players who all the day and night are online and playing by pets.(AFK).. but not who can,t say you for 44 seconds "hi" .. ( you said me that ...why Toohey was kicked 300 minutes .."cos he didn,t say me ,"hi" for 44 seconds." Admins can check our converciations......
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