Trade Affinity and Siege Weapons

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Trade Affinity and Siege Weapons

Post by MadMikael »

This post is still under review for accuracy
So why post it?
I've been away for a year; missed many updates, and trying to make some material easily available as I find it.
If anyone sees anything on here that is wrong or out of date, please contact me - MadMikael

Original Post by kollex » Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:34 am found here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12791
kollex wrote:Due to natural Affinity every class now will become more or less efficient with different trades: mining, tree felling, fishing, building, crafting and siege mastery.
For each class 2 trades will become more natural and easy, 2 will become more difficult and taxing, 2 will remain the same.

Active since 10:13 FT time 12.06
Corrected class / trade affinity table *
tradeaffinity.jpg (70.33 KiB) Viewed 3271 times
* Higher numbers mean the class is better at a trade, lower- worse, 1 = default value
kollex wrote: 1. New trade is added - Siege Mastery. Progression is as usual, next level requiring twice as much effort as current, level 1 requires 500 shots with siege weapon.

2. Siege weapons become more efficient: their damage will now depend on character level: 50 * charLevel * classSiegeAffinity.
Their Health will depend on character HP : charHP * 3
Their speed (frequency of attack) will depend on new Siege Mastery trade, basic speed - same as before , 1 attack per 5 seconds.
They will no longer limit character movement speed, but they will not extend the backpack either, thus it will be impossible to abuse them as safe BP extension in dangerous zones. They will still count as a follower.

Original Post by compbatant » Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:09 pm found here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12938
compbatant wrote:Finally we announce the big balance update for clan buildings and sieging.

Times needed to build / destroy / repair any defensive building have been tuned to scale 100% / 75% / 50% respectively.
E.g. if it takes 100 char-hours to build a tower/castle, it will now take 75 char-hours to destroy it and 50 hours to repair it from almost completely destroyed state.

Longer explanation:
I. Sieges.
We introduce 2 siege weapons:

1. Short range siege weapon - has to be placed inside the reach of towers/castles, has a static amount of HP and infinite ammo.
2. Long range siege weapon - can shoot outside the reach of towers/castles, but needs stone missiles to shoot. Has relatively low HP, will easily die from a leveled tower/castle, if placed inside the protected range.

No siege weapon stats depend on owner level/HP etc.
They can now be crafted in any castle or tower variation.

Both siege weapons have same damage output, the number of shots per missile and HP of the tougher one are calculated so that owner would operate them 1/2 of the time, spending the other half for letting the tougher one heal or go to blacksmith and craft new missiles for the long-range one.

II. Castles / towers.
We have a number of changes here too:
- castles have a bit better resource/HP-damage ratio (~1.1*) than towers, but have smaller range;
- all buildings have now quite high Magic Resistance and Damage Resistance, applied to damage done by characters directly - it is done so that main weapons of attack will be siege weapons, while characters are playing the support role in PvB;
- Big Castle and Square Tower do more damage to enemies than Tough (regular) Castle and Round Tower respectively, but...
- Tough Castle and Round Tower have more HP than their counterparts;
- Big Castle and Square Tower are more resistant to mundane damage, while
- Tough Castle and Round Tower are more resistant to Magic damage;
- resources required to repair the structures will amount to 1/2 of what was required to build them (depending on the level of damage, of course, 1/2 is form almost destroyed, if destroyed to 1/2 the resources required will be 1/4 etc.)
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