Help me name these monsters - win free levels

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Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by DaHobbit »

Okay, I need help. I created the mine and added a bunch of different worms, but the superior monsters have the same name as the original. Kinda lame. Based on comments from players, I decided to give the worms some names. The names I was coming up with were almost as lame as keeping them all the same name. So how better to give them very creative names than to have a contest where everyone can suggest names for the worms.
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worms names.jpg
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It would be nice to give these worms a name change as soon as possible, but to give more players an opportunity to offer suggestions, and give a greater chance that these worms will have the best possible name, it would be best to have the contest run for 1 week. At the end of the week, I will consider all of the suggestions and comments, and choose the new names from the entries. The player who suggested the winning name will receive 5 levels.

The first column of worms (the two on the left - top and bottom) are superior earthworms. They don't necessarily need a "deadly" sounding name. I was thinking of the bottom one being "Grub Worm". To make it easier to talk about them, we will call these worms 1 and 2. (1 being on top, 2 on the bottom)
The second column of worms (the two in the middle) are superior ancient worms. These are deadly. We will call these worms 3 and 4.(3 being on top, 4 on the bottom)
The last column of worms (the ones on the right side) are superior death worms. Also deadly worms, so need a "deadly" sounding name. We will call these worms 5 and 6. (5 being on top, 6 on the bottom)

Current Name Suggestions:

1: Swamp Caterpillar (NightBaby - 5 levels - claimed)
2: Duong Dua Grub (Coconut worm)
3: Ancient Indigo Worm (blitzcraig - 5 levels - claimed)
4: Toxic Caterpillar (MadMikael- 5 levels - claimed)
5: Emperor Death Worm (Leone - 5 levels - claimed)
6: Anthrax (XxBOGxX - 5 levels - claimed)

My current first choice. My current second choice.

1: First Earthworm
juvenile grub worm
Creeper or Creeping Worm
Manduca Worm
Swamp Caterpillar
Beta Worm
Grass Caterpillar
Toxic Caterpillar

2: Second Earthworm
Grub Worm
fledgling worm
Wood Worm
Goldilocks Worm
Sunburnt Grub Worm
Rune Worm
Flower Spreader
Sir Hiss
Duong Dua Grub
Desert worm (I like this - I was actually thinking it looked like a Sand Worm and saw this so I think there is a similar view here)

3: Ancient Worm
usurper worm
Night Crawler
Ancient Indigo Worm
Cave Lurker
Gambit Worm
Sky Crawler
Slytherin's Basilisk
Sinister worm

4: Ancient Worm
ravager worm
Toxic Caterpillar
Ancient Lime Worm
Poison Grub Worm
Pandora Worm
Green Giant

5: Death Worm
superior death worm
Parasitic Worm
Envious Death Worm
Toxic Leech
Satan's Appendix
Crawling Booger
Bioluminiscent Crawler

6: Death Worm
emperor death worm
Incisor Maggot
Albino Death Worm
Legendary Worm
Bioluminescent Worm
Frozen Earthworm
Alpha Death Worm
Mongolian Death Worm
Albino Crawler

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第一列蠕蟲(左邊的兩個 - 頂部和底部)是優越的蚯蚓。他們不一定需要一個“致命”的冠冕堂皇的名字。我正在考慮最後一個是“Grub蠕蟲”。為了便於談論它們,我們將這些蠕蟲稱為1和2(1位在頂部,2位在底部)
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Okay, potrzebuję pomocy. Stworzyłem kopalnię i dodałem kilka różnych robaków, ale lepsze potwory mają taką samą nazwę jak oryginał. Kinda lame. Na podstawie komentarzy od graczy postanowiłem nadać im nazwy. Imiona, które wymyśliłem, były niemal tak kiepskie, jak utrzymywanie ich w tym samym imieniu. Lepiej więc nadać im bardziej kreatywne nazwy niż konkurs, w którym każdy może zasugerować imiona robaków.

Byłoby miło dać te robaki jak najszybciej zmienić nazwę, ale aby dać więcej graczom możliwość przedstawienia sugestii i dać większą szansę, że te robaki będą miały najlepszą możliwą nazwę, najlepiej byłoby, gdyby konkurs biegnij przez 1 tydzień. Pod koniec tygodnia rozważę wszystkie sugestie i komentarze oraz wybiorę nowe nazwiska z wpisów.

Pierwsza kolumna robaków (dwie po lewej - góra i dół) to lepsze dżdżownice. Niekoniecznie potrzebują "zabójczo brzmiącej nazwy". Myślałem o dolnym - "Grub Worm". Aby ułatwić rozmowę na ich temat, nazwiemy te robaki 1 i 2. (1 na górze, 2 na dole)
Druga kolumna robaków (dwie w środku) to lepsze starożytne robaki. Te są śmiertelne. Nazwiemy te robaki 3 i 4. (3 na górze, 4 na dole)
Ostatnia kolumna robaków (te po prawej stronie) są lepszymi robakami śmierci. Również śmiertelne robaki, więc potrzebują "zabójczo brzmiącego imienia". Nazwiemy te robaki 5 i 6 (5 na górze, 6 na dole)
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Ok, preciso de ajuda. Eu criei a mina e adicionei um monte de worms diferentes, mas os monstros superiores têm o mesmo nome que o original. Meio manco. Com base nos comentários dos jogadores, decidi dar alguns nomes aos vermes. Os nomes que eu estava inventando eram quase tão ruins quanto mantê-los todos com o mesmo nome. Então, quanto melhor dar nomes criativos a eles do que ter um concurso onde todos possam sugerir nomes para os vermes.

Seria bom dar a estes vermes uma mudança de nome o mais rápido possível, mas para dar a mais jogadores a oportunidade de oferecer sugestões, e dar uma chance maior de que esses vermes tenham o melhor nome possível, seria melhor ter o concurso correr por uma semana. No final da semana, considerarei todas as sugestões e comentários e escolherei os novos nomes das entradas.

A primeira coluna de vermes (os dois à esquerda - topo e fundo) são minhocas superiores. Eles não precisam necessariamente de um nome de som "mortal". Eu estava pensando na parte inferior sendo "Grub Worm". Para tornar mais fácil falar sobre eles, chamaremos esses worms 1 e 2. (1 no topo, 2 no final)
A segunda coluna de vermes (os dois no meio) são vermes antigos superiores. Estes são mortais. Vamos chamar esses vermes 3 e 4. (3 sendo no topo, 4 no fundo)
A última coluna de vermes (os do lado direito) são vermes mortais superiores. Também worms mortais, então precisa de um nome de som "mortal". Vamos chamar esses vermes 5 e 6. (5 sendo no topo, 6 no fundo)
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Хорошо, мне нужна помощь. Я создал шахту и добавил кучу разных червей, но превосходящие монстры имеют то же имя, что и оригинал. Своего рода. Основываясь на комментариях игроков, я решил дать червям несколько имен. Имена, которые я придумывал, были почти такими же хромыми, как и их одноименное имя. Итак, как лучше дать им очень творческие имена, чем провести конкурс, где каждый может предложить имена для червей.

Было бы неплохо дать этим червям изменение имени как можно скорее, но чтобы дать больше игрокам возможность предложить предложения и дать больше шансов, что эти черви будут иметь наилучшее возможное имя, было бы лучше, если бы конкурс работать в течение 1 недели. В конце недели я рассмотрю все предложения и комментарии и выберу новые имена из записей.

Первый столбец червей (два слева - сверху и снизу) являются превосходящими дождевыми червями. Им не обязательно нужно «смертельное» звучащее имя. Я думал, что нижняя часть - «Grub Worm». Чтобы было легче говорить о них, мы будем называть этих червей 1 и 2. (1 сверху, 2 внизу)
Второй столбец червей (два в середине) - это более древние черви. Это смертельно. Мы будем называть этих червей 3 и 4. (3 сверху, 4 внизу)
Последний столбец червей (тех, что на правой стороне) являются превосходящими червями смерти. Также смертоносные черви, поэтому нужно «смертельное» звучащее имя. Мы будем называть эти черви 5 и 6. (5 сверху, 6 внизу)
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Tamam, yardıma ihtiyacım var. Madeni yarattım ve bir sürü farklı solucan ekledim, ancak üstün canavarlar orijinaliyle aynı isme sahipler. Kinda lame. Oyuncuların yorumlarına dayanarak, solucanlara bazı isimler vermeye karar verdim. Geldiğim isimler neredeyse aynı ismi koruyarak neredeyse topal gibiydi. Onlara herkesin solucanlar için isim önerebileceği bir yarışmaya sahip olmaktan çok yaratıcı isimler vermelisiniz.

Bu solucanlara mümkün olan en kısa zamanda bir isim değişikliği vermek iyi olur, ancak daha fazla oyuncuya öneri sunma fırsatı verir ve bu solucanların mümkün olan en iyi isme sahip olma şansını arttırır, yarışma için en iyisi olur 1 hafta koş. Haftanın sonunda, tüm önerileri ve yorumları ele alacağım ve girişlerden yeni isimleri seçeceğim.

Solucanların ilk sütunu (soldaki ve soldaki ikisi) üstün solucanlardır. Mutlaka "ölümcül" bir isme ihtiyaç duymazlar. En altını "Grub Solucanı" olarak düşünüyordum. Onlar hakkında konuşmayı kolaylaştırmak için, bu solucanları 1 ve 2 olarak adlandıracağız. (1'i tepede, 2'si de altta)
Solucanların ikinci sütunu (ortadaki ikisi) üstün antik solucanlardır. Bunlar ölümcül. Bu solucanlar 3 ve 4 olarak adlandıracağız. (3 üste, 4 ü altta)
Solucanların son sütunu (sağ taraftakiler) üstün ölüm solucanlarıdır. Ayrıca ölümcül solucanlar, bu yüzden "ölümcül" sondaj ismine ihtiyacım var. Bu solucanlar 5 ve 6 olarak adlandıracağız. (5 üstte 6, en altta 6)
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by Leone »

I imagine them going through an aging process and getting deadlier as they age:

1 juvenile grub worm
2 fledgling worm
3 usurper worm
4 ravager worm
5 superior death worm
6 emperor death worm
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by MadMikael »

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Now, I don't see why they have to have the exact same names... I mean, you could just add a prefix, and that will be cool for most, but I get different ideas when I see these, so here are my suggestions:

1. Creeper or Creeping Worm
2. Wood Worm
3. Night Crawler
4. Toxic Caterpillar
5. Parasitic Worm
6. Incisor Maggot
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by blitzcraig »

normally I would go with things like forest, ice etc... but seeing as how they're all in the same place I don't feel that works for me... using the mentioned number pattern, and trying to incorporate how powerful each is...

1> Manduca Worm
2> Goldilocks Worm
3> Ancient Indigo Worm
4> Ancient Lime Worm
5> Envious Death Worm
6> Albino Death Worm

or alternative for #1or#2 = EWJ ;)

or alternative for any = Death Adder (yes, I know that's a snake, not a Worm... still I like it :p )
Last edited by blitzcraig on Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by NightBaby »

My suggestions.. :)
1. Swamp Caterpillar? (I couldn't think of anything :lol: )
2. Sunburnt Grub Worm
3. Cave Lurker
4. Poison Grub Worm
5. Toxic Leech
6. Legendary Worm
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by Humble_M »

Since I'm totally insane...

1 Silas
2 Dirk
3 Tom
4 Dick
5 Harry
6 Scrappy
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by NightBaby »

Humble_M wrote: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:27 pm Since I'm totally insane...

1 Silas
2 Dirk
3 Tom
4 Dick
5 Harry
6 Scrappy
I never thought to give them actual names!! :o
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by XxBOGxX »

1- глиста
2- слизняк
3- безумный
4- мертвый
5- шредер
6- гниляк
С уважением XxBOGxX ;)
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels

Post by DwarfTank »

Worm 1: Beta Worm
(Least deadly name I could come up with that wasn't corny)

Worm 2: Rune Worm
(Not a deadly sounding name either but I think it fits the game atmosphere it is located in)

Worm 3: Gambit Worm
(Sounds deadly enough to me)

Worm 4: Pandora Worm
(Ominous enough? This worm could possibly give random drops, drop rate .0001%)

Worm 5: Satan's Appendix
(It's too bad rupturing worm animations aren't available)

Worm 6: Bioluminescent Worm
(Surround it with the aura the mage skins use, or use the original +2 green aura ring)

best I can come up with at this time, goodluck to all.
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Re: Help me name these monsters - win free levels


Worm 1 - Frederick
Worm 2 - Billy
Worm 3 - Morris
Worm 4 - Timmy
Worm 5 - Jim
Worm 6 - Brian
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